Lynch, M. (2016). Hard Bargains: The Coercive Power of Drug Laws in Federal Court. NY: Russell Sage Foundation
Lynch, M. (2009). Sunbelt Justice: Arizona and the Transformation of American Punishment. Stanford University Press.
Selected Articles & Book Chapters (since 2000):
Lynch, M. & Laguna, S. (forthcoming). Police talk in the jury room: The production of race-conscious reasonable doubt among racially diverse jury groups. Law & Society Review.
Lynch, M. (forthcoming). The conspiracy of drug weight & the case of MDLEA defendants. Federal Sentencing Reporter.
Lynch, M. (forthcoming). Prosecutors and the production of racial inequality in sentencing. In Handbook on Sentencing, Ryan King and Michael Light (eds.). NY: Oxford University Press.
Lynch, M. (2024). (Re-)centering law in the criminology of sentencing and punishment. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, 25, 1-8.
Lynch, M. and Shaw, E. (2023). Downstream effects of frayed relations: Juror race, judgment, and perceptions of police. Race & Justice. OnlineFirst
Shaw, E., Lynch, M., and Scurich, N. (2023). Juror evaluations of incentivized informant testimony. Psychology, Crime, & Law. OnlineFirst
Lynch, M. (2023). Prosecutors as punishers: A case study of Trump-era practices. Punishment & Society, 25, 1312-1333.
Lynch, M., Kidd, T., and Shaw, E. (2022). The subtle effects of implicit bias instructions. Law & Policy, 44, 98-124.
Lynch, M., Barno, M., and Omori, M. (2021). Prosecutors, court communities, and policy change: The impact of internal DOJ reforms on federal prosecutorial practices. Criminology, 52.
Shaw, E., Lynch, M., Laguna, S., and Frenda, S. (2021). Race, witness credibility and jury deliberation in a simulated drug trafficking trial. Law & Human Behavior, 45, 215-228.
Barno, M. and Lynch, M. (2021). Selecting charges. In Handbook on Prosecutors and Prosecution, Ronald Wright, Kay Levine, and Russell Gold (eds.). NY: Oxford University Press.
Lynch, M. (2020). Double duty: The amplified role of special circumstances in California’s capital punishment system. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 51, 1010-1042.
Lynch, M. (2020). Regressive prosecutors: Law & order politics and practices in Trump’s DOJ. Hastings Journal of Crime & Punishment, 1, 195-220.
Lynch, M. (2019). Focally concerned about focal concerns: A conceptual and methodological critique of sentencing disparities research. Justice Quarterly, 36, 1148-1175.
Lynch, M. (2019). Place, race, and variations in federal criminal justice practices. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 17, 167-184.
Lynch, M. (2019). Booker circumvention? Adjudication strategies in the advisory sentencing guidelines era. N.Y.U. Review of Law & Social Change, 43, 59-108.
Lynch, M. (2019). The narrative of the number: Quantification in criminal court. Law & Social Inquiry, 44, 31-57.
Lynch, M. (2018). Prosecutorial discretion, drug case selection, and inequality in federal court. Justice Quarterly, 35, 1309-1336.
Lynch, M. (2018). 94 different countries? Time, place, and variations in federal criminal justice. Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, 23, 134-163.
Lynch, M. and Omori, M. (2018). Crack as proxy: Aggressive federal drug prosecutions and the production of black-white racial inequality. Law & Society Review, 52, 773-809.
Lynch, M. & Haney, C. (2018). Death qualification in black and white: Racialized decision-making and death-qualified juries. Law & Policy, 40, 148-171.
Lynch, M. (2017). The situated actor and the production of punishment: Toward an empirical social psychology of criminal procedure. Invited chapter for Theorizing the Modern Criminal System: Law and Sociology in Conversation, Sharon Dolovich and Alexandra Natapoff (eds.). NY: NYU Press.
Lynch, M. (2017). Backpacking the border: The intersection of drug & immigration prosecutions in a high volume U.S. court. British Journal of Criminology, 57, 112-131. .
Lynch, M. & Bertenthal, A. (2016). The calculus of the record: Criminal history in the making of U.S. federal sentencing guidelines. Theoretical Criminology, 20, 145-164.
Lynch, M. & Verma, A. (2016). The imprisonment boom of the late 20th century: Past, present and future. In Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment, John Wooldridge and Paula Smith (eds.). Oxford University Press.
Lynch, M. (2016). Overcoming dehumanization: The challenge for a jurisprudence of dignity. Social Justice, 42, 172-177.
Lynch, M. (2016). Criminal justice and the problem of institutionalized bias: Comments on theory and remedial action.UCI Law Review, 5, 935-944.
Bell, J. & Lynch, M. (2016). Cross-sectional challenges: Gender, race and six-person juries. Seton Hall Law Review, 46, 419-469.
Lynch, M. (2015). (Im)migrating penal excess: The case of Maricopa County, Arizona. Invited chapter for Extraordinary Punishment: An Empirical Look at Administrative Black Holes in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, Keramet Reiter and Alexa Koenig (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lynch, M. (2015). The empirics of capital punishment: Continuities and discontinuities. In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Robert A Scott and Stephen Kosslyn (eds.). Wiley.
Lynch, M. (2015). Building theory about contemporary punishment: Insights from documents and other social artifacts. In The Value of Qualitative Research for Advancing Criminological Theory (volume of Advances in Criminology Theory), Jody Miller and Wilson Palacios (eds.). Transaction Publishers.
Lynch, M. & Haney C. (2015). Emotion, authority, and death: (Raced) negotiations in mock capital jury deliberations. Law & Social Inquiry, 40, 377-405.
Haney, C., Weill, J. & Lynch, M. (2014). The death penalty. In APA Handbook of Forensic Psychology, Brian Cutler and Patricia Zapf. (eds.), pp. 451-510. DC: APA Books.
Lynch, M. & Omori, M. (2014). Legal change and sentencing norms in the wake of Booker: The impact of time and place on drug trafficking cases in federal court. Law & Society Review, 48, 411-445.
Lynch, M. (2013). Institutionalizing bias: The death penalty, federal drug prosecutions, and mechanisms of disparate punishment. American Journal of Criminal Law, 41, 91-131.
Lynch, M., Omori, M., Roussell, A. & Valasik, M. (2013). Policing the “progressive” city: The racialized geography of drug law enforcement. Theoretical Criminology, 17, 335-357.
Lynch, M. ( 2013). Realigning research: A proposed (partial) agenda for socio-legal scholars. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 25, 254-259.
Petersen, N. & Lynch, M. (2012). Prosecutorial discretion, hidden costs, and the death penalty: the case of Los Angeles County. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 102, 1233-1274.
Lynch, M. (2012). The social psychology of mass imprisonment. In J. Simon and R. Sparks (Eds.), Handbook of Punishment and Society. Sage Publications; 242-259.
Lynch, M. (2012). Theorizing the “war on drugs” in contemporary American punishment. Theoretical Criminology, 16, 175-199.
Hannah-Moffat, K. & Lynch, M. (2012) Theorizing punishment’s boundaries: An introduction. Theoretical Criminology, 16, 119-121.
Lynch, M. & C. Haney (2011). Looking across the empathic divide: Racialized decision-making on the capital jury. Michigan State Law Review, 2011, 573-607.
Lynch, M. (2011). Expanding the empirical picture of federal sentencing: An invitation. Federal Sentencing Reporter,23, 313-317.
Lynch, M. (2011). Mass incarceration, legal change and locale: Understanding and remediating American penal overindulgence. Criminology & Public Policy, 10, 671-698.
Lynch, M. & C. Haney (2011). Mapping the racial bias of the white male capital juror: Jury composition and the “empathic divide”. Law and Society Review, 45, 69-102.
Lynch, M. (2011). Crack pipes and policing: A case study of institutional racism and remedial action in Cleveland.Law & Policy, 33, 179-214.
Lynch, M. (2011). Theorizing punishment: Reflections on Wacquant’s Punishing the Poor. Critical Sociology, 37, 237–244.
Lynch, M. ( 2009). Punishment, purpose and place: A case study of Arizona’s prison siting decisions. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 50, 105-137.
Lynch, M. & Haney, C. ( 2009). Capital jury deliberation: Effects on death sentencing, comprehension, and discrimination. Law and Human Behavior, 33, 481-496.
Lynch, M. (2009). The social psychology of capital cases. In Jury Psychology: Social Aspects of Trial Processes, Joel D. Lieberman and Daniel A. Krauss (Eds.), pp. 157-182. London: Ashgate.
Lynch, M. (2008). The contemporary penal subject(s). In After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction, Jonathan Simon, Ian Haney López and Mary Louise Frampton (eds.), pp. 89-105. New York: NYU Press.
Lynch, M. (2006). Stereotypes, prejudice, and life and death decision-making: Lessons from laypersons in an experimental setting. In From Lynch Mobs to the Killing State: Race and the Death Penalty, Austin Sarat and Charles Ogletree (eds.), pp. 182-209. New York: NYU Press.
Lynch, M. (2005). Supermax meets death row: Legal struggles around the new punitiveness in the USA. In The New Punitiveness: Current Trends, Theories, Perspectives. John Pratt, David Brown, Simon Hallsworth, Mark Brown and Wayne Morrison (eds.), pp. 66-84. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.
Lynch, M. (2004). Punishing images: Jail Cam and the changing penal enterprise. Punishment and Society, 6, 255-270.
Lynch, M. (2003). The truth of verdicts? A social psychological examination of “A Theory of the Trial.” Law and Social Inquiry, 28, 539-546.
Lynch, M. (2002) Sarat’s When the State Kills and the changing nature of death penalty scholarship. Law and Social Inquiry, 27, 903-921.
Lynch, M. (2002). Pedophiles and cyber-predators as contaminating forces: The language of disgust, pollution, and boundary invasions in federal debates on sex offender legislation. Law and Social Inquiry, 27, 529-566.
Lynch, M. (2002). Selling ‘securityware’: Transformations in prison commodities advertising, 1949-1999. Punishment and Society, 4, 305-320.
Lynch, M. (2002). Capital punishment as moral imperative: Pro-death penalty discourse and activism on the internet.Punishment and Society, 4, 213-236.
Lynch, M. (2002). Capital punishment as a cultural phenomenon. Pro-death penalty sentiments in the U.S. In Christian Boulanger, Vera Heyes, and Philip Hanfling (eds.) Zur Aktualität der Todesstrafe: Interdisziplinäre und globale Perspektiven. Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz.
Lynch, M. (2001). From the punitive city to the gated community: Security and segregation across the social and penal landscape. Miami Law Review, 56, 89-112.
Lynch, M. & Haney, C. (2000). Discrimination and instructional comprehension: Guided discretion, racial bias, and the death penalty. Law and Human Behavior, 24, 337-358.
Lynch, M. (2000). On-line executions: The symbolic use of the electric chair in cyberspace. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 23, 1-20.
Lynch, M. (2000). Rehabilitation as rhetoric: The reformable individual in contemporary parole discourse and practices. Punishment and Society, 2, 40-65.
Lynch, M. (2000). The disposal of inmate #85271: Notes on a routine execution. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 20, 3-34.