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Interested In Joining Our Group?

Highly motivated individuals with strong quantitative/computational skills interested in joining the lab during their degree-seeking career as a CEE Ph.D. or MS student at UC Irvine (and are not already here) are encouraged to apply to graduate school at UC Irvine. The only way to become a graduate student is by applying. More information is available on the department’s website for CEE graduate programs. As a rule, and to be inclusive to all students, I do not review or comment on potential applicant materials. If you are interested in working with me, please make sure to indicate this in your application!

UCI students (undergrad, MS, and Ph.D.) interested in joining the group are encouraged to complete this Google Form. I seek students who have demonstrated they can work independently and in teams, are intellectually curious, and have detailed research interests. Undergrads with a research question or dataset in mind should consider applying to the 2025 summer (see the 2024 flyer for the ITS-Irvine’s Transportation Research Immersion Program [TRIP]), UCI’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), or enrolling in CEE 199.

I am recruiting a CS graduate student for work on an agent-based travel demand simulator written entirely in C++ (no GUI and little documentation). You will need to update inputs, revise the code to accept new inputs, and be able to synthesize outputs in a final report and policy brief. More information is available upon request. Why you should care: This job opportunity pays for your tuition for calendar year 2025 and gives you all benefits of a graduate student researcher (GSR), including a 20 hours a week appointment pay scale.

Non-UCI undergrads (domestic) are eligible to apply to UCI’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) and spend the summer with the STEER Lab in sunny Irvine, California. The dates for the 2024 summer were June 23 – August 16, 2024, with applications due February 1, 2024. This may hold true for 2025.

Media Request?

I (Dr. Dean) am available to provide statements on my research or to provide context on time-sensitive events related to emerging transportation, electrified transportation, and sustainable transportation. Please reach out by email before scheduling a meeting!