This summer, Dr. Chrastil and our lab mentored two research assistants, Alayah Solomon and Marie Karpinska, who participated in our lab’s spatial neuroscience research and investigated their own research questions. Alayah, a rising sophomore at North Carolina A&T State University, was part of the Summer Institute Neuroscience program at UC Irvine, where she focused on white matter shape analysis and its impact on hormones in midlife adults. The program culminated in a symposium featuring a keynote lecture, short presentations by summer scholars, and a poster session. In addition to conducting research in laboratories, the students participated in cohort-wide activities including workshops on neuroscience methods, professional development opportunities, seminars by faculty, and socials.
Alayah’s poster on the Relationship Between FSH Hormone Levels and White Matter Tract Length
Marie Karpinska, a computer science and psychology student at UCSB, was part of the University of California Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) program. The program is designed to engage and educate California’s future leaders by preparing promising students for advanced education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Marie presented on Spatial Working Memory Capacity on Path integration, specifically examining one’s spatial working memory score on loop closure performance.
Marie presents on Spatial Working Memory Capacity on Path Integration
Their motivation and contributions to the lab were invaluable, and we are grateful for their hard work over the summer. We look forward to seeing their continued success. Congratulations, Alayah and Marie!