“Why do spleens get big?”
Steve Hines Demo 082412 from BCU @ WSU CVM on Vimeo.
The Learning Objectives pdf can be seen here.
(videos take a few moments to load)
May 2008 ASMCUE Conference Resources:
Creating the demonstrations requires a high level of understanding. We are encouraging interested undergraduates to make them as well.
Students can choose to build biological models and present them during the lecture:
A person with a moderate level of computer skills can create an animated PowerPoint show that demonstrates a biological principle. Using TechSmith’s Camtasia Studio, that Powerpoint can be turned into a video. During Winter 2007, two upper-division undergraduates used the creation of animated demonstrations to better understand topics like membrane gradients, membrane potentials, and immunofluorescence.
These videos are also posted to our HHMI-UCI Program YouTube Channel for students to view.
We are writing up this experience of creating PowerPoint/Camtasia videos, and a summary is available here.