Adriana Romero-Olivares has published her second dissertation chapter:

Romero-Olivares, A. L., S. D. Allison, and K. K. Treseder. 2017. Soil microbes and their response to experimental warming over time: a meta-analysis of field studies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 107: 32-40.

In it, she documents long-term trends in soil respiration under global warming. She found that, across a number of field experiments, warming initially increases the release of CO2 from soils. However, after about 10 years of warming, that effect weakens to the point at which it is no longer detectable. This long-term trend is useful in predicting ecosystem feedbacks on climate change.

Adriana is a fifth-year PhD student in Treseder Lab. You can learn more about her research here.