Team Papers
1. Lakon, C.M., Wang, C., Butts, C.T., Jose, R., Timberlake, D.S. & Hipp, J.R. (2014). A Dynamic Model of Adolescent Friendship Networks, Parental Influences, and Smoking. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, published online September 20, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10964-014-0187-7.
2. Lakon, C.M. & Hipp, J.R. (2014). On Social and Cognitive Influences: Relating Adolescent Networks, Generalized Expectancies, and Adolescent Smoking. PLOS ONE 9(12): e115668. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115668 .
3. Hipp, J.R., Wang, C., Butts, C. T., Jose, R., & Lakon, C. M (2015). Research Note: The consequences of different methods for handling missing network data in Stochastic Actor Based Models. Social Networks, 41, 56-71.
4. Wang, C., Hipp, J., Butts, C., Jose, R. & Lakon, C.M (2015). Alcohol Use among Adolescent Youth: The Role of Friendship Networks and Family Factors in a Multi-school Study. PLOS ONE 10(3):e0119965. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119965
5. Lakon, C.M., Hipp, J.R., Wang, C., Butts, C.T., & Jose, R. Simulating a Dynamic Network Model of Adolescent Smoking: Varying Peer Influence and Selection in School Based Network Systems. American Journal of Public Health, 105(12),2438-2448. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302789. Invited Video Abstract: see Published online at AJPH Blogspot, 12/8/15.
6. Jose, R., Hipp, J.R., Butts, C.T., Wang, C., & Lakon, C.M. Network Structure, Influence, Selection and Delinquent Behavior: Unpacking a Dynamic Process. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 2016, 43(2), 264– 284, doi: 10.1177/0093854815605524. Here is the online appendix for the paper: Network Structure, Influence, Selection, and Adolescent Delinquent Behavior: Unpacking a Dynamic Process.
7. Wang, C., Butts, C.T., Hipp, J.R., Jose, R. & Lakon, C.M. (2016). Multiple Imputation for Missing Edge Data: A Case Study. Social Networks, 45, 89–98.
8. Wang, C., Butts, C.T., Hipp, J.R., Jose, R. & Lakon, C.M. (2016) Coevolution of Adolescent Friendship Networks and Smoking and Drinking Behaviors with Consideration Parental Influence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,30(3), 321-324.
9. Wang, C., Butts, C.T., Hipp, J.R., Jose, R., & Lakon, C.M^ Peer Influence, Peer Selection and Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Forward Simulation of a Dynamic Network Model of Friendship Ties and Alcohol Use. Prevention Science. May 2017, Volume 18, 4, 382–393. DOI 10.1007/s11121-017-0773-5.
10. Lakon, C.M., Wang, C., Butts, C.T., Jose, R., Hipp, J.R. (2017). Cascades of Emotional Support in Friendship Networks and Adolescent Smoking. PLOS ONE,
11. Wang C, Hipp JR, Butts CT, Lakon C.M. (2018) The interdependence of cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use in the context of school-based social networks. PLOS ONE 3(7): e0200904.