Structural Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Encapsulin in Complex with Dye-Decolorizing Peroxide
Cuthbert BJ, Chen X, Burley K, Baton G, Contreras H, Dixon S, Goulding CW. Microorganisms. 2024 Nov 30;12(12):2465. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms12122465.
Advanced glycation end-product crosslinking activates a type VI secretion system phospholipase effector protein
Jensen SJ, Cuthbert BJ, Garza-Sánchez F, Helou CC, de Miranda R,Goulding CW, Hayes CS, Nat Commun. 2024 Oct 11;15(1):8804. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53075-x.PMID: 39394186
The structure of Mycobacterium thermoresistibile MmpS5 reveals a conserved disulfide bond across mycobacteria.
Cuthbert BJ, Mendoza J, de Miranda R, Papavinasasundaram K, Sassetti CM,Goulding CW. Metallomics. 2024 Mar 12;16(3):mfae011. doi: 10.1093/mtomcs/mfae011
Differentiating the roles of Mycobacterium tuberculosissubstrate binding proteins, FecB and FecB2, in iron uptake
R de Miranda, BJ Cuthbert, T Klevorn, A Chao, J Mendoza, M Arbing, PJ Sieminski, K Papavinasasundaram, S Abdul-Hafiz, S Chan, CM Sassetti , S Ehrt, CW Goulding. PLoS Pathog. 2023 Sep 25;19(9):e1011650.
Functional and Structural Diversity of Bacterial Contact-Dependent Growth Inhibition Effectors
Cuthbert BJ, Hayes CS,Goulding CW. Front Mol Biosci. 2022 Apr 26;9:866854. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.866854. eCollection 2022.
Proteolytic processing induces a conformational switch required for antibacterial toxin delivery
Bartelli NL, Passanisi VJ, Michalska K, Song K, Nhan DQ, Zhou H, Cuthbert BJ, Stols LM, Eschenfeldt WH, Wilson NG, Basra JS, Cortes R, Noorsher Z, Gabraiel Y, Poonen-Honig I, Seacord EC, Goulding CW, Low DA, Joachimiak A, Dahlquist FW, Hayes CS. Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 29;13(1):5078. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32795-y.
Label-free affinity screening, design and synthesis of inhibitors targeting the Mycobacterium tuberculosis L-alanine dehydrogenase.
Kim HB, Bacik JP, Wu R, Jha RK, Hebron M, Triandafillou C, McCown JE, Baek NI, Kim JH, Kim YJ, Goulding CW, Strauss CEM, Schmidt JG, Shetye GS, Ryoo S, Jo EK, Jeon YH, Hung LW, Terwilliger TC, Kim CY. 2022, PLoSOne, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277670
Structural and Molecular Dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Malic Enzyme, a Potential Anti-TB Drug Target
Burley KH, Cuthbert BJ, Basu P, Newcombe J, Irimpan EM, Quechol R, Foik IP, Mobley DL, Best DJV, Goulding CW. ACS Infect. Dis., 2021, 7(1):174-188.
Metabolic fluxes for nutritional flexibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Borah K, Mendum TA, Hawkins ND, Ward JL, Beale MH, Larrouy-Maumus G, Bhatt A, Moulin M, Haertlein M, Strohmeier G, Pichler H, Forsyth VT, Noack S, Goulding CW, McFadden J, Beste DJV. Mol Syst Biol. 2021 May;17(5):e10280. doi: 10.15252/msb.202110280.
An optimized chemical-genetic method for cell-specific metabolic labeling of RNA
Nainar S, Cuthbert BJ, Lim NM, England WE, Ke K, Sophal K, Quechol R, Mobley DL, Goulding CW, Spitale RC. Nature Methods 2020 17(3):311-318. doi: 10.1038/s41592-019-0726-y.
Infect and Inject: How Mycobacterium tuberculosis exploits its major virulence-associated Type VII secretion system, ESX-1
Tiwari S, Casey R,Goulding CW, Hingley-Wilson S, Jacobs WR Jr. Microbiol Spectr. 2019 May;7(3). doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec.BAI-0024-2019.
Convergent Evolution of the Barnase/EndoU/Colicin/RelE (BECR) Fold in Antibacterial tRNase Toxins
Gucinski GC, Michalska K, Garza-Sánchez F, Eschenfeldt WH, Stols L, Nguyen JY, Goulding CW, Joachimiak A, Hayes CS. Structure.2019 Nov 5;27(11):1660-1674.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2019.08.010. Epub 2019 Sep 9.
Structure of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis Heme-Degrading Protein, MhuD, Variant in Complex with Its Product
Chao A, Burley KH, Sieminski PJ, de Miranda R, Chen X, Mobley DL, Goulding CW Biochemistry. 2019 Nov 19;58(46):4610-4620. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00726. Epub 2019 Nov 6.
Target highlights in CASP13: “Experimental target structures through the eyes of their authors
Lepore R, Kryshtafovych A, Alahuhta M, Veraszto HA, Bomble YJ, Bufton JC, Bullock AN, Caba C, Cao H, Davies OR, Desfosses A, Dunne M, Fidelis K, Goulding CW, Gurusaran M, Gutsche I, Harding CJ, Hartmann MD, Hayes CS, Joachimiak A, Leiman PG, Loppnau P, Lovering AL, Lunin VV, Michalska K, Mir-Sanchis I, Mitra AK, Moult J, Phillips GN Jr, Pinkas DM, Rice PA, Tong Y, Topf M, Walton JD, Schwede T. Proteins. 2019 Dec;87(12):1037-1057. doi: 10.1002/prot.25805. Epub 2019 Sep 9.
A Single Mutation in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Heme-Degrading Protein, MhuD, Results in Different Products.
Chao A, Goulding CW. Biochemistry. 2019 Feb 12;58(6):489-492. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b01198.
Iron Acquisition in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Chao A, Sieminski PJ, Owens CP, Goulding CW,Chem Rev. 2019 Jan 23. 119(2):1193-1220. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00285
The affinity of MhuD for heme is consistent with a heme degrading function in vivo.
Thakuri B, Graves AB, Chao A, Johansen SL,Goulding CW, Liptak MD. Metallomics. 2018 Nov 14;10(11):1560-1563. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00238j..
Introducing the new bacterial branch of the RNase A superfamily
Cuthbert BJ, Burley KH, Goulding CW. RNA Biol, 2018, Jan 2;15(1):9-12. doi: 10.1080/
Structure of a novel antibacterial toxin that exploits elongation factor Tu to cleave specific transfer RNAs
Michalska K, Gucinski GC, Garza-Sánchez F, Johnson PM, Stols LM, Eschenfeldt WH, Babnigg G, Low DA, Goulding CW, Joachimiak A, Hayes CS. Nucleic Acids Res 2017 Sep 29;45(17):10306-10320. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx700
Target highlights from the fist post-PSI CASP experiment (CASP-12, May-August 2016)
Kryshtafovych A, Albrecht R, Baslé A, Bule P, Caputo AT, Carvalho AL, Chao KL, Diskin R, Fidelis K, Fontes CMGA, Fredslund F, Gilbert HJ, Goulding CW, Hartmann MD, Hayes CS, Herzberg O, Hill JC, Joachimiak A, Kohring GW, Koning RI, Lo Leggio L, Mangiagalli M, Michalska K, Moult J, Najmudin S, Nardini M, Nardone V, Ndeh D, Nguyen TH, Pintacuda G, Postel S, van Raaij MJ, Roversi P, Shimon A, Singh AK, Sundberg EJ, Tars K, Zitzmann N, Schwede T. Proteins, 2017, Sep 28. doi: 10.1002/prot.25392
From B to A: making an essential cofactor in a human parasite.
Morrissette NS, Goulding CW. Biochem J. 2017 Aug 30;474(18):3089-3092. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20170446.
Protein engineering: Redirecting membrane machinery.
Burley K, Goulding CW, Nat Chem Biol. 2017 Aug 18;13(9):927-928. doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2451
The CDI toxin of Yersinia kristensenii is a novel bacterial member of the RNase A superfamily
Batot G, Michalska K, Ekberg G, Irimpan EM, Joachimiak G, Jedrzejczak R, Babnigg G, Hayes CS, Joachimiak A, Goulding CW. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 epub Apr 10. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx230.
Unique coupling of mono- and dioxygenase chemistries in a single active site promotes heme degradation
Matsui T, Nambu S, Goulding CW, Takahashi S, Fukii H, Ikeda-Saito M. Proc Natl Acad. Sci, 2016, 113 (14):3779-84.
Salmonella Mitigates Oxidative Stress and Thrives in the Inflamed Gut by Evading Calprotectin-Mediated.
Diaz-Ochoa, V. E., Lam, D., Lee, C. S., Klaus, S., Behnsen, J., Liu, J. Z., Chim, N., Nuccio, S. P., Rathi, S. G., Mastroianni, J. R., Edwards, R. A., Jacobo, C. M., Cerasi, M., Battistoni, A., Ouellette, A. J., Goulding, CW., Chazin, W. J., Skaar, E. P., Raffatellu, M. Cell Host Microbe. 2016 Jun 8;19(6):814-25. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2016.05.005.
Functional Diversity of Cytotoxic tRNase/immunity Protein Complexes from Burkholderia pseudomallei.
Johnson, P. M., Gucinski, G. C., Garza-Sánchez, F., Wong, T., Hung, L. W., Hayes, C. S., Goulding, CW. J. Biol. Chem. 0021-9258. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.736074
Unraveling the essential role of CysK in CDI toxin activation.
Johnson, P. M., Beck, C. M., Morse, R. P., Garza-Sánchez, F., Low, D. A., Hayes, C. S., Goulding, CW. Proc Natl Acad. Sci. 2016, 0027-8424. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1607112113.
Costa DL, Namasivayam S, Amaral EP, Arora K, Chao A, Mittereder LR, Maiga M, Boshoff HI, Barry CE 3rd, Goulding CW, Andrade BB, Sher A. MBio, 2016, 2016 Oct 25;7(5). pii: e01675-16.
Progress toward the development of a NEAT protein vaccine for anthrax Disease.
Balderas MA, Nguyen CT, Terwilliger A, Keitel WA, Iniguez A, Torres R, Palacios F, Goulding CW, Maresso AW. Infect Immun. 2016 Nov 18;84(12):3408-3422.
Tan K, Johnson PM, Stols L, Boubion B, Eschenfeldt W, Babnigg G, Hayes CS, Joachimiak A, Goulding CW. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015 Jun;71(Pt 6):702-9. doi: 10.1107/S2053230X15006585.
Behera RK, Torres R, Tosha T, Bradley JM, Goulding CW, Theil EC. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2015 Sep;20(6):957-69.
Contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) and CdiB/CdiA two-partner secretion proteins
Willett JL, Ruhe ZC, Goulding CW, Low DA, Hayes CS. J Mol Biol. 2015, 427 (23): 3766-84.
Chim N, Torres R, Liu Y, Capri J, Batot G, Whitelegge JP, Goulding CW. Chem Biol. 2015 Aug 20;22(8):1098-107. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2015.07.013. Epub 2015 Aug 13.
Diversification of β-augmentation interactions between CDI toxin/immunity proteins.
Morse RP, Willett JL, Johnson PM, Zheng M, Credali A, Iniguez A, Nowick JS, Hayes CS, Goulding CW J Mol Biol. 2015, 427 (23): 3766-84
Structural snapshots along the reaction pathway of Yersinia pestis RipA, a putative butyryl-CoA transferase
Torres R, Lan B, Latif Y, Chim N, and Goulding CW, Acta Cry D, 2014, Apr 1;70(Pt 4):1074-85 (PMCID: PMC3975890).
CdiA from Enterobacter cloacae delivers a toxic ribosomal RNase into target bacteria
Beck CM, Morse RP, Cunningham DA, Iniguez A, Low DA, Goulding CW & Hayes CS Structure, 2014, 22 (5), 707-718 (PMCID: PMC4016183).
Heme uptake in bacterial pathogens.
Contreras, H., Chim, N., Credali, A., Goulding, C. Current opinion in chemical biology, 2014, 19, 34-41. 1367-5931. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa
Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanocompartment and its potential cargo proteins
Contreras H, Joens MS, McMath LM, Le VP, Tullius MV, Kimmey JM, Bionghi N, Horwitz MA, Fitzpatrick JA and Goulding CW, J. Biol. Chem, 2014, 289(26); 18279-89
Graves AB, Morse RP, Chao A, Iniguez A, Goulding CW, Liptak MD. Inorg Chem. 2014 Jun 16;53(12):5931-40. doi: 10.1021/ic500033b. Epub 2014 Jun 5.
A new way to degrade heme: the Mycobacterium tuberculosis enzyme MhuD catalyzes heme degradation without generating CO.
Nambu S, Matsui T, Goulding CW, Takahashi S, Ikeda-Saito M. J. Biol. Chem, 2013, 288(14); 10101-9.
Honsa E, Owens CP, Goulding CW and Maresso AW, J. Biol. Chem, 2013, 288(12); 8479-90.
The structural characterization of bacterioferritin, BfrA, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
McMath LM, Contreras H, Owens CP and Goulding, CW, J. of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2013, 17 (3); 229-239.
Insights on how the Mycobacterium tuberculosis heme uptake pathway can be used as a drug target
Owens CP, Chim N, and Goulding CW, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 5(12); 1391-403
S. aureus IsdG and IsdI degrades heme with liberating formaldehyde
Matsui T, Nambu S, Ono Y, Goulding CW, Tsumoto K, Ikeda-Saito M. Biochemistry 2013, 52(18); 3025-7.
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Secreted Protein Rv0203 Transfers Heme to Membrane Proteins, MmpL3 and MmpL11
Owens CP, Chim N, Graves AB, Harmston CA, Contreras H, Iniguez A, Liptak MD and Goulding CW, J. Biol. Chem, 2013, 288(30); 21714-28.
Structures of Oligomers of a Peptide from b-Amyloid
Pharm JD, Chim N, Goulding CW and Nowick JS, J Am Chem Soc, 2013, 35(33):12460-7.
Insights into redox sensing metalloproteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chim, N., Johnson, P. M., Goulding, C., Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 2014, 133, 118-26. 0162-0134. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2013.11.003.
Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the Essential DsbA-like Disulfide Bond Forming Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chim N, Harmston CA, Guzman DJ and Goulding CW, BMC Structural Biology, 2013,13: 23.
Insights into RipC, a putative citrate lyase beta-subunit from Yersinia pestis
Torres R, Chim N, Sankaran B, Pujol C, Bliska JB and Goulding CW Acta Cry F, 2012 68(pt1) 2-7
Differential Function of Lip Residues in the Mechanism and Biology of an Anthrax Hemophore
Ekworomadu MC, Poor CB, Owens CP, Murphy F, Balkabasi E, Honsa, E, He C, Goulding CW and Maresso AW, PLoS Pathogens 2012, Mar; 8(3): e1002599
Characterization of heme ligation modes of Rv0203, a secreted heme-binding protein involved in Mycobacterium tuberculosis heme uptake
Owens CP, Du J. Dawson JD and Goulding CW. Biochemistry 2012, 51 (3): 1518-31
Structural basis of toxicity and immunity in contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) systems
Morse, KC Nikolakakis, JLE Willett, E Gerrick, DA Low, CS Hayes & Celia W. Goulding Proc Natl Acad. Sci, 2012, 109(25):21480-5.
Advances in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Therapeutic Discovery Utilizing Structural Biology
Chim, C.P. Owens, H. Contreras & C. W. Goulding Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, 2012, Nov 16, epub
The TB structural genomics consortium: A decade of progress
Chim N, Habel JE, Johnston JM, Krieger I, Miallau L, Sankaranarayanan R, Morse R, Bruning J, Swanson S, Kim H, Kim C-Y, Li H, Bulloch EM, Payne JR, Manos-Turvey A, Hung L-W, Baker EN, J. Lott S, Bruning J, Swanson S, Kim H, James MNG, Terwilliger TC, Eisenberg DS, Sacchettini JC and Goulding CW, 2011, Tuberculosis Mar;91(2):155-72
Discovery and characterization of a unique mycobacterial heme acquisition system
M.V. Tullius, C.A. Harmston, C.Owens, N. Chim, R. Morse, L.M. McMath, A. Iniguez, J.M. Kimmey, M.R. Sawaya, J. Whitelegge, M.A. Horwitz and C.W. Goulding, 2011, Proc Natl Acad. Sci, 108(12):5051-6
Biochemical, Structural and Molecular Dynamics Analyses of the Potential Virulence Factor RipA from Yersinia pestis
Torres R, Swift RV, Chim, N. Wheatley, B. Lan, B. R. Atwood, C. Pujol, B. Sankaran, J.B. Bliska, R. E. Amaro, and Goulding CW , 2011, PLoS One, Sept 6(9), e25084.
Plasma Antibody Profiles as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Tuberculosis
Khan I, Ravindran R, Krishnan V, Awan I, Rizvi S, Saqib M, Shahzad M, Tahseen S, Ireton G, Goulding CW, Felgner P, DeRiemer K, Khanum A, and Luciw P, 2011 Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, Oct 5, epub.
An extracellular disulfide bond forming protein (DsbF) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chim N, Riley R, The, J., Segelke B, Lekin T, Yu M, Hung L-W, Terwilliger T, Whitelegge JP and Goulding CW, Structural, biochemical and gene expression analysis”, 2010 J. Mol. Biol., 396, 1211-26. (PMCID: PMC2883863).
Unusual Diheme Conformation of the Heme-Degrading Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chim N, Iniguez A, Nguyen TQ, Goulding CW, 2010, J. Mol. Biol., 395, 595-608. (PMCID: PMC2859679)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis ferritin homolog, BfrB
McMath LM, Habel JE, Sankaran B, Yu M, Hung L-W, Goulding CW 2010 Act Cry F, 66, 1657-1661.