The research group of Professor Chris Barty pursues photonics-based science at the intersection of physics, engineering, biology, medicine and industry. The group’s areas of interest include; mono-energetic laser-Compton x-ray and gamma-ray light sources, ultrashort pulse lasers, ultra-high intensity lasers, high-average-power lasers and the applications of these to high-energy-density science, nuclear photonics, advanced radiography and oncology.
As part of the Convergence Optical Sciences Initiative (COSI) and in association with the UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic, the group’s research laboratory is located at the UCI Beall Applied Innovation center within the UC Irvine Research Park.

- The Barty Group Presents at Nuclear Photonics 2023Barty Group graduate student researcher Trevor Reutershan and Professor Chris Barty presented at Nuclear Photonics 2023, held this year in Durham, North Carolina, home of the Durham Bulls! Seen here are Chris, Trevor, and Barty Group collaborator Dr. Michael Jentschel at a Durham Bulls baseball game. Nuclear Photonics is a… Read more: The Barty Group Presents at Nuclear Photonics 2023
- Professor Barty Co-Chairs OPIC 2023Professor Chris Barty co-chaired OPIC 2023 (Optics & Photonics International Congress 2023) in Yokohama, Japan! OPIC is held every April in Yokohama, Japan to bring together researchers and developers from around the world to discuss the science and industry of optics and photonics. Seen here is Chris fulfilling one of… Read more: Professor Barty Co-Chairs OPIC 2023
- The Barty Group Presents at UFO XIIINo, we didn’t attend a meeting about flying saucers! The Barty Group presented five posters and one talk at Ultrafast Optics XIII (UFO XIII), held this year in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina at the Llao Llao Hotel. This post’s image is the gorgeous view from the Llao Llao hotel.… Read more: The Barty Group Presents at UFO XIII