Valeria Rodríguez-Guevara

Undergraduate (Bio Sci) · 

I am an undergraduate pursuing a  B.S. in Biological Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. I have been a part of the Ulloa lab as a research assistant since February of 2023 beginning with work-study and now as a part of the Bio Sci 199 program. I’ve also participated in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), the UC3P program, and the LAEP program. My future career aspiration consists of attending medical school and later specializing in pediatrics.

Research Highlights: Research Experience Fellowship (2023-2024) · UROP LAEP recipient (2024) ·  SURP Scholar (2024) · UC3P Scholar (2024-2025) · Bio Sci 199 Scholar (2023-2024)