Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
J10. Reyes, A. & Cabello, M. (In press). Contention and change in Southern California: Post-Suburban Governance and its Evolution. Journal of Urban Affairs.
J9. Reyes, A. (2024). Appealing for local control and spatial inequality: Reforming governance and development rationalities in Southern California. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
J8. Basile, P. & Reyes, A. (2024). Civic Mobilization in the Face of Financialization: A Comparative Study of Housing Struggles in Mexico and Brazil. EPC: Politics and Space.
J7. Reyes, A. & Basile, P. (2022). The Distinctive Evolution of Housing Financialization in Brazil & Mexico. International Journal of Urban & Regional Research.
J6. Reyes, A. (2022). Evolution of Housing Finance Policy & Development Agendas in Mexico. Planning Perspectives.
J5. Reyes, A. (2021). Mexico’s Housing Crisis: Vacancy, Limited Access & Deaf Policy Responses. [Special issue: Global Crisis in Housing Affordability] International Journal of Urban Sciences 25(1): 167-94
J4. Reyes, A. (2020). Mexico’s Housing Paradox: Tensions between Financialization & Access. [Special issue: Financialization of Housing in Capitalism’s Peripheries] Housing Policy Debate 30(4): 486-511
J3. Reyes, A., Reyes-Sánchez, A. & Daigle, C. (2020). Looking Back to Look Forward: Evolution of the Habitat Agenda & Prospects for Implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Current Urban Studies 8, 337-363,
J2. Sletto, B., Stiphany, K. Futrell Winslow, J., Roberts, A., Torrado, M., Reyes, A.… & Tajchman, K. (2020). Demystifying Academic Writing in the Doctoral Program: Writing Workshops, Peer Reviews & Scholarly Identities. Planning Practice & Research,
J1. Reyes, A. (2018). Housing Access & Governance: The Influence & Evolution of Housing Organizations in Mexico City. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy & Planning 74: 327-333,
Journal Editorials
JE4. Vilenica, A., Reyes, A., Can, A., Cociña, C., Berryessa-Erich, F., Fernández, M., García, M., Muñoz, S. (2024). Editorial: Housing as a battlefield. Radical Housing Journal 6(1): 1-7,
JE3. Reyes, A., Fernández Arrigoitia, M., García-Lamarca, M., and Muñoz, S. (2022). Lived realities versus state rationalities: Mobilizing within and against housing injustices. Radical Housing Journal 4(2): 1-8,
JE2. Reyes, A., Vilenica, A., McElroy, E., Chen, H., Lancione, M., Thompson, S., & Muñoz, S. (2021). Tenant organizing, scholar activism &global south perspectives as alternative infrastructures of knowledge production. Radical Housing Journal 3(1): 1-10,
JE1. Reyes, A., Vilenica, A., Bowman, C., Eden, E., McElroy, E. & Lancione, M. (2020). The renewed ‘crisis’: Housing struggle before & after the pandemic. Radical Housing Journal 2(1): 1-8,
Book Chapters
BC4. Reyes, A. (Forthcoming). Mobilizing communities of color for housing policy change. In S. I. Robin (Ed) Progressive Planning Practice: Transforming Communities of Color. Routledge.
BC3. Reyes, A. (Forthcoming). Housing struggles and organizing in the wake of financialization in Mexico. In K. M. Stiphany and E. Ely-Ledesma (Eds) Insurgent Urbanisms in the Americas. Routledge.
BC2. Reyes, A. & Unda, M. (2024). Local Government in Mexico. In N. Steytler (Ed) Forum of Federations Handbook on Local Government in Federal Systems. Ottawa: Forum of Federations.
BC1. Reyes, A. (2020). La economía política del rezago y la desocupación de vivienda en México. In Roberto Eibenschutz & Laura O. Carrillo (Eds.), Repensar La Metrópoli III. Tomo I: Planeación y Gestión (pp. 243-256). Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Research Reports
RR2. Reyes, A. (2020). From the Top Down: The Governance of Urban Development in Mexico. Toronto: IMFG at University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy.
RR1. Reyes, A. (2019). The Evolution of Local Governance in Mexico City: Pursuing Autonomy in a Growing Region. Toronto, ON: IMFG at University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy,
Mueller, E., Ames, L., … Reyes, A. (2012). Creating Inclusive Corridors: Austin’s Airport Boulevard. Austin, TX: Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Texas at Austin.
C4. Reyes, A. (2024). Civic Responses to the Mexican Mortgage and Real Estate Boom. Planners Network Dissorientation Guide
C3. Reyes, A. (2022). Roadblocks to Teaching as a Foreign, Junior, Latina Professor. Latino Studies
C2. Maziveiro, M. C., Reyes, A. (2021). Intensification of, and responses to, housing struggles in Brazil under the Covid-19 pandemic. Radical Housing Journal 3(1): 85-92,
C1. Reyes, A. (2014). Desocupación habitacional: Implicaciones en el estado de Zacatecas, México. Construyendo Zacatecas CMIC.