Dr. Paul Bardunias visits UCI

Dr. Paul Bardunias visits UCI

Last week, Dr. Paul Bardunias from Florida Atlantic University came to California for the first time since before the pandemic. Dr. Bardunias is a great collaborator and an even greater friend to Dr. Kisailus, having known and collaborated with him and the lab for the...
Halloween at UCI

Halloween at UCI

On Tuesday, the Biomimetics and Nanostructured Materials Lab celebrated Halloween during their weekly group meeting. Between pizza, candy, pumpkin carving and more, members of the lab had fun while also discussing science and their projects.
Outreach in the BNML

Outreach in the BNML

Over the weeks of May, members of the Bioinspired and Nanostructured Materials Lab were given many opportunities to share their excitement for the research they’ve been doing with the communities within and outside of the UCI campus. This involves giving tours...
Carbon Nexus Visits UCI

Carbon Nexus Visits UCI

Esteemed guests from Carbon Nexus, a carbon-fiber research and development facility in Australia, visited the campus of the University of California, Irvine to visit old friends and tour our laboratory facilities. Professor Russell Varley gave a enthralling seminar to...
Boeing Vice President Visits UCI

Boeing Vice President Visits UCI

Esteemed guest Al Pedroza, Vice President at Boeing, and his colleagues visited the campus of the University of California, Irvine for a tour of our facilities on Friday of last week. While on campus to discuss certain topics with the Dean of Engineering, Dr. Pedroza...
Welcoming Dr. Perricone!

Welcoming Dr. Perricone!

Our newest addition to the lab is Dr. Valentina Perricone, a biologist interested in the skeletal structures of echinoids. She is a post-doctorate visiting for 3 months with a potential to continue her work after. To celebrate her arrival, members of the lab enjoyed a...