PSCI 167C. Biological Psychology. 4 Units. Introduces the principal theories, concepts, phenomena, and methods of biological psychology, the study of the effects of biological systems and processes on the behavior of individuals which integrates knowledge from neuroscience, cellular biology, psychology, and development.
PSCI 153C. Developmental Psychopathology. 4 Units. Research and theory of origins, course, and outcomes of disordered behavior. Continuity and change in patterns of behavior; environmental challenges and buffers; stress/competence in children; vulnerable/invincible children; children of mentally ill parents; families at risk; childhood antecedents of adult disorders.
SOCECOL 195W. Field Study Writing Seminar. 4-8 Units. Community engagement to promote civic education through field research experience, and the opportunity to study social issues and the environments where they occur. Develop discipline-specific writing and communication skills, methodology, and integrate information from multiple sources. Course may be offered online.
PSCI P283H. Psychoneuroimmunology. 4 Units. Introduces students to the field of psychoneuroimmunology and helps them develop the conceptual and methodological skills necessary for designing and interpreting research on the bidirectional relationship between the immune system and psychological processes.
PSCI P238. Child Psychopathology. 4 Units. Examination of etiology, classification, and developmental pathways of disorders, as well as risk and resilience factors, during the childhood/adolescent years. Discussion of genetic influences and contextual risk factors as well as internalizing and externalizing disorders.
PSCI C203. Professional Issues and Ethics in Clinical Psychology. 4 Units. Examines professional guidelines and ethical principles in clinical psychology research, assessment, and treatment, with an emphasis on the American Psychological Association Code of Ethics for Psychologists. Helps students develop awareness of ethical issues arising in clinical research and practice.
UCI School of Social Ecology & Department of Psychological Science Course Catalog: https://catalogue.uci.edu/allcourses/socecol/ or https://catalogue.uci.edu/allcourses/psci/