Marine Biodiversity Lab

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology



  • Two cover photos in one day

    Yesterday, we learned that not one, but two Marine Biodiversity Lab articles have been featured on the cover of the journal issues in which they appear. Val Perini’s work on nitrogen-mediated phosphorus uptake in seaweeds is featured on the cover of the June issue of Oecologia (Perini and Bracken 2014), and work by Rebecca Best on invertebrate responses to…

  • Nitrogen mediates phosphorus uptake

    Traditional perspectives on nutrient limitation suggest that a single nutrient (e.g., nitrogen [N] or phosphorus [P]) typically limits the growth of primary producers such as plants, seaweeds, and phytoplankton. More recent work suggests that multiple nutrients (e.g., N and P together) may simultaneously limit growth. For example, one nutrient may be necessary for acquisition of…

  • Grazers as consumers and recyclers

    Recent work in the Bracken Lab highlights the top-down (i.e., consumptive) and bottom-up (i.e., recycling) roles that grazers play in intertidal systems and shows how community composition mediates the relative importance of grazers’ top-down and bottom-up roles (Bracken et al. in press). Using a classic grazer-seaweed system on New England rocky shores, we show that…

  • Bracken Lab moves to Irvine

    The Marine Biodiversity Lab, formerly based at Northeastern University‘s Marine Science Center in Nahant, Massachusetts, is transitioning to the west coast, where Matt has started a new faculty position in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine. Work over the next year or so will involve finishing up projects in New England, but…

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