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“I fall too. We don’t always have to be happy. The key is when you get back up”

-Dr. Mahtab Jafari

In the hustle and bustle of life, college students are constantly bombarded with pressure and stress. Dr. Jafari addresses this issue by developing the class, Life 101, which was first offered in Winter 2013 and will be offered again in Winter 2014. Unlike any other class, Life 101 focuses on a holistic view of health, including the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of everyday life to create a balance in and out of the classroom. In fact, Dr. Jafari does not only teach about creating a balance, but also shares the most stressful times of her youth as her family fled to France during the Iran-Iraqi War. To learn more, click here for the feature on the OC Register.

Featured in the OC Register: Life Lessons with Dr. Jafari