Department of Pharmacology Facilities in Med Surge II
Autoclave (Getinge/Castle 110LS Sterilizer)
Centrifuge, high-speed (Beckman-Coulter J-20XP)
Centrifuge, tabletop (Thermo Forma 5682)
CLAMP system for measuring metabolism
Copier and fax machine (in admin. ofc.)
Cryostat (Microm)
EEG recording and analysis system for sleep
FLIPR (Molecular Devices)
Glassware washer (Getinge/Castle DECOMAT 4656)
Locomotor boxes (5)
Mass spectrometer (Micromass Q-TOF)
Maze (elevated plus)
MCID computer-assisted image analysis system
Microscope (Fluorescence)/Microscope (phase contrast) with computer control
(Carl Zeiss Axiovert/Axioskop)
Q-PCR machine (Applied Biosystems 7700HT)
Scale-microgram (Cahn)
Scintillation counter
Scintillation counter (Beckman)
Self-administration chambers (18 operant)
Shared Equipment located in the Gillespie Neurosciences Research Facility:
High-performance liquid chromatography (1100, Agilent)
Nano-high-performance liquid chromatography (1100, Agilent)
Mass spectrometer (electrospray single quadrupole, Agilent)
Mass spectrometer (electrospray XCT ion trap, Agilent)
Mass spectrometer (CHIP ion trap, Agilent)