Tu, A., Krohn, N., Cooper, A.C., Puthusseryppady, V., McIntyre, C., & Chrastil, E.R. (2024). Do total hippocampus and hippocampal subfield volumes relate to navigation ability? A call towards methodological consistency. Cortex 118, 233-257
Tu, A., Krohn, N., Cooper, A.C., Puthusseryppady, V., McIntyre, C., & Chrastil, E.R (2024).
Yoo, J., Chrastil, E.R., & Bornstein (2024). Cognitive graphs: Representational substrates for planning. Decision 11(4), 537-556
Yoo, J., Chrastil, E.R., & Bornstein (2024)
Pritschet, L., Taylor, C.M., Cossio, D., Santander, T., Grotzinger, H., Faskowitz, J., Handwerker, D.A., Layher, E., Chrastil, E.R.*, & Jacobs, E.G.* (2024). Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy. Nature Neuroscience 27, 2253-2260 * indicates co-senior and corresponding authors
Pritschet, L., Taylor, C.M., Cossio, D., Santander, T., Grotzinger, H., Faskowitz, J., Handwerker, D.A., Layher, E., Chrastil, E.R., & Jacobs, E.G. (2024)
Mohaddesi, S.A., Hegarty, M., Chrastil, E.R., & Krichmar, J.L. (2024). Benefit of varying navigation strategies in robot teams. Conference paper, 17th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14993, 63-77, Eds. Brock & Krichmar
Mohaddesi, S.A., Hegarty, M., Chrastil, E.R., & Krichmar, J.L. (2024)
Puthusseryppady, V., Cossio, D., Yu, S., Rezwana, F., Hegarty, M.*, Jacobs, E.G.*, & Chrastil, E.R.* (2024). Less spatial exploration is associated with poorer spatial memory in midlife adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16:1382801 * indicates co-senior and corresponding authors
Puthusseryppady, V., Cossio, D., Yu, S., Rezwana, F., Hegarty, M., Jacobs, E.G., & Chrastil, E.R. (2024).
Cheng, Y., Ling, S., Stern, C.E., Huang, A. & Chrastil, E.R. (2024). (Don’t) look where you are going: Evidence for a travel direction signal in humans that is independent of head direction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(4), 1038-1052.
Cheng, Y., Ling, S., Stern, C.E., Huang, A. & Chrastil, E.R. (2024)
Puthusseryppady, V., Cossio, D., & Chrastil, E.R. (2024). Spatial memory and hippocampal remapping: Who will age well? Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 121(3), e2319952121
Puthusseryppady, V., Cossio, D., & Chrastil, E.R. (2024)
Chrastil, E.R. (2023). Human path integration and the neural underpinnings. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Edited chapter.
Montello, D.M., Davis, R.C., Johnson, M., & Chrastil, E.R. (2023). The symmetry and asymmetry of pedestrian route choice, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 87, 102004.
Montello, D.M., Davis, R.C., Johnson, M., & Chrastil, E.R. (2023)
Alexander, A.S.*, Place, R.*, Starrett, M.J.*, Chrastil, E.R.†, & Nitz, D.A.† (2023). Rethinking retrosplenial cortex: Perspectives and predictions, Neuron, 111(2), 150-175.
* denotes equal authorship † indicates co-senior and co-corresponding authors
Alexander, A.S., Place, R., Starrett, M.J., Chrastil, E.R., & Nitz, D.A. (2023)
Chrastil, E.R., & Cheng, Y. (2023). Central coordination and integration of diverse information to form a single map. Peer-reviewed book chapter. Collective Spatial Cognition: A Research Agenda, Ed. K.M. Curtin & D.R. Montello. London: Routledge.
Xing, J., Chrastil, E.R., Nitz, D.A., & Krichmar, J.L. (2022). Linking global top-down views to first-person views in the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(45) e2202024119.
Xing, J., Chrastil, E.R., Nitz, D.A., & Krichmar, J.L. (2022)
Cheng, Y.*, He, C.*, Hegarty, M., & Chrastil, E.R. (2022). Who believes they are good navigators? A machine learning pipeline highlights the impact of gender, commuting time, and education. Machine Learning with Applications, 10, 100419.
* denotes equal authorship
Cheng, Y., He, C., Hegarty, M., & Chrastil, E.R. (2022)
He, C., Chrastil, E.R., & Hegarty, M. (2022). A new psychometric task measuring spatial perspective taking in ambulatory virtual reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3, 971502.
He, C., Chrastil, E.R., & Hegarty, M. (2022)
Chrastil, E.R., Rice, C., Goncalves, M., Moore, K.N., Wynn, S.C., Stern, C.E., & Nyhus, E. (2022). Theta oscillations support active exploration in human spatial navigation. NeuroImage, 262, 119581.
Chrastil, E.R., Rice, C., Goncalves, M., Moore, K.N., Wynn, S.C., Stern, C.E., & Nyhus, E. (2022).
Munns, M.E, Tranquada-Torres, B., Chrastil, E.R., & Hegarty, M. (2022). Large-scale vs small-scale spatial abilities: Development of a broad spatial activities questionnaire. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44.
Munns, M.E, Tranquada-Torres, B., Chrastil, E.R., & Hegarty, M. (2022).
Hegarty, M., He, C., Boone, A.P., Yu, S., Jacobs, E.G., & Chrastil, E.R. (2022). Understanding differences in wayfinding strategies. Topics in Cognitive Science.
Hegarty, M., He, C., Boone, A.P., Yu, S., Jacobs, E.G., & Chrastil, E.R. (2022)
Yu, S., Boone, A. P., He, C., Davis, R., Hegarty, M.*, Chrastil, E.R.*, & Jacobs, E.* (2021). Age-related changes in spatial navigation are evident by midlife and differ by sex. Psychological Science, 32(5), 692–704.
*indicates co-senior and corresponding authors
Yu, S., Boone, A. P., He, C., Davis, R., Hegarty, M*., Chrastil, E.*, & Jacobs, E.* (2021)
Chrastil, E. R., & Warren, W. H. (2021). Executing the homebound path is a major source of error in homing by path integration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(1), 13–35.
Chrastil & Warren (2021)
Cheng, Y., Hegarty, M. & Chrastil, E.R. (2020). Telling right from right: the influence of handedness in the mental rotation of hands. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5, 25.
Cheng, Y., Hegarty, M. & Chrastil, E.R. (2020)
Ericson, J.D., Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2020). Space syntax visibility graph analysis is not robust to changes in spatial and temporal resolution. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Ericson, J.D., Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2020)
Chrastil, E.R., Nicora, G.L., & Huang, A. (2019). Vision and body-based cues make equal contributions to path integration in a novel homing task. Cognition, 192, 103998.
Chrastil, E.R, Nicora, G.L., Huang, A. (2019)
Brown, T.I., & Chrastil, E.R. (2019). Editorial: Spatial Navigation: Memory mechanisms and executive function interactions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 202.
Brown, T.I., & Chrastil, E.R. (2019)
Izen, S.*, Chrastil, E.R.*, & Stern, C.E. (2018). Resting state connectivity between medial temporal lobe regions and intrinsic cortical networks predicts performance in a path integration task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 415.
*denotes equal authorship
Izen, S.*, Chrastil, E.R.*, & Stern, C.E. (2018)
Chrastil, E. R.*, Tobyne, S. M.*, Nauer, R. K., Chang, A. E., & Stern, C.E. (2018). Converging meta-analytic and connectomic evidence for functional sub-regions within the human retrosplenial region. Behavioral Neuroscience, 132, 339-355.
*denotes equal authorship
Chrastil, E. R.*, Tobyne, S. M.*, Nauer, R. K., Chang, A. E., & Stern, C.E. (2018)
Chrastil, E.R. (2018). Heterogeneity in human retrosplenial cortex: A review of function and connectivity. Behavioral Neuroscience, 132, 317-338.
Chrastil, E.R. (2018)
Sherrill, K.R., Chrastil, E.R., Aselcioglu, I., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2018). Structural differences in hippocampal and entorhinal gray matter volume support individual differences in first-person navigational ability. Neuroscience, 380, 123-131.
Sherrill, K.R., Chrastil, E.R., Aselcioglu, I., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2018)
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Aselcioglu, I., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2017). Individual differences in human path integration abilities correlate with gray matter volume in retrosplenial cortex, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex. eNeuro, 4(2), e0346-16.2017, 1-14.
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Aselcioglu, I., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2017)
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2017). Rotational error in path integration: Encoding and execution errors in angle reproduction. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 1885-1897.
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2017)
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2016). Which way and how far? Tracking of translation and rotation information for human path integration. Human Brain Mapping, 37, 3636-3655.
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2016)
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2015). There and back again: Hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex track homing distance in human path integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(46), 15442-15452.
Chrastil, E. R., Sherrill, K.R., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2015)
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2015). Active and passive spatial learning in human navigation: Acquisition of graph knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 41(4), 1162-1178.
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2015)
Sherrill, K.R., Chrastil, E.R., Ross, R.S., Erdem, U.M., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2015). Functional connections between optic flow areas and navigationally responsive brain regions during goal-directed navigation. NeuroImage, 118, 386-396.
Sherrill, K.R., Chrastil, E.R., Ross, R.S., Erdem, U.M., Hasselmo, M.E., & Stern, C.E. (2015)
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2014). From cognitive maps to cognitive graphs. PLOS ONE, 9(11), e112544.
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2014).
Connors, E.C., Chrastil, E.R., Sanchez, J., & Merebet, L.B. (2014). Virtual environments for the transfer of navigation skills in the blind: A comparison of directed instruction vs. video game based learning approaches. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 223, 1-13.
Connors, E.C., Chrastil, E.R., Sanchez, J., & Merebet, L.B. (2014).
Connors, E.C., Chrastil, E.R., Sanchez, J., & Merebet, L.B. (2014). Action video game play and transfer of navigation and spatial cognition skills in early blind adolescents. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 133, 1-8.
Connors, E.C., Chrastil, E.R., Sanchez, J., & Merebet, L.B. (2014)
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2014). Is path integration based on an intrinsic metric or absolute distance? Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(1), 230-246.
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2014).
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2013). Active and passive spatial learning in human navigation: Acquisition of survey knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(5), 1520-1537.
Chrastil, E.R., & Warren, W.H. (2013)
Chrastil, E.R. (2013). Neural evidence supports a novel framework for spatial navigation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 208-227.
Chrastil, E.R. (2013)
Chrastil, E. R., & Warren, W. H. (2012). Active and passive contributions to spatial learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 1-23.
Chrastil, E. R., & Warren, W. H. (2012)
Chrastil, E.R., Getz, W.M., Euler, H.A., & Starks, P.T. (2006). Paternity uncertainty overrides sex chromosome selection for preferential grandparenting. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27(3), 206-223.
Chrastil, E.R., Getz, W.M., Euler, H.A., & Starks, P.T. (2006)
Yarkoni,T., Gray, J.R., Chrastil, E.R., Barch, D.M., Green, L., & Braver, T.S. (2005). Sustained neural activity associated with cognitive control during temporally extended decision making. Cognitive Brain Research, 23, 71-84.
Yarkoni,T., Gray, J.R., Chrastil, E.R., Barch, D.M., Green, L., & Braver, T.S. (2005)