Principal Investigator
Dr. Gelareh Sadigh
Associate Professor in Residence
Dr. Sadigh is Associate Professor in Residence of Neuroradiology at University of California
Irvine and a health services researcher. All of her work in the last 13 year shares the overarching
theme of healthcare value and decreasing health disparities. Dr. Sadigh research has
encompassed healthcare utilization, comparative effectiveness research, financial hardship,
patient preferences and costs of care discussion, price transparency and financial navigation. Her long-term research goal is to improve patient-centered and evidence-based healthcare delivery while decreasing healthcare costs.
Research Assistants
Mahnur Bharucha
Junior Specialist
Victoria Nguyen
Junior Specialist
Agnes Zhou
Junior Specialist
Omar Gutierrez
Junior Specialist
Richard Jason Echeverria
Junior Specialist
Richard is a Junior Specialist for Sadigh Lab and a graduate from the University of California, Irvine with a B.S in Biological Sciences. He has had extensive experience with patients with disabilities of all ages, and has a deep passion for patient interaction and understanding their perspectives. Currently, he is involved in multiple projects aligned with helping patients addressing any concerns they may have for LCS, medication adherence, and barriers for different medical screenings.