Link to Bibliography
Peer-reviewed articles:
1. Rex, CS, Lin, C, Kramar, EA, Chen, L.Y., Gall, CM, Lynch, G. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes LTP-related cytoskeletal changes in adult hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007; 27:3017-29. PMID:17360925
2. Chen, L.Y.*, Rex, CS*, Casale M, Gall, CM, Lynch, G. Changes in synaptic morphology accompany actin signaling during LTP. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007; 27:5363-72. PMID:17507558
3. Lauterborn, JL, Rex, CS, Kramar, E, Chen, L.Y., Pandyarajan, V, Lynch, G, Gall, CM. BDNF rescues synaptic plasticity in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007; 27: 10685-10694. PMID: 17913902
4. Lynch, G. Rex, C.S., Chen, L.Y., Gall, C.M. The Substrates of Memory: Defects, Treatments, and enhancement European Journal of Pharmacology.2008; 585(1):2-13. PMCID:PMC2427007
5. Kramar, E.A., Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Gall, C.M., and Lynch, G. Estrogen’s Place in the Family of Synaptic Modulators. Molecular Cellular Pharmacology. 2009; 1(5):258-262.PMCID:PMC2858427
6. Lauterborn, JC, Pineda, EA, Chen, L.Y., Ramirez, E, Lynch G, Gall, CM. Intermittant ampakine treatment increases BDNF protein levels and TrkB signaling without changes in AMPA receptor subunit expression. Neuroscience. 2009; 159(1):283-95. PMCID:PMC2746455
7. Rex, CS*, Chen, L.Y.*, Sharma, A, Liu, J, Babayan, AH, Gall, CM, Lynch, G. Different Rho GTPase-dependent signaling pathways initiate sequential steps in the consolidation of long-term potentiation. Journal of Cell Biology. 2009; 186(1):85-97. PMCID:PMC2712993
8. Lynch, G., Rex, C.S., Chen, L.Y., Gall, C.M. Synaptic Mechanisms for Encoding Memory. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience.2009; G. Koob, RF Thompson and M Le Moal, (eds), T. Shors (section ed), Academic Press, and imprint of Elsevier Ltd, London.
9. Kramar, EA, Chen, L.Y., Brandon, NJ, Rex, CS, Liu, F, Gall, CM, Lynch, G Cytoskeletal changes underlie estradiol’s acute effects on synaptic transmission and plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience. 2009; 29 (41):12982-93. PMCID:PMC2806054
10. Chen, L.Y., Rex, CS, Sanaiha, Y, Lynch, G, Gall, CM. Learning Induced Trophic Signaling at Hippocampal Synapses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2010;107(15):7030-5. PMCID:PMC2872439
11. Chen, L.Y., Rex, CS, Babayan, AH, Kramar, EA, Lynch, G, Gall, CM, Lauterborn, JC. Physiological activation of synaptic Rac>PAK signaling is defective in a mouse model of Fragile-X syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010; 30(33):10977-84. PMCID:PMC2929244
12. Rex, CS, Gavin, CF, Rubio, MD, Kramar, EA, Chen, L.Y., Jia, Y, Huganir, RL, Muzyczka, N, Gall, CM, Miller, CA, Lynch, G, and Rumbaugh, G. Myosin IIb Regulates Actin Dynamics during Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Formation. Neuron. 2010 Aug 26; 67(4):603-617. PMCID: PMC2929390
13. Chen, L.Y., Rex, CS, Pham, DT, Lynch, G and Gall, CM. BDNF signaling during learning is regionally differentiated within hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010; 30(45):15097-101 PMCID:PMC3073526
14. Chen Y. Kramar, E.A., Chen, L.Y., Babayan, A.H., Angres, A.L., Gall, C.M., Lynch, G., and Baram, T.Z. Impairment of synaptic plasticity by the stress mediator CRH involves selective destruction of thin dendritic spines via RhoA signaling. Molecular Psychiatry. 2012 Mar 13; PMID: 22411227
15. Kramar, EA, Chen, L.Y., Lauterborn, JC, Simmons, D, Gall, CM, Lynch, G. BDNF up-regulation rescues synaptic plasticity in middle-aged ovariectomized rats. Neurobiology of Aging. 2012; 33(4):708-19. PMCID:PMC2978788
16. Babayan, A, Kramar, EA, Barett, R, Jafari, M, Chen, LY, Rex, CS, Lauterborn, JC, Gall, CM, Lynch, G. Integrin Dynamics Produce a Delayed Stage of LTP and Memory Consolidation. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 Sept 12; PMID:22973009
17. Seese, RR, Chen, L.Y., Cox, CD, Schulz, D, Babayan, AH, Bynney, WE, Henn, FA, Gall, CM, and Lynch, G. Synaptic Abnormalities in the Infralimbic Cortex of a Model of Congenital Depression. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013 Aug 14; PMID:23946492
18. Zhang, B*, Chen, L.Y.*, Maxeiner, S, Lee, SJ, Gokce O, and Sudhof, TC. Neuroligins Sculpt Cerebellar Purkinje-Cell Circuits by Differential Control of Distinct Classes of Synapses. Neuron. 2015 Aug 19; PMID:26291161
19. Jiang, M*, Polepalli, J*, Chen, L.Y., Zhang, B, Sudhof, TC, and Malenka, RC. Conditional ablation of neuroligin-1 in CA1 pyramidal neurons blocks LTP by a cell-autonomous NMDA receptor-independent mechanism. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 2017 Mar 22; PMID:27217145
20. Chen, L.Y.*, Jiang, M.*, Zhang, B., Gokce, O., Sudhof, TC. Conditional Deletion of All Neurexin Isoforms Defines Range of Essential Organizer Functions for Neurexins. Neuron. 2017 May 3; PMID:28472659
21. Ducrot, C., Carvalho, G., Delignat-Lavaud, B., Giguere, N., Mukherjee, S., Burke-Nanni, S., Bourque, M., Chen, L.Y.*, and Trudeau, L*. Neurexins Regulate GABA Co-release by Dopamine Neurons. BioRxiv. 2021
22. Han, Y., Cao, R., Qin, Liming, Chen, L.Y., Tang, A., Südhof, T.C., and Zhang, B. Neuroligin-3 confines AMPA receptors into nanoclusters, thereby controlling synaptic strength at the calyx of Held synapses. Science Advances. 2022 Jun 17;8(24):eabo4173. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4173. PMID: 35704570.
23. Chen, L.Y.*, Lin, P.*, Jiang, M.*, Trotter, J., Seigneur, E., and Südhof, T.C. Neurexin-2: An Inhibitory Neurexin That Restricts Excitatory Synapse Formation in the Hippocampus. Science Advances. 2023 Jan 6; Doi:10.1126/sciadv.add8856
24. Birnie, M., Short, A.K., Carvalho, G., Pham, A.L., Itoga, C.A., Gunn, B.G., Xu, X., Chen, L.Y., Mahler, S.V., Chen, Y., and Baram, T.Z. Stress-induced plasticity of a novel CRHGABA projection disrupts reward behaviors in mice. Nature Communication. 2023 Feb 25;14(1), 1088.
25. Khoja, S., Haile, M, and Chen, L.Y. Advances in neurexin studies and the emerging role of neurexin-2 in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2023 Feb 27; Sec Neuroplasticity and Development 16:1125087. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2023.1125087
26. Haile, M., Khoja, S., Carvalho, G., Hunt, R., and Chen, L.Y. Condition Deletion of Neurexin-2 Alters Neuronal Network Activity in Hippocampal Circuitries and Leads to Spontaneous Seizures. Translational Psychiatry. 2023 Mar 20;13(97). doi:10.1038/s41398-023-02394-6
27. Lin, P., Chen, L.Y., Zhou, P., Lee, S., and Südhof, T.C. Neurexin-2 Restricts Synapse Numbers and Restrains the Presynaptic Release Probability by Distinct Mechanisms. PNAS. 2023 Mar 24; 120(13) e2300363120 doi:10.1073/pnas.2300363120
28. Carvalho, G.*, Khoja, S.*, Haile, M., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity affects the balance between goal-directed and habitual actions in a sex-dependent manner. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 2023 Apr 5; doi:10.3389/fnsyn.2023.1128640
29. Ducrot, C., Carvalho, G., Delignat-Lavaud, B., Delmas, C., Halder, P., Giguere, N., Pacelli, C., Mukherjee, S., Bourque, M., Parent, M., Chen, L.Y.*, and Trudeau, L*. Conditional deletion of neurexins dysregulates neurotransmission from dopamine neurons. eLife. 2023 July 6; 12:e87902 doi:10.7554/eLife.87902
1. Chen, L.Y., Sandouval, S., Nakayama, K. (2003) 1-(3-Methoxyphenyl)-1-Pentanol: Synthesis of a Key Intermediate of 3-n-Pentylphenol. Sigma Xi Honor Student Research Conference. Abstract
2. Chen, L.Y., Sandouval, S., Nakayama, K. (2004)The Effect of 3-n-Pentylphenol on the Nervous System of Brine Shrimp. College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research Symposium. Abstract
3. Chen, L. Y., Rex, C.S., Gall, C.M., Lynch, G. (2007) Changes in Synaptic Morphology Associate with Actin Signaling During LTP. Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women in ScienceConference. Abstract and Talk.
4. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Lynch, G and Gall, C.M. (2007) Long Term Potentiation is Associated with Increased Synapse Size: A Novel 3D Volumetric Analysis of the Synapse. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract
5. Lauterborn, J.C., Rex, C.S., Kramar, E. A., Chen, L.Y., Pandyarajan, V., Gall, C. M., Lynch, G. (2007) Hippocampal LTP is impaired in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome and rescued by BDNF. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract 362.16
6. Chen, L.Y.*, Rex, C.S.*, Sharma, A., Lynch, G., Gall, C.M. (2008) Adenosine differentially regulates actin regulatory signaling in adult hippocampus. Hot Topics in Epilepsy Conference. Abstract, Irvine
7. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sharma, A., Lynch, G., Gall, C.M. (2008) Role of actin signaling cascades in the early consolidation of LTP. Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, UC Irvine. Abstract and Talk
8. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Lynch, G and Gall, C.M. (2008) LTP reversal by adenosine is mediated through RhoA signaling on the actin cytoskeleton. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract 434.5
9. Rex, C.S., Chen, L.Y., Lynch, G and Gall, C.M. (2008) Evidence that RhoA-, but not Rac-, mediated actin rearrangements are necessary for the early stabilization of LTP. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 434.13
10. Lauterborn J.C., N. Olivas, Chen, L.Y., and Gall C.M. (2008) Localization of the actin stabilizing protein Nd1-L in adult hippocampal dendritic spines. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract 434.10
11. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sanaiha, Y., and Gall, C.M. (2009) Memory Engages Neurotrophic Signaling. Sigma Delta Epsilon/Graduate Women in Science. Abstract and Talk
12. Chen, L.Y.*, Rex, C.S.*, Sharma, A., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2009) Critical Signaling Pathways for Cytoskeletal Reorganization with LTP. Epilepsy Center Annual Symposium 2009, Abstract, UC Irvine.
13. Chen, L.Y.*, Rex, C.S.*, Sharma, A., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2009) Differential Rho GTPase-dependent Signaling Pathways in LTP. Gordon Conference: Mechanism of Cell Signaling, Abstract, Oxford, UK
14. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sanaiha, Y., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2009) Learning-Related Theta Rhythm Drives Neurotrophic Signaling at Adult Hippocampal Synapses. Society for Neuroscience. Abstracts 318.14
15. Babayan, A.H., Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sanaiha, Y., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2009) LTP-inducing theta stimulation increases synaptic integrin signaling. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 318.15
16. Rex, C.S., Chen, L.Y., Mehta, R., Gall, C.M., and Lynch, G. (2009) Visualizing processes related to LTP consolidation at individual synapses in hippocampus during learning. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 620.12
17. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sanaiha, Y., Lynch, G, and Gall, C.M. (2009) Learning-related Theta Rhythms Drives Neurotrophic Sinaling at Adult Hippocampal Synapses. NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival, Abstract, Bethesda, MD.
18. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Sanaiha, Y., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2009) Learning-related Theta Rhythms Drives Neurotrophic Sinaling at Adult Hippocampal Synapses. National Cancer Institute NCI-Frederick Center Abstracts and Talk, Frederick, MD.
19. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Pham, D.T., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2010) Learning is associated with region-specific increases in synaptic TrkB activation in adult hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 709.20
20. Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Pham, D., Sanaiha, Y., Lynch, G., and Gall, C.M. (2010) Learning is associated with region specific increases in synaptic TrkB activation in adult hippocampus. Orange County Graduate Women in Science- Sigma chapter. Abstract and Talk
21. Chen, Y., Chen, L.Y., Andres, A.L., Lee, B., Phan, L., Gall, C.M., Baram, T.Z. (2010) Mechanisms of rapid, stress-related dendritic spine loss in adult hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 389.2
22. Seese, R.R., Babayan, A.H., Chen, L.Y., Rex, C.S., Lauterborn, J.C., Katz, A.M., Lynch, G., Gall, C.M. (2011) Impaired activity-dependent translocation of synaptic cortactin in a mouse model of fragile x syndrome. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 2011-S-14332-SfN
23. Chen, L.Y., and Sudhof, T.C. (2013) Synaptic analysis of Neurxin 2 (NRXN2) function in conditional NRXN2 knockout mice. Gordon Conference: Excitatory Synapses & Brain Function, Abstract, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
24. Chen, L.Y., and Sudhof, T.C. (2013) Synaptic analysis of Neurxin 2 (NRXN2) function in conditional NRXN2 knockout mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 229.24
25. Chen, L.Y., Zhou, P., Ortiz, A., Huynh-Tran, T., and Sudhof, T.C. (2015) Role of Neurexin 2 (NRXN2) in Cortex and Hippocampus: Synaptic Analysis of Conditional NRXN2 Knockout Mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts number: 2015-9199-037
26. Chen, L.Y., Jiang, M., Zhou, P., Sudhof, T.C. (2016) Role of Neurexins and Neuroligins in synapse development and maintenance. Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Abstract 3P-0318
27. Chen, L.Y., Jiang, M.*, Zhang, B., Gokce, O., Sudhof, TC. (2017) Conditional Deletion of All Neurexin Isoforms Defines Range of Essential Organizer Functions for Neurexins. Society for Neuroscience.
28. Han, Y., Chen, L.Y., Sudhof, T.C., Zhang, B. (2019) Neuroligins maintain clustering of AMPA receptors at a central synapse. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract # 7146
29. Haile, M., Chen, L.Y. (2019) Generation of a truncating mutation in Nrxn2a found in human ASD patients. UCI Minority Science Program Symposium. Irvine.
30. Khoja, S., Chen, L.Y. (2021) Early life adversity enhances habit formation. Conte Center 8th Symposium.
31. Shimizu, Timothy, Chen, L.Y. (2021) The Role of Neurexins in Hippocampal-dependent behavioral learning. Excellence in Research Symposium, School of Biological Sciences, UCI.
32. de Carvalho, G., Ducrot, C., Trudeau, L., Chen, L.Y. (2021) GABA co-release by dopamine projections in the striatum is regulated by neurexins. CNLM Spring Conference.
33. Ingram, S., Nigera, C., Chen, L.Y. (2021) Neurexin 2 knockout and the onset of the synaptic development disorders autism and epilepsy. UROP symposiums, UCI.
34. Ducrot, C., de Carvalho, G., Chen, L.Y.,Trudeau, L. (2021) Role of Neurexins in regulation of neurotransmitter release from striatal dopaminergic neurons. Virtual Dopamine Conference (ViDA).
35. de Carvalho de Carvalho, G., Ducrot, C., Giguere, N., Trudeau, L., Chen, L.Y. GABA co-release by dopamine projections in the striatum is regulated by neurexins. (2021) Society for Neuroscience.
36. Ducrot, C., de Carvalho, G., Delignat-lavaud, B., Delmas, C., Giguere, N., Mukherjee, S., Burke-Nanni, S., Bourque, M.J., Parent, M., Chen, L.Y.,Trudeau, L. Neurexins regulate neurotransmission by dopamine neurons. (2021) Society for Neuroscience.
37. Ponce, E., and Chen, L.Y. The Role of Neurexin 2 in Epilepsy. (2022) UROP Symposium, UCI.
38. Nguyen, E., Carvalho, G., and Chen, L.Y. The functional role of neurexins in dopaminergic pathway. (2022) UROP Symposium, UCI.
39. Birnie, M., Short, A.K., Carvalho, G., Pham, A.L., Itoga, C.A., Xu, X., Chen, L.Y., Mahler, S.V., Chen, Y., and Baram, T.Z. Aberrant functional maturation of a novel cell-type specific brain pathway impacts reward-seeking behaviors after early-life stress. (2022) Conte 9th Annual Symposium, Irvine, CA.
40. Haile, M., Carvalho, G., and Chen, L.Y. Excitatory deletion of Neurexin-2 leads to spontaneous recurrent seizures. (2022) Spring Conference, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, UCI.
41. Haile, M., Carvalho, G., and Chen, L.Y. Conditional deletion of Neurexin-2 leads to spontaneous recurrent seizures. (2022) Gordon Research Conference, Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Ventura, CA.
42. Haile, M., Carvalho, G., Ponce, E., Nguyen, E., and Chen, L.Y. Region and Cell-type Specific Deletion of Neurexin-2 Causes Spontaneous Recurrent Seizures and ASD-like Behavior Impairments. (2022) 51st Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA
43. Khoja, S., Carvalho, G., Haile, M., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity reduces sensitivity to motivational value of reward in an instrumental learning paradigm. (2022) 6th Annual Meeting for Postdoctoral Scholar Research Symposium, UC Irvine.
44. Khoja, S., Carvalho, G., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity reduces sensitivity to motivational value of reward in an instrumental learning paradigm. (2022) 51st Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
45. Twine, R., Chen, LY. Sleep dysregulation in mouse model of ASD and epilepsy. (2022) Summer Institute in Neuroscience Symposium, UCI.
46. Carvalho G., Khoja, S., Haile M., Chen L.Y. Early life adversity impaired dorsal striatal synaptic transmission and behavioral adaptability to appropriate action selection in a sex-dependent manner. (2023) Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, International Learning and Memory Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.
47. Cheepluesak, J., Portillo, C., and Chen, L.Y. Early-life adversity impairs behavioral flexibility in appropriate action selection in a sex-specific manner. (2023) UROP Symposium, UCI.
48. Movsisyan, M., and Chen, L.Y. Sleep Regulation in a Conditional Neurexin-2 Mouse Model of Epilepsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2023) UROP Symposium, UCI.
49. Movsisyan, M., and Chen, L.Y. Sleep Regulation in a Conditional Neurexin-2 Mouse Model of Epilepsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). (2023) Excellence in Research, UCI.
50. Fikre, R., and Chen, L.Y. Neurexin-2 regulates synaptic transmission in hippocampal circuits. (2023) MSP Symposium, UCI
51. Zago, S., and Chen, L.Y. Neurexins regulate synaptic vesicle release from dopamine terminals. (2023) MSP Symposium, UCI
52. Nweke, M., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity impacts cortical projections innervating dorsal striatum. (2023) MSP Symposium, UCI
53. Turner, I., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity impacts cortical projections innervating dorsal striatum in a sex-dependent manner. (2023) Summer Institute in Neuroscience Symposium, UCI.
54. Fikre, R., and Chen, L.Y. Neurexin-2 regulates synaptic transmission in hippocampal circuits. (2023) Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS), Pheonix, AZ
55. Zago, S., and Chen, L.Y. Neurexins regulate synaptic vesicle release from dopamine terminals. (2023) Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS), Pheonix, AZ
56. Nweke, M., and Chen, L.Y. Early life adversity impacts cortical projections innervating dorsal striatum. (2023) Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS), Pheonix, AZ.