Lab Members

Sunil Gandhi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Neurobiology and

Carey Huh, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Scholar, Neurobiology and BehaviorI’m interested in understanding vision and how developmental conditions like amblyopia can disturb neural circuits, from eyes, thalamus, visual cortex to higher areas. Applying my previous experience working with amblyopic human subjects, my projects in the Gandhi lab are currently focused on studying how the development of early circuits (e.g., thalamocortical pathway) may be affected by sensory challenges in mice that model amblyopia. My future goals are to explore these deficits in the context of visually driven behaviour and hopefully make meaningful contributions to help amblyopic humans and gain a deeper understanding of how behaviour arises from the brain.

Dario X. Figueroa Velez, B.S.

Graduate Student Researcher, Neurobiology and Behaviour

Kirstie Salinas, B.S.

Graduate Student Researcher, Neurobiology and Behavior

Xiaoting Zheng, B.S.

Graduate Student Researcher, Neurobiology and Behavior

Dhruba Banerjee, B.S.

Graduate Student Researcher, Neurobiology and BehaviorDhruba is a fourth year MSTP student in the Gandhi Lab. His main project, a collaboration with Dr. Bruce McNaughton’s lab, examines the intersection between visual landmarks and spatial navigation in cortical circuits. Dhruba is from the Bay Area and studied Cognitive Science and Molecular and Cell Biology at Berkeley. After completing his MD/PhD at UCI, he hopes to do a residency in psychiatry or ophthalmology. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking and Couchsurfing in foreign lands.

Ricardo Azevedo, B.S.

Graduate Student Researcher, Neurobiology and Behavior