Here is a link to the study, available for free from the UC Press open-science journal Collabra
And here is an Op-Ed we published in the Washington Post on 12/16/16 describing the research and some of its implications
Here are some of the places the study has been discussed and/or we have been interviewed about this research (radio, TV, print media, podcasts):
ABC News, forthcoming
National Public Radio, 8/22/16
Scientific American Mind (Makin), 1/1/17
Quartz, 9/7/16
Library of Economics and Liberty, 9/6/16
McMillan (The Psychology Community), 8/31/16
Psych Central, 9/28/16
Univision (in Spanish), 9/6/16
Nostro Figlio (in Italian), 8/25/16
Here are some interviews with one or more of us and stories about us on the radio, TV, and podcasts:
Air Talk with Larry Mantle (KPCC), 8/25/16
Top of the Mind with Julie Rose (BYU Radio), 8/29/16
The Savage Lovecast, 9/6/16
Athiestically Speaking, 9/21/16 Part 1 9/25/16 Part 2
Rising Up With Sonali, 8/16
Feminist Philosophers, 8/22/16
Radio Calgary News Talk 770
On Your Side (WRDW News 12 NBC 26), 8/29/16
Good Day Philadelphia (Fox Ch. 29), 8/30/16
The Current (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
How Not to F!ck Up Your Kids Too Bad (Stephen Marche podcast), 5/31/18