Research Briefs
(1) York, R., and T. Banerjee, March 2021, California Fire Science Consortium research brief for resource managers: Forest mid-story interactions with prescribed fire behavior.
Preprints/Publications under review
(* indicates student/mentee; ** indicates postdoctoral mentee)
- Y. Zhao*, L. Huning, C. Love, F. Vahedifard, T. Banerjee, M. Sadegh, and A. AghaKouchak, Wildfires contribute to an intensified pattern of
compound hotter summers and colder winters, under review. - A. Mrad**, L. Lowman, C. Zarzar, K. Luthy, T. Banerjee, Up-scaling wildand fire behavior from lab to field: shortcomings and opportunities, OSF Preprint, under review.
- Kumar, M*, V. Dao*, P. Nguyen and T. Banerjee, Mapping the Wildland-Urban Interface in California: A Novel Approach based on Linear Intersections, ESSOAr Preprint, under review.
- J.A. Baijnath-Rodino**, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and T. Banerjee, Reviewing the “Hottest” Fire Indices Worldwide, ESSOAr Preprint, under review.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
(54) Li, S.*, J.A. Baijnath-Rodino, R**. York, L. N. Quinn-Davidson, and T. Banerjee, Temporal and spatial pattern analysis of escaped prescribed fires in California from 1991 to 2020, Fire Ecology, 21, 3.
(53) T. Banerjee, G. Katul, E. Zahn, N. Dias, E. Bou-Zeid, A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD040811.
(52) Petersen, A.** and T. Banerjee, Characterizing firebrands and their kinematics during lofting, Physics of Fluids, 36, 106611. Selected as Featured paper, Physics of Fluids. Featured on the Cover of Physics of Fluids, Vol 36, Issue 10, Oct 2024.
(51) Chowdhuri, S.*, and T. Banerjee, Quantifying small-scale anisotropy in turbulent flows, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 074604. Also available as ArXiv preprint. Featured in Physics Magazine: Predictions for Small-Scale Turbulence.
(50) A. Desai*, C. Guilloteau, W. Heilman, J. Charney, N. Skowronski, K. Clark, M. Gallagher, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and T. Banerjee, 2024, Investigating fire–atmosphere interaction in a forest canopy using wavelets, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 190 (21).
(49) Kumar, M.*, A. Jonko, W. Lassman, J. Mirocha, B. Kosović, and T. Banerjee, 2024, Impact of momentum perturbation on convective boundary layer turbulence, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), 16, e2023MS003643.
(48) Chowdhuri, S.*, and T. Banerjee, Level-crossings reveal organized coherent structures in a turbulent time series, 2023, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 014601. Also available as ArXiv preprint.
(47) Kumar, M.*, B. Kosović, H. Nayak, W. Porter, J. T. Randerson, and T. Banerjee, 2023, Evaluating the performance of WRF in simulating winds and surface meteorology during a Southern California wildfire event, Frontiers in Earth Science, 11:1305124.
(46) T. C. Chang, T. Banerjee, N. Venkatasubramanian, and R. York. 2023. QuIC-IoT: Model-Driven Short-Term IoT Deployment for Monitoring Physical Phenomena. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 424–437.
(45) F. Liu, J. A. Baijnath-Rodino, T. C. Chang, T. Banerjee, and N. Venkatasubramanian. 2023. DOME: Drone-assisted Monitoring of Emergent Events For Wildland Fire Resilience. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (with CPS-IoT Week 2023) (ICCPS ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 56–67.
(44) Baijnath-Rodino, J.A.**, A. Martinez, R. York, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, A. Aghakouchak, and T. Banerjee, 2023, Quantifying the effectiveness of shaded fuel breaks from ground-based, aerial, and spaceborne observations, Forest Ecology and Management, 543, 1211142.
(43) A. Desai*, W. Heilman, N. Skowronski, K. Clark, M. Gallagher, C. Clements, and T. Banerjee, 2023, Features of turbulence during wildland fires in forested and grassland environments, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 338, 109501.
(42) Chowdhuri, S.*, and T. Banerjee, 2023, Revisiting “bursts” in wall-bounded turbulent flows, Physical Review Fluids, 8, 044606, Also available as ArXiv preprint.
(41) Baijnath-Rodino, J.A.**, P. V.V. Le, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, and T. Banerjee, 2023, Historical spatiotemporal changes in potential fire danger and behavior across biomes, Science of the Total Environment, 161954.
(40) Raghav, P.*, P Wagle, M Kumar, T Banerjee, and J. P.S. Neel, 2022, Vegetation index-based partitioning of evapotranspiration is deficient in disturbed systems, Water Resources Research, e2022WR032067. Also available as ESSOAR preprint.
(39) Shuman, J.K., J.K. Balch, R.T. Barnes, P.E. Higuera, C.I. Roos, D.W. Schwilk, E.N. Stavros, T. Banerjee,… and 79 other co-authors, 2022, Reimagine fire Science for the Anthropocene. PNAS Nexus, pgac115.
(38) Kumar, M.*, S. Li*, P. Nguyen, and T. Banerjee, 2022, Examining the existing definitions of wildland-urban interface for California, Ecosphere, 13( 12): e4306. Also available as ESSOAR Preprint.
(37) Jong, A.*, T. Banerjee, D. Houston, and B. Sanders, 2022, Compound post-fire flood hazards considering infrastructure sedimentation, Earth’s Future, e2022EF002670.
(36) Ray, N., T. Banerjee, B. Nadiga and S. Karra, 2022, On the viability of quantum annealers to solve fluid flows, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering – Fluid Mechanics, 8:906696. Part of a special issue: Quantum Computing Applications in Computational Engineering. Also available as ArXiv preprint.
(35) Desai, A*, S. Goodrick, and T. Banerjee, 2022, Investigating the turbulent dynamics of small-scale surface fires, Nature Scientific Reports, 12, 10503. Also available as ESSOAR Preprint.
(34) Chowdhuri, S.*, K. Ghannam, and T. Banerjee, 2022, A scale-wise analysis of intermittent momentum transport in dense canopy flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 942, A51. Also available as Arxiv preprint.
(33) Baijnath-Rodino, J.A.**, S. Li*, A. Martinez, M. Kumar*, L. Quinn-Davidson, R. York, and T. Banerjee, 2022, Historical Seasonal Changes in Prescribed Burn Windows in California, Science of the Total Environment, 155723.
(32) Li, S*., V. Dao, M. Kumar*, P. Nguyen, T. Banerjee, 2022, Mapping the wildland-urban interface in California using remote sensing data, Nature Scientific Reports, 12, 5789. Also available as ESSOAR preprint. Featured among top 100 most downloaded papers in Engineering, 2022, Scientific Reports.
(31) Baijnath-Rodino, J.A.**, M. Kumar*, M. Rivera*, K.D. Tran* and T. Banerjee, 2021, How Vulnerable are American States to Wildfires? A Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment, Fire, 4(3), 54. Also available as ESSOAR preprint.
(30) Chowdhuri, S.*, G. Iacobello and T. Banerjee, 2021, Visibility network analysis of large-scale intermittency in convective surface layer turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 925, A38. Also available as Arxiv preprint.
(29) Helbig, M., Gerkan, T., Beamesderger, E., Baldocchi, D.D., Banerjee, T., Biraud, S.C., Brunsell, N.A., Burns, S.P., Butterworth, B., Chan, W.S., Desai, A.R., Fuentes, J.D., Hollinger, D.Y., Kljun, N., Mauder, M., Novick, K.A., Perkins, J.M., Rey-Sanchez, C., Scott, R.L., Seyednasrollah, B., Stoy, P.C., Sullivan, R.C., Vila-Guerau de Arellano, Wharton, S., Yi, C., and Richardson, A.D., 2021. Understanding land-atmosphere interactions through tower-based flux and continuous atmospheric boundary layer measurements, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, 108509. Also availale as Ameriflux Whitepaper.
(28) Li, S*., and T. Banerjee, 2021, Spatial and temporal pattern of wildfires in California from 2000 to 2019. Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 8779. Also available as ESSOAR preprint. Featured among the top 100 most downloaded papers in ecology, and in the collection – Editor’s choice: Climate Change.
(27) Heilman, W., T. Banerjee, C. Clements, K. Clark, S. Zhong, and X. Bian, 2020, Observations of Sweep-Ejection Dynamics for Heat and Momentum Fluxes during Wildland Fires in Forested and Grassland Environments, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 60(2), 185-199.
(26) Chowdhuri*, S., Prabha, T., and T. Banerjee, 2020, Persistence behaviour of heat and momentum fluxes in convective surface layer turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 32, 115107. Also available as ArXiv Preprint.
(25) Banerjee, T., W. Heilman, S. Goodrick, K. Hiers, and R. Linn, 2020, Effects of canopy midstory management and fuel moisture on wildfire behavior, Nature Scientific Reports, 10, 17312. Also available as OSF preprint.
(24) Ma, Y., H. Liu, T. Banerjee, G. Katul, C. Yi, and E. Pardijak, 2020, The effects of canopy morphology on flow over a two-dimensional isolated ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Early online release: DOI: 10.1029/2020JD033027.
(23) Banerjee, T., 2020, The impacts of forest thinning on wildland fire behavior, Forests, 11(9), 918.
(22) Banerjee, T., T. Holland, K. Solander, M. Holmes, and R. Linn, 2020, Identifying characteristics of wildfire “Towers and Troughs”, Atmosphere, Special issue on “Atmospheric Turbulence Processes and Wildland Fires“, 11 (8), 796. Selected as cover story, Atmosphere, Vol 11, Issue 8, August, 2020.
(21) Chowdhuri, S*., Kumar, S., and T. Banerjee, 2020, Revisiting the role of intermittent heat transport towards Reynolds stress anisotropy in convective turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 899, A26. Also available as ArXiv preprint.
(20) Chowdhuri, S*., T. Kalmár-Nagy and T. Banerjee, 2020, Persistence analysis of velocity and temperature fluctuations in convective surface layer turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 32, 076601. Selected as featured article, Physics of Fluids. Also available as Arxiv preprint.
2018-2019 (Pre-UCI)
(19) Banerjee, T. and R. Linn, 2018, Effect of vertical canopy architecture on transpiration, thermoregulation and carbon assimilation, Forests, 9(4), 198.
(18) Banerjee, T., P. Brugger*, F. De Roo, K. Kroeniger*, D. Yakir, E. Rotenberg and M. Mauder, 2018, Turbulent transport of energy across a forest and a semi-arid shrubland, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 10025-10038.
(17) Kroeniger, K*., F. De Roo, P. Brugger*, S. Huq, T. Banerjee, M. Mauder, 2018, Effect of secondary circulations on surface-atmosphere exchange of energy at an isolated semi-arid forest, Boundary Layer Meteorology, R3, 1 – 24.
(16) Brugger, P*, T. Banerjee, F. De Roo, K. Kroeniger*, R. Qubaja, S. Rohatyn, E. Rotenberg, F. Tatarinov, D. Yakir, F. Yang, M. Mauder, 2018, Effect of surface heterogeneity on the boundary layer height: a case study at a semi-arid forest, Boundary Layer Meteorology, R3,1 – 18.
(15) Mauder, M, S, Genzel, J, Fu, R, Kiese, M, Soltani, R, Steinbrecher, M, Zeeman, T, Banerjee, F. De Roo, H, Kunstmann, 2017, Evaluation of energy balance closure adjustment methods by independent evapotranspiration estimates from lysimeters and hydrological simulations, Hydrological Processes, 32-39 – 50.
(14) De Roo, F, T. Banerjee, 2017, Can a simple dynamical system describe the interplay between drag and buoyancy in terrain-induced canopy flows? Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75(3), 775 – 786.
(13) Kroeniger*, K., T. Banerjee, F. De Roo and M. Mauder, 2017, Flow adjustment inside homogeneous canopies after a leading edge – An analytical approach backed by LES, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 255, 17 – 30.
(12) Banerjee, T., F. De Roo and M. Mauder, 2017, Connecting the failure of K-theory inside vegetation canopies and ejection-sweep cycles by a large eddy simulation, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56 (12), 3119 – 3131.
(11) Banerjee, T., N. Vercauteren, M. Muste, D. Yang, 2017, Coherent structures in wind shear induced wave-turbulence-vegetation interaction in water bodies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 255, 57 – 67.
(10) Banerjee, T., F. De Roo and M. Mauder, 2017, Explaining the convector effect in canopy turbulence by means of a large eddy simulation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 2987 – 3000.
(9) Katul, G., T. Banerjee, D. Cava, M. Germano, A. Porporato, 2016, Generalized logarithmic scaling for high-order moments of the longitudinal velocity component explained by the Random Sweeping Decorrelation Hypothesis, Physics of Fluids. 28 (9), 095104.
(8) Li, D., S. Salesky and T. Banerjee, 2016, Connections between the Ozmidov scale and mean velocity profile in stably stratified atmospheric surface layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 797, R3.
(7) Banerjee, T., D. Li, J.Y. Juang and G.G. Katul, 2015, A spectral budget model for the longitudinal turbulent velocity in the stable atmospheric surface layer, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73 (1), 145-166.
(6) Majumdar. R and T. Banerjee, 2015, Effect of changing source capillary radius on bulk flow parameter scaling laws for hypersonically expanding arc-ablated polycarbonate plasma for fusion and space applications, Journal of Fusion Energy. 34 (6), 1234-1245.
(5) Banerjee, T., M. Muste, G.G. Katul, 2014, Flume experiments on wind induced flow in static water bodies in the presence of protruding vegetation, Advances in Water Resources, 76, 11 – 28.
(4) Banerjee, T., G,G. Katul, S. Salesky and M. Chamecki, 2014, Revisiting the formulations for the longitudinal velocity variance in the unstable atmospheric surface layer, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141 (690), 1699 – 1711.
(3) Banerjee, T. and, G. G. Katul, 2013, Logarithmic scaling in the longitudinal velocity variance explained by a spectral budget, Physics of Fluids, 25 (12), 125106.
(2) Banerjee, T., G.G. Katul, S. Fontan, D. Poggi and M. Kumar, 2013, Mean flow near edges and within cavities situated inside dense canopies, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 149 (1), 19 – 41.
(1) Sahu, A., T. Banerjee, A. G. Niyogi and P. Bhattacharya, 2013, Active control of radiated sound from stiffened plates using IDE-PFC actuators, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 18 (3), 109 – 116.