Student/Postdoc Accomplishments
- UCI Media: Four Graduate Students Selected for Los Alamos National Lab Fellowship (Shu Li)
- UCI Media: Ajinkya Desai awarded Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (Ajinkya Desai)
- UCI Media: Doctoral Student Awarded Distinguished Public Impact Fellowship (Ajinkya Desai)
- UCI Media: Ph.D. student Ajinkya Desai awarded Henry Samueli Endowed Fellowship (Ajinkya Desai)
- UCI Media: Shu Li selected as UCI Grad Slam finalist (Shu Li)
- UCI Media: CEE Doctoral Student Wins Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Shu Li)
- ABC news feature on Bay area fire risk (Baijnath-Rodino).
- UCI News: PhD student Mukesh Kumar receives Dissertation Fellowship (Mukesh Kumar)
Media Coverage
- UCI Press release: UCI Experts Offer Insight into LA Wildfires and Prevention
- LA Times: Tiny burning embers flew miles, causing L.A. fire destruction on historic scale
- UCI Press release: Banerjee Selected for Early Career Award from American Meteorological Society
- Physicsworld, IOP Publishing, Bursts of embers play outsized role in wildfire spread, say physicists (Petersen and Banerjee)
- UCI Press Release: UC Irvine Scientists Track and Analyze Lofted Embers That Cause Spot Fires (Petersen and Banerjee)
- Physics Magazine focus: Predictions for Small-Scale Turbulence (Subharthi Chowdhuri, and Banerjee)
- UCI Press Release: Understanding the turbulence of wildfires (Subharthi Chowdhuri, Ajinkya Desai, and Banerjee)
- The New York Times: Half Their Land Burned in a Decade: The California Counties Constantly on Fire.
- Physics Magazine focus: Predictions for Small-Scale Turbulence
- Good Morning America, ABC News: What causes fire embers to spread more quickly.
- Good Morning America, ABC News, Tips for making your home more fire-resilient.
- UCI Press Release: Understanding the turbulence of wildfires.
- UC Merced Press Release: Grant Funds Research into Wildfire Behavior and Ecological Effects of Fuel Treatments.
- WIRED: The Winds That Doomed Lahaina.
- USA Today: ‘The next Maui could be anywhere’: Hawaii tragedy points to US wildfire vulnerability.
- Physics Focus: Wildfire Predictions from a Water Tank.
- NASA press release on Community wildfire vulnerability project.
- NFPA Press release on Community wildfire vulnerability project.
- CBS LA: Experts say weather helped California avoid dangerous wildfires in 2022.
- The New York Times: How to save a forest by burning it.
- Nature Climate Change Research Highlights: Combined force of fire and water.
- UCI feature on iFireNet summer school.
- NCAR Press release on PNAS paper: Wildfire experts provide guidance for new research directions.
- UCI Media feature on new NSF grant: Award Supports Collaborative Wildfire Research.
- KTLA feature on What the drought means for this year’s wildfire season in California.
- UCI-led Research Recommends Extending California’s Prescribed Burning Season (UCI Press release).
- Orange County Register feature on coastal fire 2022 (featuring Banerjee).
- New NSF grant on collaborative wildfire research (Banerjee as Co-PI).
- Banerjee Receives NSF CAREER award to investigate the role of canopy turbulence in wildland fire behavior. UCI Press Release.
- Weather Channel feature: Why California Wildfires Are Particularly Destructive in Fall (Li and Banerjee)
- News on new NSF SCC/USDA funded project: MSU leads new $1.7 million research project to help disadvantaged communities confronting wildfires and related cascading hazards (Banerjee)
- LA Times Daily Pilot feature: Recognizing Orange County warriors in the fight against climate change (Banerjee)
- OC Register article: Just how much hotter and drier is Southern California’s ‘new normal’ weather? (Banerjee)
- Banerjee receives NSF funding to establish international ‘network of networks’ on wildfire research (UCI news).
- Sciencenews for students article on the linkage between wildfires and air quality (Li and Banerjee).
- BYU Radio interview on the connection between drought and fire, May 2021. (Banerjee).
- Jefferson Exchange Public Radio interview on California’s wildfire season, May 2021. (Shu Li and Tirtha Banerjee).
- CBS Los Angeles interview: ‘Most of LA, Ventura, San Bernardino Counties Are Now In ‘Severe Drought’.
- Los Angeles Times article feature: ‘California is primed for a severe fire season, but just how bad is anybody’s guess’.
- Science News: Warning: Wildfires might make you itch (Shu Li and Banerjee)
- Jefferson Exchange Public Radio interview on California’s wildfire season, May 2021. (Shu Li and Tirtha Banerjee).
- feature on California’s wildfire season.
- article on California’s wildfire season.
- Irvine Weekly article on CA wildfire season.
- EurekAlert article (AAAS) article on CA wildfire season.
- article on CA wildfire season.
- Nature Scientific Reports publication (Li and Banerjee) on CA wildfire season featured by several publications such as NewsWise, Science Daily, MirageNews, Yuba Net,, Israel Times, Daily Mail India, Teknodate, Science Magazine, Sciencenewsnet, Newsaxes, Oak Mountain Chronicle, Sierra Sun Times, Homeland Security News,,,, Science Codex, NewYork Magazine, Mother Jones, Kordinate, The Revelator etc.
- UCI press release on Scientific Reports paper, California’s wildfire season has lengthened, and its peak is now earlier in the year, April 2021.
- US Forest Service Northern Research Station research highlight on Nature Scientific Reports Paper.
- UCI News feature: Man on fire, April 2021.
- KUCI 88.9 – Radio Interview on wildfire research.
- Article on grant award, UCI-led project seeks to combat wildfires, UCI News. January, 2020. Covered by Sierra Sun Times.
- LANL 1663 feature in July, 2019: Data harvesting. 1663 is the Los Alamos Science and Technology Magazine.
- Article on food security, LANL science feature, question of the month, July, 2018.
- Science on Tap, a public engagement lecture, organized by the Bradbury Science Museum, June, 2018.
- Nipping frost in the Bud, article in Albuquerque Journal, April, 2018.
- TEDx LANL, Down to the tree, a breakthrough in food security, August, 2017.
- Science in 3, How trees uptake carbon, release water and cool themselves in air : a marriage between biophysics and turbulent fluid dynamics, June, 2017.