Current Research:
Aircraft Noise Procedure Modeling and Validation (FAA ASCENT 44)
Goal: to utilize empirical noise data to develop data-based validation of existing noise models and noise mitigation potential of advanced operational flight procedures.
Approaching and departing aircraft produce noise levels that disturb communities surrounding airports. While the noise due to aircraft has decreased significantly over the past few decades, improvements in navigation technologies have resulted in aircraft overflying some communities with increased frequency, leading to increased disturbances around airports. Advanced noise abatement approach and departure procedures, where the thrust, altitude, velocity, and configuration profiles are modified compared to standard flight procedures, are potential avenues to reduce community noise impacts.
This project explores approaches to combine emerging sources of flight data from flight data recorders and other sources such as ADS-B with current and emerging networks of ground noise monitors to validate or improve aircraft noise models and to validate proposed noise abatement procedures.
Noise Modeling of Advanced Air Mobility Flight Vehicles (FAA ASCENT 84)
Goal: This project will develop first principles noise models of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicle configurations to make community noise predictions resulting from these aircraft flying in various operating states. Estimated noise levels from these models will be used to develop methods needed for a UAM/AAM-compatible Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) to make preliminary noise estimates for these vehicles. Various vehicle configurations are currently being considered for feasibility for use in UAM and AAM operations, including but not limited to short takeoff and landing (STOL) configurations, tilt-rotor vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and tilt-duct VTOL configurations, each which have unique sources and operating modes. Thus, targets of opportunity will be identified to estimate the noise levels and develop AEDT compatibility for these vehicles and operating modes. The work will be expanded to generalized AAM operations and the models developed will be used to make preliminary noise footprint estimates for a variety of configurations.
The research team identified three AAM vehicle configurations for the initial noise modeling development. Vehicles examined include a blown-flap short takeoff and landing (Blown-Flap STOL) vehicle, tilt-rotor vertical takeoff and landing (Tilt-Rotor VTOL) vehicle, and lift plus cruise vertical takeoff and landing (LPC-VTOL) vehicle.
A preliminary methodology to determine the performance characteristics of given AAM aircrafts has been developed. As such, the presented framework enables the preliminary assessment of community noise levels for varied AAM types and operations.
Noise Modeling of Blended Wing Body Vehicles
In collaboration with JetZero, the objective of this project is to provide noise certification estimates and community noise impacts of their ultra-efficient blended wing body aircraft they are developing. This work involves developing an analysis methodology that is capable of designing the aircraft’s propulsion system and the corresponding performance capabilities that are necessary in order to assess the flight vehicle’s noise sources and overall community noise impact.
Acoustic Modeling and Testing of Interacting Rotors
Funded by MUREP MPLAN Grant, UC Irvine and our partner OptimAero aim to develop scaling methods and models for aerodynamics, acoustics, and performance characteristics of full-scale multirotor advanced aerial mobility (AAM) and/or urban air mobility (UAM) eVTOL vehicles prior to vehicle construction.
Alternative Energy Sources for Transport Aircraft
In collaboration with the UC Irvine National Fuel Cell Research Center, we are investigating the implications of the integration of hydrogen combustion and fuel cells into large scale transport aircraft by combining state of the art hydrogen research with aircraft design.
Check back soon for more updates.
Past Research and Projects:
Human Powered Airplane at UC Irvine (2010-2016)
Goal: to design, build, and fly a human powered aircraft. Final aircraft specs: wing span 108 ft, takeoff weight 300 lbs.