This work is part of a collaboration with Coordenação de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia (COPPE), Brazil
A diffusive liquid vaporization model for multicomponent droplets has been developed. It includes: spatially and time dependent density, the interdiffusion term in the energy equation, variable properties, and non-ideal phase equilibrium. This model is used to simulate the vaporization of monocomponent droplets of n-heptane and methanol, and bicomponent droplets of their mixture. It is shown that density variations induce an internal convection which, together with the interdiffusion of species, results in a significant decrease of the droplet lifetime and the energy requirement for vaporization when compared with the predictions of the more traditional model. It is also found that the surface conditions are primarily controlled by phase equilibrium. The model is able to predict the experimentally-observed sparkle at the end of droplet combustion.
- P. L. C. Lage, C. M. Hackenberg, and R. H. Rangel, “Non-ideal Vaporization of Dilating Binary Droplets with Variable Properties,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 3731-3741, 1993.
- P. L. C. Lage, C. M. Hackenberg, and R. H. Rangel, “Non-ideal Vaporization of Dilating Binary Droplets with Radiation Absorption,” Combustion and Flame, 101, 36-44, 1995.