
Angela J. Rigden

Assistant Professor
Office: 3327 Croul Hall

Interests: hydrology, plant physiology, agronomy, remote sensing, climate change

Dr. Rigden is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth System Science at the University of California, Irvine. Prior to joining ESS, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences with a fellowship from the Planetary Health Alliance. She completed her PhD at Boston University in the Department of Earth and Environment with a certificate in Biogeoscience. Dr. Rigden explores interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere using multi-scale data and models. Her most recent work focuses on understanding the implications of a changing water cycle on agriculture across the globe.

Chris Chalmers

Graduate Student
Office: 3400 ISEB

Interests: remote sensing, agriculture, environmental justice, climate change

Yan Zhang

Postdoctoral Fellow
Office: 1101C Croul Hall

Interests: precipitation, spatial statistics, climate change, agriculture

Undergraduate researchers (EarthSS 199):

Fall 2023: Sarah Mey (honors thesis)

Spring 2023: Miles Liu

Winter 2023: William Deng, Christopher Leong

Join us!

As you may notice, our group needs some more members! If you’re interested in joining our group, please reach out.