Chrastil Lab awarded grant from NSF to study navigation and robotics

The Chrastil Lab, along with collaborators Jeff Krichmar, Craig Stark, and Mary Hegarty, were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation, “Advantages of varying navigational abilities in humans and robots.”
The award will take a full-scale examination of individual differences in navigational ability, from both brain and behavior, and then connecting that to make robots with similar variation.

Chrastil Lab awarded grant to study navigation, sex differences, and aging

The Chrastil Lab was awarded a grant from UCI MIND/Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement for “Sex differences in spatial navigation during aging.”
Women have higher rates of dementia than men. Their large sex differences in navigation is a promising early marker for dementia, and the lab will be studying these factors together across the midlife and older adult lifespan.

Lily Cheng publishes paper in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Student in the Spatial Neuroscience Lab, Lily Cheng, publishes paper Telling Right from Right: The Influence of Handedness in the Mental Rotation of Hands in Cognitive Research.

Congrats Lily!

Lily Cheng presents Advancement Defense to the Department of Cognitive Sciences

The Spatial Neuroscience Lab’s very own, Ph.D. student Lily Cheng, completed her Advancement Defense in March 2020!
She proposed a series of studies to understand the role of travel direction in the navigation process, as well as how and where travel direction information is coded in the brain.

Great job Lily!


Subscribe to the Spatial Neuroscience Lab YouTube channel!

Check out and subscribe to the Spatial Neuroscience Lab’s new channel on YouTube!

We will be posting all things relating to navigation, virtual reality, memory, and learning. Also take a look at the new playlist of videos discussing sex differences in navigation!


UCI Spatial Neuroscience Lab




Happy Brain Awareness Week!

The UCI Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) is hosting Brain Awareness Week (virtually) this week from March 16th-22nd!

Check out the video below to get a sneak peek of what we are all about here in the Chrastil Lab and at CAVERN!






Liz & Lily Present at 60th Annual Psychonomics

Another Lab Manager joins the Spatial Neuroscience Team

Welcome to the Chrastil Lab, Nikki Hatamian! We are so excited to have you!

Liz and PhD student Justin Kasowski present at SfN 2019

Justin and Liz will be presenting at the Society for Neuroscience – Neuroscience 2019 in Chicago, Illinois this week on the Assessment of Individual Differences in Navigation by Diffusion MRI Connectometry.

Chrastil Lab welcomes two new Lab Managers


September 16, 2019

Welcome to UC Irvine Bailey Tranquada-Torres & Robert Woodry!