Materials Testing
Equipment for analyzing and measuring the mechanical properties of a material, such as its hardness, elastic modulus, etc.
Hysitron TI‐990 TriboIndenter Nanoindenter
The Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter offers advanced control, testing flexibility, and modularity, enabling superior research capabilities in nanomechanical characterization through multiple cutting-edge techniques:
Nanoindentation provides quantitative mechanical property measurements, such as reduced modulus and hardness, with exceptional reliability using precise transducer design and calibration. Nanoscratch tests tribological and adhesion properties through combined normal and lateral probe displacement, with nanometer-resolution in-situ SPM imaging for immediate analysis. Nanowear enables nanoscale tribological experiments, generating high-sensitivity friction maps and wear analysis with two-dimensional capacitive transducer technology. In-Situ SPM Imaging correlates nanometer-resolution surface topography with nanomechanical and nanotribological data for precise, defect-free analysis. XPM II maps nanomechanical properties rapidly and accurately, combining high-bandwidth actuation and in-situ SPM imaging for comprehensive property statistics. nanoDMA IV with CMX provides continuous, depth- and frequency-dependent mechanical property analysis, including advanced viscoelastic parameters like storage and loss moduli.
All of these measurements can be done in cryo to high temperature environments from -140°C – 800°C.
Micro Materials NanoTest Vantage
The NanoTest Vantage system offers a complete range of nano/micro-scale mechanical and tribological tests in one flexible and user friendly instrument. With just one test platform a range of mechanical properties can be investigated, allowing a complete picture of material performance to be assembled.
One of the most ad”Vantage” features of the NanoTest system is its unparalleled capability to Control environmental conditions to assess true ‘in-service’ properties. With up to 950C heating and -100C cooling options, the NanoTest Vantage is the best instrument in the markets that allows researchers to characterise and optimise their materials under a wide range of elevated/cooled temperatures.
Bose Electroforce Dynamic Mechanical Tester
The Bose ElectroForce 3200 uses acoustic motors to perform experiments using a 0.5 N or 450 N maximum force load cell. With the versatility of static to 300 Hz frequency response, the table‐top configuration is adaptable to a variety of biomedical research and engineered materials test applications, including torsion testing, creep under dynamic loading and special environments. This load frame is capable of 3‐point bend, 4‐point bend, compression, and tensile testing.
ramé-hart Contact Angle Goniometer
Our goniometer is a popular and robust contact angle tool designed to offer the highest level of precision computer-aided contact angle and surface energy analysis at the lowest cost. This instrument accepts
the optional Automated Dispensing System, Manual Tilting Base, Environmental Fixture, and Wafer Support up to 4” in diameter. It can also be upgraded to DROPimage Advanced software