2024 The Ethnographer’s Way: A Handbook for Multidimensional Research Design, Duke University Press. Co-author, Valerie Olson.
2014 Speculative Markets: Drug Circuits and Derivative Life in Nigeria. Duke University Press.
Edited Volumes
2022 Geopolitical Lives, American Anthropologist, Vital Topics Forum. Co-edited with Samar Al-Bulushi.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (Selected)
UR “Otherwise Practices in Anthropology: Multidimensional Project Design.”
2021 “The Racialization of Drug Fakery and Pharmaceutical Markets.” Journal of African Cultural Studies 33(3), 344-358.
2020 Morenike O. Folayan and Kristin Peterson. “HIV Prevention Clinical Trials’ Community Engagement Guidelines: Inequality and Ethical Conflicts.” Global Bioethics 31, no. 1 : 47-66.
2018 Kristin Peterson and Morenike O. Folayan. “Ethics and HIV Prevention Research: An Analysis of the Early Tenofovir PrEP Trial in Nigeria.” Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.12470.
2017 Kristin Peterson and Morenike O. Folayan. “A Research Alliance: Tracking the Politics of HIV Prevention Research in Africa.” Medicine Anthropology Theory4(2):18-33.
2015 Kristin Peterson, Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan, Edward Chigwedere, Evaristo Nthete. “Saying ‘No’ to PrEP in Malawi: What Constitutes “Failure” in Offshored HIV Prevention Research?” Anthropology & Medicine. 22(3):278-94.
2016 Kristin Peterson. “Volatility, Speculation, and Therapeutic Revolutions in Nigerian Drug Markets,” in Histories of the Therapeutic Revolution. Eds. Jeremy Greene, Elizabeth Watkins, Flurin Condrau. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
2014 Kristin Peterson. “On the Monopoly: Speculation, Pharmaceutical Markets, and Intellectual Property Lawin Nigeria.” American Ethnologist 41:1 (February):128-142.
2012 Kristin Peterson. “AIDS Policies for Markets and Warriors: Dispossession, Capital, and Pharmaceuticals in Nigeria,” in Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics and Governance in Global Markets. Ed. Kaushik Sunder Rajan. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 228-247.
2012 Kristin Peterson. “Intellectual Property Designs: Drugs, Governance, and Nigerian (Non) Compliance with the World Trade Organization,” in Rethinking Biomedicine and Governance in Africa: Contributions from Anthropology. EdsRichardRottenberg, Julia Zenker, and WenzelGeissler.Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript [Verlag für Kommunikation, Kultur und Soziale Praxis].
2009 Kristin Peterson. “Phantom Epistemologies,” in Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be: Learning Anthropology’s Method in a Time of Transition. Eds. James D. Faubion & George E. Marcus. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 37-51.
2001 Kristin Peterson. “Benefit Sharing for All?: Bioprospecting NGOs, Intellectual Property Rights, New Governmentalities.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 24:1 (May): 78-91.
1999 Kristin Peterson. “Romancing the Shelter: The State, Activism, and Domestic Violence Funding.” Minnesota Review, 50-51 (October): 63-73.
Other Writing: Essays, Commentaries, etc. (Selected)
2017 Kristin Peterson and Morenike O. Folayan. “How Nigeria Defeated Ebola.” Africa Is A Country. 10 December.
2015 Morenike OluwatoyinFolayan, Bridget Haire, Kristin Peterson. Ethical Testing of Experimental Ebola Treatments. JAMA, 313(4), 421. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.17256
2014 Morenike OluwatoyinFolayan, Brandon Brown,Aminu Yakubu, Kristin Peterson, Bridget Haire. “Compassionate Use of Experimental Drugs in the Ebola Outbreak.” The Lancet. 12 September. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61605-6.
2014 Aminu Yakubu, Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan, Nasir Sani-Gwarzo, Patrick Nguku, Kristin Peterson, Brandon Brown. “The Ebola Outbreak in Western Africa: Ethical Obligations for Care.” Journal of Medical Ethics0:1–2. doi:10.1136/medethics-2014-102434. 9 September.