BC-1: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1991). Spray Combustion in Idealized Configurations: Parallel Droplet Streams. In E. S. Oran, J. P. Boris (Eds.), Numerical Approaches to Combustion Modeling. 19. Vol. 135. (pp. 585-613). AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics.
BC-2: Rangel, R. (1992). Heat Transfer in Vortically-Enhanced Mixing of Vaporizing Droplet Sprays. In C. L. Tien (Ed.), Annual Review of Heat Transfer IV. 7. (pp. 331-362). Hemisphere Publishing Company.
BC-3: Sirignano, W. A., Rangel, R. H., Dunn-Rankin, D., Orme, M. (1996). Generation, Vaporization, and Combustion of Droplet Arrays and Streams. In K. K. Kuo (Ed.), Recent Advances in Spray Combustion. 14. Vol. 166. (pp. 327-380). AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics.
Book Sections
BC-4: Ardekani, A., Rangel, R., Joseph, D. D. (2007). Motion of a sphere normal to a wall in a second-order fluid (Same content as JA-63). In Joseph, D. D., Funada, T., Wang, J., 20.15. Cambridge University Press. 978-0-521-87337-6.
Journal Articles
JA-1: Campo, A., Rangel, R. (1983). Lumped-System Analysis for the Simultaneous Wall and Fluid Axial Conduction in Laminar Pipe-Flow Heat Transfer. Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, 4, 163-173.
JA-2: Rangel, R., Fernandez-Pello, A. C. (1984). Mixed-Convective Droplet Combustion with Internal Circulation. Combustion Science and Technology, 42, 47-66.
JA-3: Rangel, R., Fernandez-Pello, A. C., Treviño, C. (1986). Gas-Phase Ignition of a Premixed Combustible by Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Cylindrical Surfaces. Combustion Science and Technology, 48, 45-63.
JA-4: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1988). Nonlinear Growth of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability: Effect of Surface Tension and Density Ratio. The Physics of Fluids, 31, 1845-1855.
JA-5: Rangel, R., Treviño, C., Fernandez-Pello, A. C. (1988). Mixed-Convective Film Boiling around a Cylinder. Latin American Applied Research, 18, 131-137.
JA-6: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1989). Combustion of Parallel Droplet Streams. Combustion and Flame, 75, 241-254.
JA-7: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1989). An Evaluation of the Point Source Approximation in Spray Calculations. Numerical Heat Transfer, 16, 37-57.
JA-8: Rangel, R. (1991). Heat Transfer Analysis of a Particle-Containing Channel Flow. Warme- und Stoffubertragung, 26, 153-161.
JA-9: Nguyen, Q. V., Rangel, R., Dunn-Rankin, D. (1991). Measurement and Prediction of Trajectories and Collision of Droplets. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 17, 159-177.
JA-10: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1991). The Linear and Nonlinear Shear-Instability of a Fluid Sheet. The Physics of Fluids A, 3, 2392-2400.
JA-11: Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. (1991). Droplet-Stream Combustion in the Steady Boundary Layer Near a Wall. Combustion Science and Technology, 78, 97-115.
JA-12: Lavernia, E. J., Srivatsan, T. S., Rangel, R. (1992). Atomization of Alloy Powders. Atomization and Sprays, 3, 253-274.
JA-13: Lage, P.l. C., Rangel, R.H. (1993). Total Thermal Radiation Absorption by a Single Spherical Droplet. J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 7, 101-109.
JA-14: Lage, P. L. C., Rangel, R. H. (1993). Single Droplet Vaporization Including Thermal Radiation Absorption. J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 7, 502-509.
JA-15: Lage, P. L. C, Rangel, R. H., Hackenberg, C. M. (1993). Multicomponent Heat and Mass Transfer for Flow over Droplet. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 36(14), 3573-3581.
JA-16: San Marchi, C., Liu, H., Lavernia, E., Rangel, R., Sickinger, A., Muehlberger, E., (1993). Numerical Analysis of the Deformation and Solidification of a Single Droplet Impinging onto a Flat Substrate. J. Materials Science, 28, 3313-3321.
JA-17: Lage, P. L. C, Hackenberg, C. M., Rangel, R. H. (1993). Non-Ideal Vaporization of Dilating Binary Droplets with Variable Properties. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 36(15), 3731-3741.
JA-18: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. Numerical Simulation of Impingement of Molten Ti, Ni, and W Droplets on a Flat Substrate. J. Thermal Spray Technology, 2(4), 369-378.
JA-19: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1993). Numerical Simulation of Substrate Impact and Freezing of Droplets in Plasma Spray Processes. J. Applied Physics, 26, 1900-1908.
JA-20: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1994). Numerical Investigation of Micro-Pore Formation during Substrate Impact of Molten Droplets in Plasma Spray Processes. Atomization and Sprays, 4, 369-384.
JA-21: Lage, P. L. C., Rangel, R. H. (1994). Generalized Integral Transform Solution for Boundary-Layer Flow Over a Sphere. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 18(8), 721-731.
JA-22: Liu, H., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1994). Modeling of Reactive Atomization and Deposition Processing of Ni 3 Al. Acta Metall. mater, 42(10), 3277-3289.
JA-23: DiStefano, E., Cady, E. C., Rangel, R. H. (1994). A Method of Filling Screen Liquid Acquisition Devices in Low Gravity. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 31(6), 1099-1106.
JA-24: Liu, H., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1995). Modeling of Droplet-Gas Interactions in Spray Atomization of Ta-2.5W Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 191, 171-184.
JA-25: Leiroz, A. J. K, Rangel, R. H. (1995). Numerical Study of Droplet Stream Vaporization at Zero Reynolds Number. Numerical Heat Transfer A, 27, 273-296.
JA-26: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1995). Modeling of Molten Droplet Impingement on a Non-flat Surface. Acta Metall. mater, 43(5), 2053-2072.
JA-27: Lage, P. L. C, Hackenberg, C. M., Rangel, R. H. (1995). Non-ideal Vaporization of Dilating Binary Droplets with Radiation Absorption. Combustion and Flame, 101, 36-44.
JA-28: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. (1995). An Analysis of Freeze-up Phenomena during Gas Atomization of Metals. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 38(12), 2183-2193.
JA-29: Rangel, R., Bian, X. (1996). The Inviscid Stagnation-Flow Solidification Problem. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 39(8), 1591-1996.
JA-30: Rangel, R., Bian, X. (1995). Numerical Solution of the Inviscid Stagnation-Flow Solidification Problem. Numerical Heat Transfer A, 28(5), 589-603.
JA-31: Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1996). Multi-Directional Solidification Model for the Description of Micro-Pore Formation in Spray Deposition Processes. Numerical Heat Transfer A, 30, 1-18.
JA-32: Bian, X., Rangel, R. H. (1996). The Viscous Stagnation-Flow Solidification Problem. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 39(17), 3581-3594.
JA-33: Zhang, Q., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1996). Nucleation Phenomena during Coinjection of Ceramic Particulates into Atomized Metal Droplets. Acta Metall. Mater, 44(9), 3693-3707.
JA-34: Leiroz, A. J. K, Rangel, R. (1997). Flame and Droplet Interaction Effects during Droplet-Stream Combustion at Zero Reynolds Number. Combustion and Flame, 108(3), 287-301.
JA-35: Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. H. (1997). An Improved model for Droplet Solidification on a Flat Surface. J. of Materials Science, 32(6), 1519-1530.
JA-36: Rangel, R. H., Bian, X. (1997). Metal Droplet Deposition Model including Liquid Deformation and Substrate Remelting. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 40(11), 2549-2564.
JA-37: Delplanque, J. P., Cai, W. D., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1997). Spray Atomization and Deposition of Tantalum Alloys. Acta Materialia, 45(12), 5233-5243.
JA-38: Bian, X., Rangel, R. (1997). Stagnation-Flow Solidification on a Finite-Thickness Substrate. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 41(1), 244-247.
JA-39: Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1997). Numerical Investigation of Multiphase Flow induced Porosity Formation in Spray-Deposited Materials. International J. Non-Equil. Processing, 10, 185-199.
JA-40: Delplanque, J. P., Dai, S., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1997). Reactive Spray Atomization and Deposition of Aluminum Alloys: Microstructure and Dispersoid Characterization. J. of Materials Synthesis and Processing, 5, 87-104.
JA-41: Rangel, R. H., Bian, X. (1998). Undercooling and Contact Resistance in Stagnation-Flow Solidification on a Semi-Infinite Substrate. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 41(12), 1645-1653.
JA-42: Coimbra, C. F. M, Edwards, D. K., Rangel, R. H. (1998). Heat Transfer in a Homogeneous Suspension Including Radiation and History Effects. J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2(3), 304-312.
JA-43: Coimbra, C. F. M., Rangel, R. H. (1998). General Solution of the Particle Momentum Equation in Unsteady Stokes Flows. J. Fluid Mechanics, 370, 53-72.
JA-44: Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. H. (1998). A Comparison of Models, Numerical Simulation, and Experimental Results in Droplet Deposition Processes. Acta Materialia, 46(14), 4925-4933.
JA-45: Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. H. (1999). Simulation of Liquid Jet Overflow in Droplet Deposition Processes. Acta Materialia, 47(7), 2207-2213.
JA-46: Chung, M., Jung, P. S., Rangel, R. H. (1999). Semi-analytical Solution for Heat Transfer from a Buried Pipe with Convection on the Exposed Surface. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 42(20), 3771-3786.
JA-47: Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (2000). Analysis of In-flight Oxidation during Reactive Spray Atomization and Deposition Processing of Aluminum. Journal of Heat Transfer, 122, 126-132.
JA-48: Chung, M., Rangel, R. H. (2000). Simulation of Metal Droplet Deposition with Solidification Including Undercooling and Contact Resistance Effects. Numerical Heat Transfer, 37(3), 201-226.
JA-49: Coimbra, C. F. M., Rangel, R. H. (2000). Unsteady Heat Transfer in the Harmonic Heating of a Dilute Suspension of Small Particles. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 43(18), 3305-3316.
JA-50: Chung, M., Rangel, R. H. (2001). Parametric Study of Metal Droplet Deposition and Solidification Process Including Contact Resistance and Undercooling Effects. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 44(3), 605-618.
JA-51: Terry, D., McGraw, R., Rangel, R. H. (2001). Method of Moments Solutions for a Laminar-Flow Aerosol Reactor Model. Aerosol Science and Technology, 34, 353-362.
JA-52: Coimbra, C. F. M., Rangel, R. H. (2001). Spherical Particle Motion in Harmonic Stokes Flows. AIAA Journal, 39(9), 1673-1682.
JA-53: Ahmed, A. M., Sobolev, V. V., Guilemany, J. M., Rangel, R. H. (2001). In-flight Oxidation of Composite Powder Particles during Thermal Spraying. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 44(24), 4667-4677.
JA-54: Ahmed, A. M., Rangel, R. H. (2002). Metal Droplet Deposition on Non-flat Surfaces: effect of substrate morphology. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 45, 1077-1091.
JA-55: Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. H.(2002). Linear stability analysis of the solidification of a supercooled liquid in a half-space. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 45(23), 4577-4587.
JA-56: Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. H. (2003). Solidification of a supercooled liquid in stagnation-point flow. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 46(21), 4013-4021.
JA-57: Coimbra, R., L’Esperance, C., Lambert, D., Trolinger, J., Rangel, R. H. (2004). An experimental study on stationary history effects in high-frequency Stokes flows. J. Fluid Mech, 504, 353-363.
JA-58: L’Esperance, D., Coimbra, C., Trolinger, J., Rangel, R. H. (2005). Experimental verification of fractional history effects on the viscous dynamics of small spherical particles. Exp. Fluids, 38(1), 112-116. (2nd co-author was my PhD student).
JA-59: L’Esperance, D., Trolinger, J., Coimbra, C., Rangel, R. H. (2005). Particle Response to Low-Reynolds-Number Oscillation of a Fluid in Microgravity. AIAA J, 44(5), 1060-1064. (3rd co-author was my PhD student).
JA-60: Alabduljalil, S., Rangel, R. (2006). Inviscid instability of an unbounded shear layer: effect of surface tension, density and velocity profile. J. Engineering Mathematics, 54(2), 99-118. (co-author was my PhD student).
JA-61: Soler, J. M., Rangel, R. H. (2006). Geometrical Characterization of Canted Coil Springs. J. Mech. Engineering Science, 220(12), 1831-1842. (co-author was my MS student).
JA-62: Ardekani, A. M., Rangel, R. H. (2006). Unsteady motion of two solid spheres in Stokes flow. Physics of Fluids, 18. (co-author is my PhD student).
JA-63: Ardekani, A. M., Rangel, R., Joseph, D. (2007). Motion of a sphere normal to a wall in a second-order fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 587, 163-172.
JA-64: Leiroz, A.J. K., Rangel, R. (2007). Transient Gas Phase Interaction Effects During Droplet-Stream Combustion. J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. and Engr., 29(3), 329-336.
JA-65: Kim, J., Rangel, R. H., Kido, H., Madou, M. J. (2008). Passive flow switching valves on a centrifugal microfluidic platform. Sensors and Actuators, 182(2), 613-621.
JA-66: Ardekani, A. M., Rangel, R. H., Joseph, D. D. (2009). Two spheres in a stream of a second-order fluid. Physics of Fluids, 20(6).
JA-67: Ardekani, A. M., Rangel, R. H. (2008). Numerical investigation of particle-particle and particle-wall collisions in a viscous fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 596, 436-466.
JA-68: Lambert, R. A., Das, S., Madou, M. J., Chakraborty, S., Rangel, R. H. (2008). Rapid Macromolecular Synthesis in Microfluidic Channels with Oscillating Flaps. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51(17-19), 4367-4378.
JA-69: Wang, W., Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. H. (2008). Parametric Study of Multi-Splat Solidification/Remelting including Contact-Resistance Effects. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51(19-20), 4811-4819.
JA-70: Ardekani, A. M., Dabiri, S., Rangel, R. (2009). Deformation of a Droplet in a Particulate Shear Flow. Physics of Fluids, 21.
JA-71: Ardekani, A. M., Dabiri, S., Rangel, R. H. (2009). Collision of multi-particle and general shape objects in a viscous fluid. J. Computational Physics, 227, 10094-10107.
JA-72: Ardekani, A. M., Dunn-Rankin, D., Joseph, D. D., Rangel, R. H. (2009). Particle-Wall Collision in a Viscoelastic Fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 633, 475-483.
JA-73: Casadevall i Solvas, X., Lambert, R. A., Kulinsky, L., Rangel, R.H., Madou, M. J. (2009). Au/PPy Actuators for Active Micromixing and Mass Transport Enhancement. Micro and Nanosystems, (1), 2-11.
JA-74: Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. H. (2010). The role of elastic flap deformation on fluid mixing in a microchannel. Physics of Fluids, 22(5), 96-111.
JA-75: Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. H. (2011). Micro-Mixing and the Role of Multiple Rotating and Bending Flaps. Int J. Trans Phenomena, 12(1-2), 133-145.
JA-76: Casadevall i Solvas, X., Lambert, R. A., Kulinsky, L., Rangel, R. H., Madou, M. J. (2011). Micromixing and Flow Manipulation with Polymer Microactuators. Microfluidcs and Nanofluidics, 11(4), 405-416.
JA-77: Hernandez, F., and Rangel, R. H. (2017). Breakup of drops in simple shear flows with high-confinement geometry. Computers and Fluids, 146, 23-41.