Bimonthly INFORMS President’s Desk Columns in professional magazine OR/MS Today
L. R. Keller, President’s Desk: “Resolve, follow through”, OR/MS Today, Vol. 42 (1), Feb. 2015, page 8, or
L. R. Keller, President’s desk: “Our international roots”, OR/MS Today, Vol. 42 (2), April 2015, page 8, or
L. R. Keller, President’s desk: “AmbassadORs for operations research and analytics”, OR/MS Today, Vol. 42 (3), June 2015, page 8, or
L. R. Keller, President’s desk: “Focus on careers”, OR/MS Today, Vol. 42 (4), August 2015, page 8, or
L. R. Keller, President’s desk: “Exploring analytics”, OR/MS Today, Vol.42 (5), Oct. 2015, page 8, or
L. R. Keller, President’s desk: “Forward progress”, OR/MS Today, Vol. 42 (6), Dec. 2015, page 8, or
Editor-in-Chief, 2007-2012
Decision Analysis
June 2013: Rakesh K. Sarin and L. Robin Keller, “Group Decisions, Preference Elicitation, Experienced Utility, Survival Probabilities, and Portfolio Value of Information- From the Editors” Decision Analysis 10(2) 99-102., Keller-Editorial 526
March 2013: Rakesh K. Sarin and L. Robin Keller, “Probability Approximations, Anti-Terrorism Strategy, and Bull’s-Eye Display for Performance Feedback: From the Editors” Decision Analysis 10(1)1-5., Keller-Editorial 525
December 2012: L. Robin Keller, Ali Abbas, J. Eric Bickel, Vicki Bier, David Budescu, John C. Butler, Enrico Diecidue, Robin L. Dillon-Merrill Raimo P. Hämäläinen Kenneth C. (Casey) Lichtendahl, Jr., Jason R. W. Merrick, Jay R. Simon, George Wu, “Brainstorming, Multiplicative Utilities, Partial Information on Probabilities or Outcomes, and Regulatory Focus – From the Editors” Decision Analysis 9(4) 297-302., Keller-Editorial 524
September 2012: L. Robin Keller and Kelly M. Kophazi, “Copulas, Group Preferences, Multilevel Defenders, Sharing Rewards, and Communicating Analytics: From the Editors” Decision Analysis 9(3) 213-218., Keller-Editorial 523
June 2012: Jason R. W. Merrick Fabrizio Ruggeri, Refik Soyer, L. Robin Keller, “Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk— From the Editors” Decision Analysis 9(2) 81–85., Keller-Editorial 522
March 2012: L. Robin Keller, “Decisions over Time (Exploding Offers or Purchase Regret) in Game Settings (Embedded Nash Bargaining or Adversarial Games)- From the Editor” Decision Analysis 9(1) 1-5., Keller-Editorial 521
December 2011: L. Robin Keller, Ali Abbas, J. Eric Bickel, Vicki Bier, David Budescu, John C. Butler, Philippe Delquié, Kenneth C. (Casey) Lichtendahl, Jr., Jason R. W. Merrick, Ahti Salo, George Wu, “Probability Scoring Rules, Ambiguity, Multiattribute Terrorist Utility, and Sensitivity Analysis- From the Editors” Decision Analysis 8(4) 251-255., Keller-Editorial 520
September 2011: “Multiattribute and Intertemporal Preferences, Probability and Stochastic Processes: Models and Assessment- From the Editor” Decision Analysis 8(3) 165-169., Keller-Editorial 519
June 2011: From the Editors: Deterrence, Multiattribute Utility, and Probability and Bayes’ Updating,Keller-Editorial 518
March 2011: Investment and Defense Strategies, Heuristics and Games: From the Editor…, Keller-Editorial 517
December 2010: From the Editors…, Keller-Editorial 516
September 2010: From the Editor…
June 2010: From the Editors…
March 2010: Honoring Michael H. Rothkopf’s Legacy of Rigor and Relevance in Auction Theory: From the Editors
December 2009: From the Editors…
September 2009: From the Editor…
June 2009: From the Editors…
March 2009: From the Editor…
December 2008: From the Editors…
September 2008: From the Editor…
June 2008: From the Editors…
March 2008: From the Editor…
December 2007: From the Editors…
September 2007: From the Editor…
June 2007: From the Editor…
March 2007: From the Editor…