Fall 2024 Recap

Quite a few “firsts” happened for the Marsden lab this quarter! We would like to congratulate Jose on having his paper accepted to Science Advances. This paper details novel synthesized PKC modulator analogs as HIV LRAs and was in collaboration with the...

Summer 2024 Recap

With fall quarter rolling in, we wanted to recap a very eventful summer! Starting off: Tessa is published now! Her first author review, “HIV Latency, Persistence, and Cure Approaches: Where Are We Now?” was submitted and accepted into Viruses. We also have...

Welcome, Caroline!

Happy summer! Beyond enjoying the warm weather, we’re also very excited to welcome new technician Caroline to the lab (and Orange...

Nishad and Tessa pass pre-advancement!

Congratulations on passing! Nishad and Tessa are now well on their way to starting their third year. Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for our new...

Marsden lab grad students present at Grad Day!

Happy Grad Day! Tessa, Nishad, and Jose all presented their research at the School of Medicine’s Grad Day. Tessa gave a two-minute lightning talk entitled “Kicking HIV out of Latency” and a poster, while Nishad and Jose presented their work on...