Elena Dominguez, B.S., PhD Candidate

B.S., Psychology, 2015, Brooklyn College



Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2018-Present
Graduate Student, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program
University of California, Irvine
B.S. cum laude, Psychology, 2011-2015
Brooklyn College

Elena Dominguez earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology from the City University of New York-Brooklyn College. She transitioned into the field of neuroscience during her post baccalaureate training at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine where she worked with Dr. Jose Luis Pena. These experiences ultimately led her to pursue her Ph.D. at University of California Irvine under the mentorship of Dr. Craig Stark and Dr. Claudia Kawas. She now studies cognitive aging in individuals 90 and above. During her pre-doctoral training, her goal is to study advanced aging and further understand what underlies the trajectory of typical age related cognitive decline. Beyond the lab, she is the co-chair of Recruitment on the Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience (DECADE) student council. She helps to coordinate graduate preparation programs for UCI undergraduate students and community-building events for graduate students. She is also the co-chair for the Older Adults Events committee for the CNLM Ambassadors where she engages in community support and open dialogues about the science that is relevant to older individuals and their families.


Batista, G., Johnson, J. L., Dominguez, E., Costa-Mattioli, M., & Pena, J. L. (2018) Regulation of filial imprinting and structural plasticity by mTORC1 in newborn chickens. Scientific Reports

Batista, G., Johnson, J. L., Dominguez, E., Costa-Mattioli, M., & Pena, J. L. (2016). Translational control of auditory imprinting and structural plasticity by eIF2α. Elife, 5.


2018Trainee Professional Development Award, Society for
2017-18School of Biological Sciences Dean’s Graduate Fellowship Award
2017Diversity Recruitment Fellowship, University of California, Irvine
2017Bunton-Waller Fellowship Award, Pennsylvania State University
2015-17Postbaccalaureate Enrichment Program Scholar (PREP), Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2013-15Maximizing Access Research Careers Scholar (MARC), Brooklyn College
2014Research in Science and Engineering Scholar, Rutgers University
2012-14Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Fellow, Brooklyn College
2011-13Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program Scholar (RISE), Brooklyn College