We are Producing a DocuSeries on FASD!

You may be wondering why a scientific laboratory is producing a DocuSeries on FASD!  Well, since the pandemic onset, maternal drinking has risen 41%.  This means we are facing a spike in incidence and severity of FASD among babies born in 2020-2021.   Now is the time for rapid awareness to prevent this future epidemic of FASD. Creating a collaborative film on FASD is the mechanism we have chosen to most rapidly and effectively ignite awareness and therefore prevention of FASD.


Curious to see how it’s going?  Check out our website for real time updates: www.thefasdproject.com


Want to help prevent this future spike in FASD and give our future humans the best possible brain and body to live out their best possible lives?  Please consider donating and sharing our  Go Fund Me: https://www.thefasdproject.com/fund-this-project


Funds go to hiring top-notch post-production team for rapid dissemination in Dec 2020-Jan 2021, and any excess of the goal goes to producing Forever Homes for adults with an FASD (https://fasdcommunities.com)


Thank you!