*Asterisks denote publications with current or former graduate students, or postdoctoral scholars.
Cauffman, E., *Fine, A., *Thomas, A. & *Monahan, K. (in press). Trajectories of violent behavior among females and males. Child Development.
*Fine, A., *Cavanagh, C., *Donley, S., Frick, P., Steimberg, L. & Cauffman, E. (in press). The role of peer arrests on the development of youths’ attitudes towards the justice system. Law & Human Behavior.
Cauffman, E., *Shulman, E. P, *Bechtold, J., & Steinberg, L. (in press). Children, adolescents, and the law. In M. Bornstein, T. Leventhal, & R. Lerner (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology and developmental science (7th ed., Vol. 4). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
*Cavanagh, C. & Cauffman, E. (in press). Viewing law and order: Mothers’ and sons’ justice system legitimacy attitudes and juvenile recidivism. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Cauffman, E., *Cavanagh, C., *Donley, S., & *Thomas, A. (in press). A developmental perspective on adolescent risk-taking and criminal behavior. Handbook of Criminological Theory. (Authors are listed alphabetically as all authors contributed equally.)
Cauffman, E., *Monahan, K., & *Thomas, A. (2015). Pathways to persistence: Female offending from 14 to 25. Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 1, 236-268.
*Monahan, K., VanDerhei, S., *Bechtold, J., & Cauffman, E. (2014). From the school yard to the squad car: School discipline, truancy, and arrest. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 43, 1110-1122.
*Thomas, A. & Cauffman, E. (2014). Youth sexting as child pornography: Developmental science supports less harsh sanctions for juvenile sexters. New Criminal Law Review, 17, 631-651.
*Goldweber, A., Cauffman, E., & Cillessen, T. (2014). Peer status among incarcerated female offenders: Associations with social behavior and adjustment. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24, 720-733.
*Malloy, L., *Shulman, E., & Cauffman, E. (2014). Interrogations, confessions, and guilty pleas among serious adolescent offenders. Law & Human Behavior, 38, 181-193.
*Bechtold, J. & Cauffman, E. (2014). Tried as an adult, housed as a juvenile: A tale of youth from two courts incarcerated together. Law & Human Behavior, 38, 126-138.
*Shulman, E. & Cauffman, E. (2014). Deciding in the dark: Age differences in intuitive risk judgment. Developmental Psychology, 50, 167-177.
*Kaasa, S., Cauffman, E., Clarke-Stewart, A., & Loftus, E. (2013). False accusations in an investigative context: Differences between suggestible and non-suggestible witnesses. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 31, 574-592.
Cauffman, E. (2012). Aligning justice system processing with developmental science. Criminology & Public Policy, 11, 751-758.
*Dmitrieva, J., *Monahan, K., Cauffman, E., & Steinberg, L. (2012). Arrested development: The effects of incarceration on adolescents’ development of psychosocial maturity. Development & Psychopathology, 24, 1073-1090.
Cauffman, E. & Steinberg, L. (2012). Emerging findings from adolescent development and juvenile justice. Victims & Offenders, 7, 428-449.
Cauffman, E., *Shulman, E., Steinberg, L., Claus, E., Banich, M., Woolard, J., & Graham, S. (2010). Age differences in sensitivity to the rewards and costs of a risky decision as indexed by performance on the Iowa gambling task. Developmental Psychology, 46, 193-207.
Cauffman, E., *Kimonis, E., *Dmitrieva, J., *Monahan, K. (2009). A multi-method assessment of juvenile psychopathy: Comparing the predictive utility of the PCL:YV, YPI, and NEO-PRI. Psychological Assessment, 21, 528-542.
*Monahan, K., Steinberg, L., Cauffman, E., & Mulvey, E. (2009). Trajectories of antisocial behavior and psychosocial maturity from adolescence to young adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1654-1668.
Steinberg, L., Albert, D., Cauffman, E., Banich, M., Graham, S., & Woolard, J. (2008). Age differences in sensation seeking and impulsivity as indexed by behavior and self-report: Evidence for a dual systems model. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1764-1778.
Cauffman, E. (2008). Understanding the female offender. Future of Children, 18, 119-142.