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- AH Do, PT Wang, CE King, A Abiri, Z Nenadic. Brain-computer interface controlled functional electrical stimulation system for ankle movement. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 8 (1), 49, 2011.
- AH Do, PT Wang, CE King, A Schombs, SC Cramer, Z Nenadic. Brain-computer interface controlled functional electrical stimulation device for foot drop due to stroke. Proc. of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. p6414–6417, 2012.
- PT Wang, CE King, AH Do, Z Nenadic. A durable, low-cost electrogoniometer for dynamic measurement of joint trajectories. Medical engineering & physics 33 (5), 546-552, 2011.
- AH Do, PT Wang, CE King, SN Chun, Z Nenadic. Brain-computer interface controlled robotic gait orthosis. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 10 (111), 2013.
- PT Wang, CE King, LA Chui, AH Do, Z Nenadic. Self-paced brain–computer interface control of ambulation in a virtual reality environment. Journal of Neural Engineering, 9 (5), 056016, 2012.
- CE King, PT Wang, M Mizuta, DJ Reinkensmeyer, AH Do, S Moromugi, Z Nenadic. Noninvasive brain-computer interface driven hand orthosis. Proc. of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p 5786-5789, 2011.
- CE King, PT Wang, LA Chui, AH Do, Z Nenadic. Operation of a brain-computer interface walking simulator for individuals with spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 10 (1), 77, 2013.
- PT Wang, C King, LA Chui, Z Nenadic, A Do. BCI controlled walking simulator for a BCI driven FES device. Proc of RESNA Ann Conf, 2010.
- PT Wang, CE King, SJ Shaw, DE Millett, CY Liu, LA Chui, Z Nenadic, AH Do. A co-registration approach for electrocorticogram electrode localization using post-implantation MRI and CT of the head. 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 525-528, 2013.
- AH Do, PT Wang, CE King, A Schombs, JJ Lin, M Sazgar, FPK Hsu, SJ Shaw, DE Millett, CY Liu, AA Szymanska, LA Chui, Z Nenadic. Sensitivity and specificity of upper extremity movements decoded from electrocorticogram. Proc. of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013.
- PT Wang, CE King, AH Do, Z Nenadic. Pushing the Communication Speed Limit of a Noninvasive BCI Speller., 2012.
- PT Wang, CE King, A Schombs, JJ Lin, M Sazgar, FPK Hsu, SJ Shaw, DE Millett, CY Liu, LA Chui, Z Nenadic, AH Do. Electrocorticographic Gamma Band Power Encodes the Velocity of Upper Extremity Movements. The 5th International Brain Computer Interface Meeting, 2013.
- A Galion, AH Do, GY Chang. Lateralized infarction in cerebral air embolism due to patient positioning. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 17 (7), 943-944, 2010.
- RD Flint, PT Wang, ZA Wright, CE King, MO Krucoff, SU Schuele, JM Rosenow, FPK Hsu, CY Liu, JJ Lin, M Sazgar, DE Millett, SJ Shaw, Z Nenadic, AH Do, MW Slutzky. Extracting kinetic information from human motor cortical signals. NeuroImage, 2014.
- CE King, CM McCrimmon, PT Wang, CCY Chou, Z Nenadic, AH Do. Brain-Computer Interface Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation System for Overground Walking: A Case Report (P3. 055). Neurology 82 (10 Supplement), P3. 055-P3. 055, 2014.
- PT Wang, CE King, CM McCrimmon, SJ Shaw, DE Millett, CY Liu, LA Chui, AH Do. Electrocorticogram encoding of upper extremity movement duration. Proc. of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014.
- CE King, PT Wang, CM McCrimmon, CCY Chou, AH Do, Z Nenadic. Brain-Computer Interface Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation System for Overground Walking in Spinal Cord Injury Participant. Proc. of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014.
- CM McCrimmon, CE King, PT Wang, SC Cramer, Z Nenadic, AH Do. Brain-Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation for Lower-Limb Motor Recovery in Stroke Survivors. Proc. of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014.
- AH Do, PT Wang, CE King, A Schombs, Z Nenadic, SC Cramer. Brain-computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation As A Novel Approach To Improving Foot-drop After Stroke. International Stroke Conference 2013, 44: ATP94, 2012.
- AH Do, PT Wang, A Abiri, CE King, Z Nenadic. Brain Computer Interface Control of Functional Electrical Stimulation to Restore Foot Dorsiflexion. NEUROLOGY 76 (9), A503-A503, 2011.