
Wave gradient background
Treg (Foxp3-GFP) and Th17 (IL17-TdT) cells in the Inguinal lymph node (Unpublished)
Treg (Foxp3-GFP) and Th17 (IL17-TdT) display distinct motility patterns in the leptomeninges during EAE (PNAS 2020)

Adoptively transferred MOG35-55-specific 2D2DsRed Th17 Cells in the spinal cord (PNAS 2020)
Repetitive scanning motility enables Treg (Green) cells to limit Th17 (Red) cell access to APCs (Yellow) in the spinal cord during EAE (PNAS 2020). 
Single-cell readout of activation (aCD3) in transgenic T cells expressing Salsa6f (Elife 2017)
Salsa6f-transfected human T cell in a confined microchannel; Merged red (tdTomato), green (GCaMP6f), and DIC channels (Elife 2017)
Treg (green) and Th17 (red) cells in the lumbosacral region of the spinal cord at the onset of EAE (PNAS 2020)

Spread of Treg (green) and Th17 (red) cells along the length of the spinal cord at the peak of EAE (PNAS 2020)
Calcium transients (green flashes) in steady-state lymph nodes; Red channel is turned off to highlight Ca2+ transients (Elife 2017).
Persistence of Treg and Th17 cells in the spinal cord during the chronic phase of EAE (PNAS 2020)
Motility patterns of  CD4+ T cells with (Red) and without (Blue) functional Piezo1 channels in the lymph node (Sci Adv 2021)
Microglia (green) interacting with CRH+ neurons (red) in the PVN of a P8 male mouse brain (Cell Reports 2022).