Principal Investigator: | Deborah Lowe Vandell |
Researchers: | Valerie Hall, Pilar O’Cadiz, Andrea Karsh |
Funding: | Pilot and Field Test funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation |
Contract with the California Department of Education After School Division to administer Online Toolbox at publically funded afterschool programs throughout California |
Description | Website | Reports
The California Afterschool Outcomes Measures Project developed an online toolbox for measuring outcomes associated with students participating in afterschool and other out-of-school time (OST) programs. The project’s initial focus was on the development of student outcome measures for use in publicly funded after-school programs, as mandated by California Education Code. This work was carried out in three phases (2008-2011). In the first phase, conducted during 2008-09 academic year, we identified existing public domain measures of student outcome measures of positive behavior change and skill development that demonstrated strong reliability and validity in prior research. In the second phase, during the 2009-2010 school year, we piloted the use of an online platform to collect reports of student performance at 32 afterschool program sites across the State of California (1,654 students). The measures were completed by students, program staff, and school classroom teachers, and analyzed to determine their psychometric qualities in the context of publicly funded programs. The pilot testing led us to conduct a large-scale field test of the outcome measures in Phase III of this project, at over 200 sites during the 2010-2011 academic year, involving 10,973 students. As a result, we developed a set of easy-to-use online measures called the Afterschool Outcome Measures ONLINE TOOLBOX, which was implemented throughout California in 2013-2015 at hundreds of afterschool program sites across all 11 California regions. The Online Toolbox is now available to all California and out-of-state programs. Contact us at for information and fees.
Research Website:
Vandell, D. L., Pierce, K. M., Hall, V., O’Cadiz, M. P., Karsh, A., & Westover, T. (2013). Youth outcome measures online toolbox: 2013. University of California, Irvine. [PDF]
Vandell, D. L., Hall, V., O’Cadiz, M.P., Karsh, A. (2012). California Afterschool Outcome Measures Project: Field Test of the Online Toolbox. Report to the California Department of Education and to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the California Department of Education. [PDF]
Vandell, D. L., Pierce, K. M., Hall, V., O’Cadiz, M. P., Karsh, A., & Westover, T. (2010). Youth outcome measures online toolbox. University of California, Irvine. [PDF]