Our research group is focused on understanding and improving outcomes for sinonasal inflammatory disease, sinonasal tumors, and skull base surgery.
The group is led by a team of outstanding residents, students, and fellows, and is a platform for mentorship at all levels.
We have been and are honored to be able to present and publish our work in numerous venues.
Joint lab meeting with Dr. Gilbert Cadena (neurosurgery). Monica Trent presented our poster on using nasoseptal flaps to marsupialize Rathke cleft cysts at the 2019 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in Coronado, CA. The results of this study were later published in Laryngoscope (Laryngoscope. 2019 Oct;129(10):2258-2261). Ron Sahyouni presenting on vision outcomes for early versus delayed intervention for pituitary apoplexy at the 2019 North American Skull Base Society meeting in Orlando, FL. The results of this study were later published in World Neurosurgery (World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul;127:52-57). Khody Goshtasbi presenting on the prognostic value of the Hyams grading system for esthesioneuroblastomas at 2019 Rhinoworld Chicago. This study was a top-rated abstract of the meeting and received the International Rhinologic Society Clinical Science Award. The results of this study were published in the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2019 Sep;9(9):1054-1062). Brandyn Dunn presenting on safety and outcomes of concurrent endoscopic sinus surgery and septorhinoplasty as part of a two-team approach with rhinology and facial plastic surgery at the 2019 American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. The results of this study were published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy (Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2021 Sep;35(5):587-595). Arash Abiri presented our poster on adjuvant immunotherapy in the treatment of sinonasal mucosal melanomas at the 2020 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in Coronado, CA. It received the First Place Poster in Rhinology and Allergy at this meeting. The results of this study were later published in Laryngoscope (Laryngoscope. 2022 Mar;132(3):584-592). Khody Goshtasbi presenting on predictors of morbidity following esthesioneuroblastoma surgery at the 2020 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in Coronado, CA. The results of this study were published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy (Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2021 Jul;35(4):500-506). Ron Sahyouni presenting on differential outcomes for intradural and extradural skull base surgery at the 2020 North American Skull Base Society meeting in San Antonio, TX. The team grabbing tacos at Tacos El Gordo in Chula Vista with Dr. Brian Wong after Triological (Coronado, 2020)! Khody Goshtasbi presenting on the impact of induction chemotherapy on SNUC outcomes at the 2020 North American Skull Base Society meeting in San Antonio, TX. The results of this study were published in International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology (Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 May;10(5):679-688). Khody Goshtasbi presenting on endoscopic versus non-endoscopic treatment for pituitary adenomas at the 2020 North American Skull Base Society meeting in San Antonio, TX. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Neurosurgery (J Neurosurg. 2020 Mar 13:1-9). Jack Birkenbeuel presenting on long-term skull base reconstruction imaging characteristics at the 2021 North American Skull Base Society virtual meeting (one of about 30 talks selected to be given live!). Khody Goshtasbi presenting on the association between different frailty metrics and FESS outcomes at the 2021 American Rhinologic Society virtual meeting at COSM. The results of this study were published in International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology (Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2021 Nov;11(11):1596-1598). Khody Goshtasbi presenting on the association of frailty and complex head and neck surgery outcomes at the 2021 Triological Society virtual meeting at COSM. The results of this study were published in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Mar;166(3):482-489). UCI representing at ARS LA 2021! Khody Goshtasbi presenting on the association of facility volume and esthesioneuroblastoma outcomes at the 2021 American Rhinologic Society meeting in Los Angeles, CA. Sina Torabi presenting on Medicare reimbursement patterns in rhinology at the 2021 American Rhinologic Society meeting in Los Angeles, CA, a study led by Yale in collaboration with our team. The results of this study were published in International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology. Khody Goshtasbi presenting on frailty as a predictor for pituitary surgery outcomes at the 2021 American Rhinologic Society meeting in Los Angeles, CA. The results of this study were published in International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology. Milind, Kelsey, Ben, and Jack hanging out in the OR Post-work lab meeting, with some feasting A major congratulations to Arash for winning the inaugural School of Medicine Graduate Student Outstanding Clinical/Translation Research Award! Well-deserved! Jonathan Pang (first podium!) presenting on the overall safety and efficacy of anticholinergics in the treatment of chronic rhinitis at the 2022 Combined Sections Meeting of the Triological Society in Coronado, CA. Outstanding presence by UCI at the 2022 Triological Society in Coronado (and special appearance by an old friend – Dr. Omid Moshtaghi at UCSD)! UCI skull base team representing at the 2022 North American Skull Base Society Meeting in Phoenix, AZ! UCI ENT crew at NASBS 2022 after a great run of talks! Amy Du (first podium!) presenting on the impact of facility volume on outcomes for skull base chordomas at the 2022 North American Skull Base Society Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Arash Abiri (first podium!) presenting on endoscopic versus non-endoscopic surgery for craniopharyngiomas at the 2022 North American Skull Base Society Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Ben Bitner presenting on the impact of facility volume on outcomes for craniopharyngiomas at the 2022 North American Skull Base Society Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Congratulations to Jack for his outstanding match to the Ohio State University for otolaryngology residency! Can’t wait to see the great things you’ll do!