The UCI Neurorehabilitation Laboratory offers exciting research opportunities for undergraduate students interested in research. In fact, students are a vital part of the UCI Neurorehabilitation team. Once accepted, undergraduate reserachers are actively involved in many aspects of the research process, including participant recruitment, data entry, and data analysis.
The UCI Neurorehabilitation Laboratory offers exciting research opportunities for undergraduate students interested in research. In fact, students are a vital part of the UCINeurorehabilitation team.
Undergraduate students are expected to be involved in many aspects of the research process. Activities include assisting with recruitment of subjects to participate in research studies, preparing study recruitment and questionnaire packets, completing data entry, performing MRI, EEG, and TMS neuroimaging data analysis using software such as Matlab, FSL, and SPM, being involved in the research collaboration with UCI Neurorehabilitation Laboratory associates for various projects, and attending weekly lab meetings with the principle investigators and research staff.
The UCI Neurorehabilitation Laboratory allows undergraduate students to enroll in the Bio199 independent research program under the mentorship of Dr. Steve Cramer. This program allows students the ability to receive course credit for the time spent in the lab. Additionally, students also have the opportunity to conduct independent research, apply for funding and ultimately present their findings through research symposia. Previous undergraduates have successfully funded their research projects and presented their findings in a variety of settings, including local and national scientific conferences.
To join the UCI Neurorehabilitation Laboratory as a volunteer researcher, a copy of students transcripts are required, as well as an initial interview process with research staff. For more information or to inquire about available positions, please contact us.
BIO 199
The School of Biological Sciences offers students a chance to enroll in and conduct experimental laboratory, field, or clinical research as an apprentice scientist under the supervision of a professor in laboratories in the School of Biological Sciences or the School of Medicine.
Students enrolled in Bio 199 and who meet the eligibility requirements also have an opportunity to present the results of their research endeavors in the Excellence in Research Program.
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) in the Division of Undergraduate Education encourages and facilitates faculty-mentored research and creative activities by undergraduates from all schools and academic disciplines at UCI. UROP is committed to providing a professional environment conducive to research advancement and career skills development. UROP also collaborates with a number of schools and research units to develop specialized research opportunities.
Through UROP’s various programs, the UROP Team assists students through all phases of the research process, including proposal writing, developing research plans through project management skills, funding research projects, scholarly journal writing through The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, and presenting results of the research or creative project through the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.