14. Croy, JR, JD Pratt, KA Mooney. Submitted. Latitudinal resource gradient shapes multi-variate defense strategies in a long-lived shrub. Ecology.
13. Schlau, B, T Huxman, KA Mooney, JD Pratt. 2021. Facilitation at early growth stages results in spatial associations and stable coexistence in late growth stages of two long-lived, dominant shrubs. Oikos 00:1-9. doi: 10.1111/oik.08603 PDF
12. Croy, JR, JD Pratt, D Sheng, KA Mooney. 2021. Climatic displacement exacerbates the negative impact of drought on plant performance and associated arthropod abundance. Ecology 00(00):e03462. 10.1002/ecy.3462. PDF
11. Sorte, CJ, NM Aguilar-Roca, AK Henry, JD Pratt. 2020. A hierarchical mentoring program increases confidence and effectiveness in data analysis and interpretation for undergraduate biology students. CBE – Life Sciences Education 19(3), ar23. PDF
10. Moreira, X, L Abdala-Roberts, CS Nell, C Vazquez-Gonzalez, JD Pratt, K Keefover-Ring, KA Mooney. 2019. Sexual and genotypic variation in terpene quantitative and qualitative profiles in the dioecious shrub Baccharis salicifolia. Scientific Reports 9: 14655. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51291-w PDF
9. Nelson, AS, RT Pratt, JD Pratt, RA Smith, CT Symanski, C. Prenot, KA Mooney. 2018. Progressive sensitivity of trophic levels to warming underlies an elevational gradient in ant-aphid mutualism strength. Oikos 128: 540-550. doi: 10.1111/oik.05650. PDF
8. Meza-Lopez M, KA Mooney, AL Thompson*, NK Ho*, JD Pratt. 2018. A test for clinal variation in Artemisia californica and associated arthropod responses to nitrogen addition. PLOS ONE13(2): e0191997. PDF
7. Nell, CS, MM Meza-Lopez, JR Croy, AS Nelson, X Moreira, JD Pratt, KA Mooney. 2018. Relative effects of genetic variation sensu lato and sexual dimorphism on plant traits and associated arthropod communities. Oecologia. doi.org/10.1007/s00442-018-4065-y PDF
6. Abdala-Roberts L, RT Pratt, JD Pratt, KA Mooney. 2017. Traits underlying community consequences of plant intra-specific diversity. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0183493. PDF
5. Pratt JD, A Datu*, T Tran*, D Sheng, KA Mooney. 2017. Genetically-based latitudinal clines in Artemisia californica drive parallel clines in arthropod communities. Ecology 98(1): 79-91 PDF
4. Abdala-Roberts L, JD Pratt, RT Pratt, TK Schreck, V Hanna*, KA Mooney. 2016. Multi-trophic consequences of plant genetic variation in sex and growth. Ecology 97(3): 743-753. PDF
3. Pratt JD, K Keefover-Ring, L Liu*, KA Mooney. 2014.Genetically-based latitudinal variation in Artemisia californica secondary chemistry. Oikos 123(8): 953-963. PDF
2. Pratt JD, KA Mooney. 2013. Clinal adaptation and adaptive plasticity in Artemisia californica: Implications for the response of a foundation species to predicted climate change. Global Change Biology 19: 2454-2466. PDF
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