MAE 263: Aircraft Systems and the Environment

Methods for analyzing aviation systems, flight and engine performance, and operations, and associated modern environmental challenges, including fuel burn, emissions, and noise are introduced. Analysis methods and technological and policy approaches for environmental impact mitigation examined. Taught concurrently with MAE 163.
MAE 108: Aerospace Laboratory

Analytical and experimental investigation in aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. Emphasis on study of flow over objects and lift and drag on airfoils. Introduction to basic diagnostic techniques. Report writing is emphasized.
MAE 158: Aircraft Performance

Flight theory applied to subsonic propeller and jet aircraft. Nature of aerodynamic forces, drag and lift of wing and fuselage, high-lift devices, level-flight performance, climb and glide performance, range, endurance, take-off and landing distances, static and dynamic stability and control.
MAE 163: Aircraft Systems and the Environment

Methods for analyzing aviation systems, flight and engine performance, and operations, and associated modern environmental challenges, including fuel burn, emissions, and noise are introduced. Analysis methods and technological and policy approaches for environmental impact mitigation examined. Taught concurrently with MAE 263.
MAE 151AB/93: AIAA Design Build Fly
High School
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science
Cluster 5: Sustainable Aviation Systems
In this cluster, students will be introduced to aerospace and mechanical engineering, including the engineering design process and the fundamentals of flight mechanics. Students will study the performance and emissions tradeoffs between different fuel-types for various modes of transportation, such as liquid fuels, electrification, solar energy, and fuel cells. Students will also be introduced to fabrication techniques such as computer aided drawing and 3D printing as a method to communicate their designs. Students will apply these concepts to design, build, and fly a remote-controlled aircraft for the cluster capstone project. Over the course of the cluster, students will gain perspective about the long-term environmental impacts of their designs, as well as exciting solutions that are being proposed for the future of the industry.
Aerospace Engineering
Community noise due to aircraft departing and arriving from airports remains an important constraint in aviation environmental impact reduction and the broadening of new aircraft operations. The Aircraft Systems Laboratory is currently studying advanced air mobility (AAM) or a new class of aircraft and operations that have the potential to open up many new possibilities in flight, but whose community noise impacts are still unknown. The aircraft being proposed for AAM often feature many open propellers interacting with each other. Fellows will gain exposure to the performance modeling and noise measurements of different propellers and how those relate to the noise reduction potential of future AAM aircraft. Fellows will learn about modeling softwares such as laser scanning and Solidworks and how they help researchers to study performance impacts. In addition, the noise of different propellers studied during the program will be measured on a test bed and compared to modeled results at the Aircraft Systems Laboratory.