Here are deposited some Review and Original articles to read to get familiar with our field of studies.
HIF and hypoxia:
Book Chapter on hypoxia Razorenova and Giaccia
Lipid metabolism:
Lipid metabolism review Baenke et al
Lipid metabolism review Menendez and Lupu
Nature Medicine FAO and TNBC Camarda et al
Cell Reports FAO and TNBC Park et al
Nature Cell Biology OxPhos and metastasis in TNBC LeBleu et al
Synthetic lethality:
CDKi Dinaciclib in ccRCC Nelson et al
Synthetic lethality review O’Neil et al
Synthetic lethality review Thompson et al
Oncogene VHL/ROCK Thompson et al
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics VHL/statins Thompson et al
Other papers: