

Leana-Sandoval G, Kolli AV, Saavedra E, Sandoval M, Li K, Haile M, Chen LY, Burlingame AL, Ramírez-Franco JJ, Díaz-Alonso J #The VGCC auxiliary subunit a2d1 modulates synaptic plasticity, spatial memory and seizure susceptibility”. #Corresponding author. 2024. BioRxiv

Leana-Sandoval G, Kolli AV, Chinn CA, Madrid A, Lo I, Sandoval MA, Alizo Vera V, Simms J, Wood MA, Diaz-Alonso J#. “The GluA1 cytoplasmic tail regulates intracellular AMPA receptor trafficking and synaptic transmission onto dentate gyrus GABAergic interneurons, gating response to novelty”. #Corresponding author. 2024 BioRxiv


Díaz Alonso, J. “Neurotransmitter receptor auxiliary subunits“. The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. 2023, December 31.

Bemben MA, Sandoval M, Le AA, Won S, Chau VN, Lauterborn JC, Incontro S, Li KH, Burlingame AL, Roche KW, CM Gall C, Nicoll RA#, Diaz-Alonso J#. “Contrasting synaptic roles of MDGA1 and MDGA2”. 2023 BioRxiv #Corresponding authors.


Ravi A, Zeng M, Chen X, Sandoval G, Diaz-Alonso J#, Zhang M, Nicoll RA# “Long-term potentiation reconstituted with an artificial TARP/PSD-95 complex” Cell Reports. Oct 11;41(2):111483. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep. 2022.111483. #Corresponding authors


Díaz-Alonso J#, Nicoll RA#. “AMPA receptor trafficking and LTP: Carboxy-termini, amino-termini and TARPs” Neuropharmacology. 2021 Jul 13;197:108710. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2021.108710. #Co-corresponding authors.

Tao W, Lee J, Chen X, Díaz-Alonso J, Zhou J, Pleasure S, Nicoll RA “Synaptic memory requires CaMKII”. Elife. 2021 Dec 15;10:e60360. doi: 10.7554/eLife.60360


Paraíso-Luna J, Aguareles J, Martín R, Ayo-Martín AC, Simón-Sánchez S, García-Rincón D, Costas-Insua C, García-Taboada E, Salas-Quiroga A, Díaz-Alonso J, Isabel Liste I, Sánchez-Prieto J, Cappello S, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I “Endocannabinoid signalling in stem cells and cerebral organoids drives differentiation to deep layer projection neurons via CB 1 receptorsDevelopment. 2020 Nov 9;dev.192161. doi: 10.1242/dev.192161.

Díaz-Alonso J#, Morishita W, Incontro S, Simms J, Holtzman J, Gill M, Mucke L, Malenka RC, Nicoll RA#. “Long-term potentiation is independent of the C-tail of the GluA1 AMPA receptor subunit”. Elife. 2020 Aug 24;9:e58042. doi: 10.7554/eLife.58042. #Co-corresponding authors.


Zeng M*, Díaz-Alonso J*, Ye F, Chen X, Xu J, Nicoll RA, Zhang M. “Phase Separation-mediated TARP/MAGUK Complex Condensation and AMPA Receptor Synaptic Transmission”. Neuron. 2019 Aug 20. pii: S0896-6273(19)30685-3. *Co-first authors.

García-Rincón D, Diaz-Alonso J, Ortega Z, de Salas-Quiroga A, Paraíso-Luna J, Aguareles J, Jou C, De Prada I, Martinez Cerdeño V, Aronica E, Guzmán M, Pérez-Jimenez MA and Galve-Roperh I. “Contribution of altered endocannabinoid system to overactive mTORC1 signaling in focal cortical dysplasia” Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2019 Jan 9;9:1508.


Tao W, Díaz-Alonso J, Sheng N, Nicoll RA. “Postsynaptic δ1 glutamate receptor assembles and maintains hippocampal synapses via Cbln2 and neurexin”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018 Jun 5;115(23) :E5373-E5381.

Incontro S, Díaz-Alonso J, Iafrati J, Vieira M, Asensio CS, Sohal VS, Roche KW, Bender KJ, Nicoll RA. “The CaMKII/NMDA receptor complex controls hippocampal synaptic transmission by kinase-dependent and independent mechanisms”. Nat Commun. 2018 May 25;9(1):2069.

Sheng N, Bemben MA, Díaz-Alonso J, Tao W, Shi YS, Nicoll RA. “LTP requires postsynaptic PDZ-domain interactions with glutamate receptor/auxiliary protein complexes”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018 Apr 10;115(15):3948-3953.


Ancona Esselmann SG, Díaz-Alonso J, Levy JM, Bemben MA, Nicoll RA. “Synaptic homeostasis requires the membrane-proximal carboxy tail of GluA2”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017 Dec 12;114(50):13266-13271.

Díaz-Alonso J*#, Sun YJ*, Granger AJ*, Levy JM, Blankenship SM, Nicoll RA#. “Subunit specific role for the amino-terminal domain of AMPA receptors in synaptic targeting”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Jul 3;114(27):7136-7141. *Co- first authors. #Co-corresponding authors.

Bravo-Ferrer I, Cuartero M, Zarruk J, Pradillo J, Hurtado O, Romera V, Díaz-Alonso J, García-Segura JM, Guzmán M, Lizasoain I, Galve-Roperh I, Moro MA “The cannabinoid type-2 receptor drives neurogenesis and improves functional outcome after stroke”. Stroke. 2017, Jan; 48(1): 204-212.

Sanchez AM, Quattrone F, Pannese M, Ulisse A, Candiani M, Diaz-Alonso J, Velasco G, Panina-Bordignon P. “The cannabinoid receptor CB1 contributes to the development of ectopic lesions in a mouse model of endometriosis”. Hum Reprod. 2017 Jan;32(1):175-184.


Díaz-Alonso J*#, de Salas-Quiroga A*, Garcez PP, Parsons M, Andradas C, Paraíso-Luna J, García-Rincón D, Sánchez C, Guillemot F, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I#Loss of cannabinoid CB1 receptors induces cortical migration malformations and increases seizure susceptibility”. Cereb Cortex. Epub ahead of print Oct 6, 2016. *Co- first authors. #Co-corresponding authors.

Díaz-Alonso J*, Paraíso-Luna J*, Navarrete C*, del Río C, Cantarero I, Palomares B, Aguareles J, Fernández-Ruiz J, Bellido ML, Pollastro F, Appendino G, Calzado MA, Galve-Roperh I, Muñoz E “VCE-003.2, a novel cannabigerol derivative, enhances neuronal progenitor cell survival and alleviates symptomatology in murine models of Huntington’s disease”. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul;6:29789. *Co-first authors.


de Salas-Quiroga A*, Díaz-Alonso J*, García-Rincón D, Remmers F, Vega D, Gómez-Cañas M, Lutz B, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I “Prenatal exposure to cannabinoids evokes long-lasting functional alterations by targeting CB1 receptors on developing cortical neurons”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Nov; 112(44):13693-8. *Co-first authors.

Díaz-Alonso J, Aguado T, de Salas-Quiroga A, Ortega Z, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I “CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-Dependent Activation of mTORC1/Pax6 Signaling Drives Tbr2 Expression and Basal Progenitor Expansion in the Developing Mouse Cortex”. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Sep; 25(9):2395-408.

Garcez, PP, Díaz-Alonso, J, Crespo, I, Castro, D, Bell, D, Guillemot, F “Cenpj/CPAP regulates progenitor divisions and neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex downstream of Ascl1”. Nat Commun. 2015 Mar 10;6:6474.


Galve-Roperh I, Chiurchiù V, Díaz-Alonso J, Bari M, Guzmán M, Maccarrone M “Cannabinoid receptor signaling in progenitor/stem cell proliferation and Differentiation”. Prog Lipid Res. 2013 Oct; 52:633-50. 2013. Review.

Campos, AC, Palazuelos, J, Ortega, Z, Aguiar, DC, Díaz-Alonso, J, Moreira, FA, Guzmán, M, Guimarães, FS, Galve-Roperh, I “The anxiolytic effect of cannabidiol on chronically stressed mice depends on hippocampal neurogenesis: involvement of the endocannabinoid system”. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Jul; 9:1-13.


Díaz-Alonso J, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I “Endocannabinoids via CB1 receptors act as neurogenic niche cues during cortical development”. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2012 Dec; 367:3229-41. Review

Díaz-Alonso, J, Aguado, T, Wu, C-S, Palazuelos, J, Hofmann, C, Garcez, P, Guillemot, F, Lu, H.C, Lutz, B, Guzmán, M, Galve-Roperh, I The CB1 cannabinoid receptor drives corticospinal motor neuron differentiation through the Ctip2/Satb2 transcriptional regulation axis. J Neurosci. 2012 Nov; 32:16651-65.

Palazuelos, J, Ortega, Z, Díaz-Alonso, J, Guzmán, M, Galve-Roperh, I “CB2 cannabinoid receptors promote neural progenitor cell proliferation via mTORC1 signaling”. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jan; 287:1198-209.