• Jul 2022    Xiaoyu was awarded a 2022-2023 Hellman Fellowship Award. The grant will empower a new   direction in Shi lab that is  “Uncover Cellular Mechanisms of Aging Using Super-Resolution Microscopy.”  [news]
  • Jun 2022   Justin Vien was selected as a SURP Fellow for Summer 2022 by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Faculty Advisory Board.
  • May 2022   Congrats to Yinyin Zhuang for receiving the NSF-Simons fellowship and becoming a 2022-2023 CMCF graduate fellow, for her ground-breaking work on nuclear lamina!  [news]
  • May 2022   Sihe Tan joined as a graduate student researcher. Welcome!
  • Mar 2022   Congratulations to Nan Shi for accepting an assistant professor position, to Sohyeon for passing the qualifying exam, to Adrian for officially becoming our lab manager, and to for Sihe for starting his rotation in our lab!
  • Feb 2022    Shi Lab and Olga Razorenova Lab received an interdisciplinary pilot grant sponsored by UCI Center for Cancer Systems Biology for their collaborative project “inter-organelle crosstalk in the cancer cell nucleus”.
  • Feb 2022     We celebrated Feb 11 International Day of Women and Girls in Science together with Journal of Cell Biology on twitter. Happy research, ladies! Thank you for your contribution to science and human beings! 
  • Sep 2021 Our LR-ExM image of nuclear lamina was featured on the table of contents page of JCB of the September issue.
  • Aug 2021    This summer, Xiaoyu, Steven, and Shehreen teamed up with three MathExp LR high school students, Tom, Tiana, and Alessandro. They programed a “robotic biologist” who can automatically take images and segment organelles.  So fun!
  • July 2021    Yinyin Zhuang joined as a graduate student researcher. Welcome on board!
  • May 2021  Today we looked up to salute the winner of the Best Picture award in our 1st “What Made Us Happy” Photography Contest. Big congrats to Shehreen, her cat Scarlet, and all the other awardees!!
  • Jun 2021    Nan Shi joined as the postdoc. Welcome on board!

Zoom dysmorphia? Who cares.

  • May 2021   Well aligned Laguna and her first user Sohyeon.
  • Mar 2021    We welcome our new class of BME undergraduate researchers Steven, Shehreen, Dillon, Sedrick, and Kyubeom!! See you in the lab when you are back to campus.
  • Feb 2021    Our epifluorescence microscope NEwport is built on top of a microscope (one of the first confocal in the world) donated by Dr. Frank Szoka. (Thank you, Frank! Your microscope is up running again in a new home.)
  • Jan 2021    Our STORM microscope Laguna is built.
  • Oct 2020  Jack Corrette started his rotation in our lab. Welcome!
  • Sep 2020   Katie Fong joined as honored bio199 undergraduate research assistant.
  • Aug 2020   Sohyeon Park, Andrew McColloch, and Khoi Nguyen joined as graduate student researcher, postdoc fellow, and undergraduate research assistant. Welcome, new members! We will make up the welcome lunch at the University Club after the pandemic.
  • Mar 2020   Leobardo joined lab as a rotation student. Enjoy learning!  
  • Jan 2020   Jiaxi Zhang joined as the lab manager and junior specialist. Welcome on board!
  • Mar 2019   Xiaoyu presented the latest development of  Label-Retention Expansion Microscopy (LR-ExM) at the 63rd Biophysical Society Annual Meeting. Xiaoyu’s image made to the final list of the the Art of Science Image Contest.
  • Oct 2018   J. Phy. Chem. A. Cover Article
  • July 2018   Xiaoyu presented Label-Retention Expansion STORM (LR-ExSTORM) at Gordon Research Conference (GRC)  – Single Molecule Approaches to Biology
  • July 14-15, 2018  Xiaoyu chaired Gordon Research Seminar  (GRS) – Single Molecule Approaches to Biology
  • May 2018   Xiaoyu received K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award                                 
  • Fed 2018    Xiaoyu chaired Platform: Optical Microscopy and Superresolution Imaging: Applications, at theBiophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting
  • Fed 2018    Xiaoyu received Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award
  • Oct 2017    Nat. Cell Biol. Cover Article
  • Aug 2017    Xiaoyu won the Young Artist Award at 25th United States International Music Competition