Dr. Diane O'Dowd

Developmental and Cell Biology

HomeHomeIn-situ TA TrainingAfter the Basics

After the Basics

Now that you’ve got discussions humming along, here are some higher-level skills and administrative details for discussion leaders to learn.

Dealing with evaluations

FERPA Rules Quiz

Concept mapping

Using group quizzes

Just In Time Teaching



Evaluating the TAs

In our program, the first evaluation is done by the Head TA during Week 2, and the second is done by the faculty instructor during Week 7. An early evaluation helps catch basic problems like lecturing too much or not circulating well during small group activities. The later evaluation specifically checks if the TA has improved on the concerns brought up in the first evaluation. And because a faculty member has seen the TA teach, they are capable of writing the graduate student an effective letter of recommendation in the future.

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