Research in the DSK lab focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of aging by studying processes that control age-related eye diseases, such as senescence in glaucoma and the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in age-related macular degeneration. We use advanced genomic, proteomic, and lipidomic methods to investigate cellular, metabolic, and transcriptional programs.
Using mouse models of human conditions, we examine the mechanisms behind age-related eye diseases to find new treatments for affected individuals. Part of our work aims to develop treatments, with a specific focus on repurposing FDA-approved drugs for potential use in eye clinics.
We are lucky to be supported by many sources (Glaucoma Research Foundation, BrightFocus Foundation, NIH National Eye Institute, Research to Prevent Blindness, Thome Memorial Foundation and others) that allowed us to pursue our research goals since the inception of the lab.
Hallmarks of Aging: Causes and Consequences

Women in Vision Research Networking List
We are passionate about supporting Women in Vision Research in achieving their goals. This is why, we have created the Women in Vision Research Networking List. This is the place where one can search for female peers working on the same topic, look for the potential collaborators, look for speakers on conferences, find potential supporters for the letter of nomination for the award and/or letter of recommendation. The list is voluntary (it is only “you” that can put your name on it). We would like to invite every woman working in the field of Vision Research to put their name on the list and to use the list as needed. We hope this list will help us to connect and to increase our direct support for each other.