New publication on long conductive CNT wires over 50 microns long

Congratulations to Tuo, Ethan, and Jingyuan on having their paper accepted by Micromachines journal.

Zhou, E. Kropp, J. Chen, and L. Kulinsky, “Step-Wise Deposition Process for Dielectrophoretic Formation of Conductive 50-Micron-Long Carbon Nanotube Bridges,” Micromachines, 11 [4], 371 (2020)

The work describes a breakthrough step-wise dielectrophoretic (DEP) deposition process that for the first time allows alignment and deposition of conductive CNT wires longer than 50 microns. The key is the alteration of DEP CNT deposition step and drying steps where the drying step causes the surface tension to pull CNT together, producing a conductive piece of wire that now allows continuation of DEP-based building of a long conductive wire.

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