C. Zhao, P.D. Webster, A. De Angeli, F. Tombola (2023) Mechanically-primed voltage-gated proton channels from angiosperm plants. Nature Commun. 14:7515.
S. Noh, F. Tombola, P. Burke (2023) Nanowire biosensors with olfactory proteins: towards a genuine electronic nose with single molecule sensitivity and high selectivity. Nanotechnology 34: 465502.
C. Zhao, L. Hong, S. Riahi, V.T. Lim, D.J. Tobias, F. Tombola (2021) A novel Hv1 inhibitor reveals a new mechanism of inhibition of a voltage-sensing domain. J. Gen. Physiol. 153(9): e202012833.
C. Zhao, L. Hong, J.D. Galpin, S. Riahi, V.T. Lim, P.D. Webster, D.J. Tobias, C.A. Ahern, F. Tombola (2021) HIFs: new arginine mimic inhibitors of the Hv1 channel with improved VSD-ligand interactions. J. Gen. Physiol. 153(9): e202012832.
C. Zhao & F. Tombola (2021) Voltage-gated proton channels from fungi highlight role of peripheral regions in channel activation. Commun. Biol. 4: 261.
V.T. Lim, J.A. Freites, F. Tombola, D.J. Tobias (2021) Thermodynamics and Mechanism of the Membrane Permeation of Hv1 Channel Blockers. J. Membr. Biol. 254: 5-16.
V.T. Lim, A.D. Geragotelis, N.M. Lim, J.A. Freites, F. Tombola, D. Mobley, D. Tobias (2020) Insights on small molecule binding to the Hv1 proton channel from free energy calculations with molecular dynamics simulations. Sci. Rep. 10: 13587.
A.D. Geragotelis, M.L. Wood, H. Göddeke, L. Hong, P.D. Webster, E.K. Wong, J.A. Freites, F. Tombola, D.J. Tobias (2020) Voltage-dependent structural models of the human Hv1 proton channel from long-timescale molecular dynamics simulations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 117(24): 13490-13498.
R. Kautz, L. Phan, J. Arulmoli, A. Chatterjee, J.P. Kerr, M. Naeim, J. Long, A. Allevato, J.E. Leal-Cruz, L. Le, P. Derakhshan, F. Tombola, L.A. Flanagan, A.A. Gorodetsky (2020) Growth and Spatial Control of Murine Neural Stem Cells on Reflectin Films. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 6(3): 1311-1320.
K.L. Ellefsen, J.R. Holt, A.C. Chang, J.L. Nourse, J. Arulmoli, A.H. Mekhdjian, H. Abuwarda, F. Tombola, L.A. Flanagan, A.R. Dunn, I. Parker, M.M. Pathak (2019) Myosin-II mediated traction forces evoke localized Piezo1-dependent Ca2+ flickers. Commun. Biol. 2: 298.
M.L. Wood, J.A. Freites, F. Tombola, and D.J. Tobias (2017) Atomistic Modeling of Ion Conduction through the Voltage-Sensing Domain of the Shaker K+ Ion Channel. J. Phys. Chem. B. 121(15):3804-3812.
M.M. Pathak, T. Tran, L. Hong, B. Joós, C.E. Morris, and F. Tombola (2016) The Hv1 proton channel responds to mechanical stimuli. J. Gen. Physiol. 148(5): 405-418.
L. Phan, R. Kautz, J. Arulmoli, I.H. Kim, D-T.T. Le, M.A. Shenk, M.M. Pathak, L.A. Flanagan, F. Tombola, A.A. Gorodetsky (2016) Reflectin as a material for neural stem cell growth. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8(1): 278-284.
L. Hong & F. Tombola, (2016) Allostery: A lipid two-step Nat. Chem. Biol. 12(4): 202-3.
L. Hong, V. Singh, H. Wulff, F. Tombola (2015) Interrogation of the intersubunit interface of the open Hv1 proton channel with a probe of allosteric coupling. Sci. Rep. 5: 14077.
J. Arulmoli, M.M. Pathak, L. McDonnell, J.L. Nourse, F. Tombola, J. Earthman, L.A. Flanagan (2015) Static stretch affects neural stem cell differentiation in an extracellular matrix-dependent manner. Sci. Rep. 5: 8499.
M.M. Pathak, J.L. Nourse, T. Tran, J. Hwe, J. Arulmoli, D-T.T. Le, E. Bernardis, L.A. Flanagan, F. Tombola (2014) Stretch-activated ion channel Piezo1 directs lineage choice in human neural stem cells. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 111(45): 16148-53.
I.H. Kim, P. Hevezi, C. Varga, M.M. Pathak, L. Hong, D. Ta, C.T. Tran, A. Zlotnik, I. Soltesz, F. Tombola (2014) Evidence for functional diversity between the voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 and its closest related protein HVRP1. PLoS One 9(8): e105926.
L. Hong, I.H. Kim, F. Tombola (2014) Molecular determinants of Hv1 proton channel inhibition by guanidine derivatives. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 111(27):9971-6.
J.L. Nourse, J.L. Prieto, A.R. Dickson, J. Lu, M.M. Pathak, F. Tombola, M. Demetriou, A.P. Lee, L.A. Flanagan (2014) Membrane biophysics define neuron and astrocyte progenitors in the neural lineage. Stem Cells 32(3): 706-16.
L. Hong, M.M. Pathak, I.H. Kim, D. Ta, F. Tombola (2013) Voltage-sensing domain of voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 shares mechanism of block with pore domains. Neuron 77(2): 274-286.
M.L. Wood, E.V. Schow, J.A. Freites, S.H. White, F. Tombola, D.J. Tobias (2012) Water wires in atomistic models of the Hv1 proton channel. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1818(2): 286-93.
F. Tombola, M.H. Ulbrich, S.C. Kohout, E.Y. Isacoff (2010) The opening of the two pores of the Hv1 voltage-gated proton channel is tuned by cooperativity. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17(1): 44-50.