- CP-1: Rangel, R., Fernandez-Pello, A. C. (1986). Droplet Ignition in Mixed Convection. Proceedings of the Tenth International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 105, (pp. 239-252). Berkeley, California.
- CP-2: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1986). Rapid Vaporization and Heating of Two Parallel Fuel Droplet Streams. Twenty-first Symposium (International) on Combustion, (pp. 617-624). The Combustion Institute.
- CP-3: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1988). Two-Dimensional Modeling of Flame Propagation in Fuel Stream Arrangements. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems; Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 113, (pp. 128-150). Warsaw, Poland.
- CP-4: Rangel, R., Sirignano, W. A. (1988). Unsteady Flame Propagation in a Two-Dimensional Spray with Transient Droplet Vaporization. In Twenty Second Symposium (International) on Combustion. (pp. 1931-1939). The Combustion Institute.
- CP-5: Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. H., Sirignano, W. A. (1991). Liquid Waste Incineration in a Parallel Stream Configuration: Effect of Auxiliary Fuel. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 132, (pp. 164-186).
- CP-6: Rangel, R. (1990). Vortical Mixing and Heat Transfer in Liquid Sprays. Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting. ENCIT, (pp. 547-552). Itapema, Brazil.
- CP-7: Delplanque, J.-P., Rangel, R. H., Sirignano, W. A. (1990). Liquid Waste Incineration in a Parallel Stream Configuration: Parametric Study. Twenty Third Symposium (International) on Combustion, (pp. 887-894). The Combustion Institute.
- CP-8: Rangel, R. (1990). Spray Entrainment and Mixing in a Temporally-Growing Shear Layer. Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire and Combustion Systems. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, (pp. 11-18).
- CP-9: Lage, P. L. C., Rangel, R. H. (1991). Total Thermal Radiation Absorption Distribution inside a Liquid Droplet Irradiated by a Blackbody. Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire and Combustion Systems. National Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 166, (pp. 69-78).
- CP-10: Rangel, R., Continillo, G. (1992). Theory of Vaporization and Ignition of a Droplet Cloud in the Field of a Vortex. Twenty Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion, (pp. 1493-1501). The Combustion Institute.
- CP-11: Lage, P. L. C., Rangel, R. H. (1992). Generalized Integral Transform Solution for Boundary Layer Flow over a Sphere. In Proceedings of the Fourth Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting. ENCIT, (pp. 294- 296). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- CP-12: Liu, H., Muehlberger, E., Sickinger, A., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1993). Deformation and Interaction Behavior of Molten Droplets Impinging on a Flat Surface in Plasma Spray Processes. In Proceedings of the 1993 National Thermal Spray Conference. (pp. 457-462). Anaheim, California.
- CP-13: Liu, H., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H., Muehlberger, E., Sickinger, A. (1994). Numerical Investigation of Micro-Pore Formation during Substrate Impact of Molten Droplets in Spraying Processes. In Proceedings of the 1994 National Thermal Spray Conference. Boston Massachusetts.
- CP-14: Leiroz, A. J. K., Rangel, R. H. (1994). A Numerical Grid for Droplet-Stream Vaporization Problems. In Proceedings of the Fifth Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting. ENCIT, (pp. 367-370). Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- CP-15: Lage, P. L. C, Hackenberg, C. M., Rangel, R. H. (1994). Vaporization of Dilating Non-Ideal Binary Droplets with Radiation Absorption. In Proceedings of the Fifth Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting. ENCIT, (pp. 509-512). Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Short version of JA-25).
- CP-16: Liu, H., Cai, W., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1995). Numerical and Experimental Study of Porosity Evolution during Plasma Spray Deposition of Tungsten. In M. A. Otooni (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1994 NATO Workshop. Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification and Processing, (pp. 73-107). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- CP-17: Delplanque, J. P., Cai, W. D., Rangel, R. H., Lavernia, E. J. (1996). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Porosity during Low Pressure Plasma Spraying of Tungsten. In Tungsten and Refractory Metals 3: Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Tungsten and Refractory Metals, their Alloys, Composites and Carbides. Metal Powder Industries Federation.
- CP-18: Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1995). Multi-Directional Solidification Model for the Description of Micro-Pore Formation in Spray Deposition Processes. In Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer in Metals and Materials Processing. 1995 ASME IMECE, Vol. 2, (pp. 511-522). (HTD- Vol. 317-2).
- CP-19: Bian, X., Rangel, R. H. (1995). Analytical and Numerical Studies of the Stagnation-Flow Solidification Problem. In Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer in Metals and Materials Processing. 1995 ASME IMECE, Vol. 2. (HTD-Vol. 317-2).
- CP-20: Leiroz, A. J. K., Rangel, R. H. (1996). Interaction Effects during Droplet-Stream Combustion. In S. H. Chan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion. Transport Phenomena in Combustion, Vol. 1, (pp. 826-837). Taylor and Francis.
- CP-21: Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1996). Simulation of Micro-Pore Formation in Spray Deposition Processes. In Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing. 1996 ASME IMECE, Vol. 336, (pp. 275-282). (FED-Vol. 240).
- CP-22: Rangel, R. H., Bian, X. (1996). A Metal-Droplet Deformation and Solidification Model with Substrate Remelting. In Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing. 1996 ASME IMECE, Vol. 336, (pp. 265-273). (FED-Vol240).
- CP-23: Bian, X., Delplanque, J. P., Rangel, R. H. (1997). Droplet Deposition: Comparison of Models, Numerical Simulations, and Experimental Data. Symposium on Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 1997 ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 347.
- CP-24: Coimbra, C. F. M, Edwards, D. K., Rangel, R. H. (1997). Particle Temperature Response to Transient Thermal Perturbations in a Dilute Suspension Including Radiation Heat Transfer. Symposium on Dispersed Flows in Combustion, Incineration and Propulsion Systems. 1997 ASME IMECE, Vol. 352, (pp. 187-197).
- CP-25: Dai, S., Delplanque, J. P., Lavernia, E. J., Rangel, R. H. (1998). Modeling of Reactive Spray Atomization and Deposition. 15th International Thermal Spray Conference. ASM International, Vol. 1, (pp. 341-346). Nice, France.
- CP-26: Coimbra, C. F. M., Rangel, R. H. (1998). Fractional Calculus Solution of the Particle Momentum Equation in Unsteady Stokes Flows. Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Thermal Sciences Meeting. VII Encit, Vol. 2, (pp. 997-982).
- CP-27: Coimbra, C. F. M., Rangel, R. H. (1998). Unsteady Heat Transfer in a Dilute Suspension of Small Particles. Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Thermal Sciences Meeting. VII Encit, Vol. 2, (pp. 983-988).
- CP-28: Ahmed, A. M., Rangel, R. H., Sobolev, V. V., Guilemany, J. M. (2000). Mathematical Model of In-Flight Oxidation of Metallic Particles in Thermal Spraying. In C. C. Berndt (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. ITSC-2000, (pp. 187-193). Montreal, Canada. ASM International, Materials Park, OH.
- CP-29: Trolinger, J. D., L’Esperance, D., Rangel, R., Coimbra, C., Witherow, W. (2004). Design and preparation of a particle dynamics space flight experiment. In S. Sadhal (Ed.), Proceedings of the Microgravity Transport Processes in Fluid, Thermal, Biological and Materials Sciences III. SHIVA, ECI: MTP-03-86, Vol. 1027, (pp. 550-567). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.