“Eliminating Fares to Expand Opportunities: Experimental Evidence on the Impacts of Free Public Transportation on Economic and Social Disparities” (joint with Rebecca Brough and David Phillips), forthcoming at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
▸ Working Paper Version
▸ NBER Economics of Transportation in the 21st Century
▸ AEA RCT Registry
“JUE Insight: The Impacts of Opportunity Zones on Zone Residents” (joint with Shantanu Khanna and David Neumark), Journal of Urban Economics, 2023, 133: 103407.
▸ NBER Working Paper No. 28573
▸ Center for Economic Studies Working Paper No. CES-WP-21-12
▸ Brookings Conference on Opportunity Zones
“Combining Rules and Discretion in Economic Development Policy: Evidence on the Impacts of the California Competes Tax Credit” (joint with Shantanu Khanna and David Neumark), Journal of Public Economics, 2023, 217: 104777.
▸ NBER Working Paper No. 28594
▸ NBER Digest
“Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Means-Tested Public Transportation Subsidies on Travel Behavior” (joint with Rebecca Brough and David Phillips), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2022, 96: 103803.
▸ Results for America Economic Mobility Case Study
“The Geography of Crime and Policing” (joint with Emily Owens and Derek Christopher), In Paolo Buonanno, Paolo Vanin, and Juan Vargas (eds.), A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, Edward Elgar, 2022, 30-54.
▸ Amazon
“Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Expanding Cash Welfare” (joint with Yoonjung Kim), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2022, 41(3): 859-890.
▸ SSRN Working Paper
“Can Transportation Subsidies Reduce Failures to Appear in Criminal Court? Evidence from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial” (joint with Rebecca Brough, Daniel Ho, and David Phillips), Economics Letters, 2022, 216: 110540.
▸ J-PAL Evaluation Summary
▸ SSRN Working Paper
“Understanding Socioeconomic Disparities in Travel Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic” (joint with Rebecca Brough and David Phillips), Journal of Regional Science, 2021, 61(4): 753-774.
▸ SSRN Working Paper
▸ Covid Economics, 31: 130-162
“Is Your Lawyer a Lemon? Incentives and Selection in the Public Provision of Criminal Defense” (joint with Amanda Agan and Emily Owens), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103(2): 294-309.
▸ NBER Working Paper No. 24579
▸ RTutor
“The Rise and Effects of Homeowners Associations” (joint with Wyatt Clarke), Journal of Urban Economics, 2019, 112: 1-15.
▸ CityLab Article
▸ Next City Article
▸ Urban Edge Blog
▸ Scientific American Article
“Why Has Urban Inequality Increased?” (joint with Nathaniel Baum-Snow and Ronni Pavan), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2018, 10(4): 1-42.
▸ Working Paper Version
▸ Mathematical Appendix
▸ CityLab Article
“Immigration, Employment Opportunities, and Criminal Behavior” (joint with Emily Owens and Sarah Bohn), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2018, 10(2): 117-151.
▸ Working Paper Version
▸ AEA Research Highlight
▸ Wharton Public Policy Issue Brief
“Supply-Side Subsidies to Improve Food Access and Dietary Outcomes” (joint with Annemarie Kuhns), Urban Studies, 2018, 55(14): 3234-3251.
“Persistence in Industrial Policy Impacts: Evidence from Depression-Era Mississippi.” Journal of Urban Economics, 2017, 102: 34-51.
▸ LSE USAPP Blog Post
▸ NYU’s The Stoop Blog Post
“Your Friends and Neighbors: Localized Economic Development and Criminal Activity” (joint with Emily Owens), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016, 98(2): 233-253.
“The Urban Density Premium across Establishments” (joint with Jason Faberman), Journal of Urban Economics, 2016, 93: 71-84.
“Low-Income Housing Development, Poverty Concentration, and Neighborhood Inequality” (joint with Tamara McGavock), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2015, 34(4): 805-834.
▸ JPAM Featured Article
“Who Benefits from Environmental Regulation? Evidence from the Clean Air Act Amendments” (joint with Antonio Bento and Corey Lang), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(3): 610–622.
“Place-Based Programs and the Geographic Dispersion of Employment.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2015, 53: 1-19.
“The Criminal Justice Response to Policy Interventions: Evidence from Immigration Reform” (joint with Sarah Bohn and Emily Owens), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105(5): 215-219.
“Agency and Compensation: Evidence from the Hotel Industry” (joint with Renata Kosová), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2014, 30(1): 72-103.
“Targeted Business Incentives and Local Labor Markets.” Journal of Human Resources, 2013, 48(2): 311-344.
“Teaching New Markets Old Tricks: The Effects of Subsidized Investment on Low-Income Neighborhoods.” Journal of Public Economics, 2012, 96(11-12): 1000-1014.
“Decomposing the Sources of Earnings Inequality: Assessing the Role of Reallocation” (joint with Fredrik Andersson, Elizabeth Davis, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, and Kristin Sandusky), Industrial Relations, 2012, 51(4): 779-810.
“Agglomeration, Product Heterogeneity, and Firm Entry” (joint with Renata Kosová), Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(3): 601-626.
“Low-Income Housing Development and Crime” (joint with Emily Owens), Journal of Urban Economics, 2011, 70(2-3): 115-131.
“Reaching for the Stars: Who Pays for Talent in Innovative Industries?” (joint with Fredrik Andersson, John Haltiwanger, Julia Lane, and Kathryn Shaw), Economic Journal, 2009, 119(538): F308-332.
“Product Market Competition and Human Resource Practices in the Retail Food Sector” (joint with Elizabeth Davis, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, Nicole Nestoriak, and Timothy Park), Industrial Relations, 2009, 48(2): 350-371.
“Job Hopping, Earnings Dynamics, and Industrial Agglomeration in the Software Publishing Industry.” Journal of Urban Economics, 2008, 64(3): 590-600.
Work in Progress
“Firm Responses to Hiring and Investment Subsidies: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the California Competes Tax Credit” (joint with Ben Hyman, David Neumark, and Shantanu Khanna).
▸ Previously circulated as “Firm Responses to State Hiring Subsidies: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from a Tax Credit Formula,” NBER Working Paper No. 30664.
▸ PPIC Report
“The Impact of Fare-Free Public Transit on the Health and Well-Being of People Living in Poverty” (joint with many co-authors).
▸ AEA RCT Registry
“Lessons Learned and Ignored in U.S. Place-Based Policymaking” (joint with David Neumark).
▸ NBER Working Paper No. 33272
▸ NBER Economics of Place-Based Policies
“Testing the Impact of Subsidized Public Transit for Unemployed Persons” (joint with David Phillips).
▸ AEA RCT Registry
“Can Rapid Rental Assistance Avert Evictions?” (joint with Mason Alexander and Stephanie Casey Pierce).
“The Impact of Renter Education on Risk of Eviction for Tenants with and without Rental Assistance” (joint with Stephanie Casey Pierce).
▸ AEA RCT Registry
“Does Management Matter? Evidence from Indigent Defense in Texas” (joint with Kory Fenstemacher, Emily Owens, and Winnie Yee).
“Subsidized Housing Investment, Neighborhood Interactions, and Local Amenities: Evidence from a Tax Credit Lottery” (joint with Wyatt Clarke and Idil Tanrisever).
Review Articles, Technical Papers, and Other Work
“Introduction to the Special Issue on Urban Economics and the Environment” (joint with Shanjun Li, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2024, 107: 104012.
▸ RSUE’s Special Issue on Urban Economics and the Environment
“Past Work Experience and Earnings Trajectories of Single Mothers” (joint with Fredrik Andersson, Julia Lane, and Susan Hauan), Study Commissioned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012.
“Lost Jobs and Health Insurance: An Analysis of the Impact of Employment Volatility on Firm-Provided Health Insurance Coverage” (joint with Fredrik Andersson, Iben Bolvig, and Julia Lane), Applied Economics, 2011, 43(23): 3051-3073.
“New Approaches to Creating Data for Economic Geographers” (joint with Julia Lane and Marc Roemer), Journal of Official Statistics, 2008, 24(1): 133-156.
“LEHD OnTheMap Technical Documentation” (joint with Fredrik Andersson, Marc Roemer, and Lars Vilhuber), U.S. Census Bureau, LEHD Technical Paper DATA-OTM-2.0.3, 2008.
“Supermarket Human Resource Practices and Competition from Mass Merchandisers” (joint with Elizabeth Davis, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, Nicole Nestoriak, and Timothy Park), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006, 88(5): 1289-1295.